Thursday, March 31, 2011
There's a new man in my life...

Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Rita, Purina, and Romantic Times

Secondly, I've entered a little contest of my own. My fiance, Patrick Burns, and I have done a video application to be Purina's first Cat Chow Correspondents. Check it out and leave a comment for us, if you will.
Thirdly, I'm getting ready to join everyone out in Los Angeles for the Romantic Times Booklovers Convention where they're featuring teen reads. There's going to be a huge Teen day with book signings and speed reading "dates" with teen authors, as well as panels, discussions, giveaways, and more. My awesome publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt has donated a ton of not only my GHOST HUNTRESS series, but also Heather's Rita nominated THE CLEARING. So exciting! And, I'm doing a ghost hunting basket giveaway including my series, my how-to book, some basic ghost hunting equipment and more fun stuff.
To celebrate all the good things going on, I'm going to give away an advanced copy of my upcoming May release, GHOST HUNTRESS: THE DISCOVERY.

Just leave a comment here in the trail or on my YouTube video, to be entered to win. I'll announce the winner next Wednesday.
Marley = )
Ghosts don't hang up their sheets after Halloween!
GHOST HUNTRESS series - The Awakening, The Guidance,
The Reason, The Counseling - available now!
Monday, March 28, 2011
After High School: What Comes Next? (giveaway)

In my book, How to Hook a Hottie, 17 year-old Kate DelVecchio has very different plans for her post-high-school future than her parents...and part of the story deals with how she’s going to get around them to make her life happen her way.

That storyline came to me partly because two of my kids were nearing the end of high school at the time, and I was watching them and their friends weighing options. Because clearly, it’s a stressful time, with many factors needing to be weighed carefully, especially if you’re not entirely certain what your life’s plan is.
Four year college...community college...straight to work...trade/tech school...military...”gap year”...and more!
So as we near April 1st of this year (the date by which most four year colleges will reply), my youngest son and his friends will be addressing these questions AND answers, deciding who is going where and who is doing what and how.
Exciting times. Kind of nerve-racking, too.
How about you? Are you or anyone in your life in post-high-school flux? Or do you remember this time in your life and the choices you did or did not make?
Please share with us. And next Monday, I’ll give away a signed copy of HOW TO HOOK A HOTTIE to one commenter!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
Saturday, March 26, 2011
YA Romances, How We Adore Thee

Guess who's nominated for a Rita?

For those of you who don't know, a RITA is like a Golden Globe or an Oscar for the romance/women's fiction world. This year Heather is nominated in the best YA catagory for this poignant story of star-crossed lovers. If you haven't read THE CLEARING yet, get thee to your nearest independent bookstore and get your hands on it NOW. This will be the next big NYT bestseller and don't you want to be the one who has an "early" copy?
Neededless to say, this is a HUGE achivement and all of the Buzz Girls (in person and in spirit) are going to be at the Romance Writers of America conference in NYC to cheer her on this summer!
I've known Heather for almost 10 years now. When I first moved to Seattle and joined the writing chapter, Heather was one of the very first people to make me feel at home. Five years later, this lovely lady and I became critique partners and close friends and from there....miracles! We both both agents shortly after and within months of each other SOLD our first books! Heather has always been my writing lucky charm, an inspiration, a mentor and a very, very good friend.
Since that first sale, Heather's career has really taken off and with two books out and a third on the way, Heather is unstoppable! Please join me in congratulating Heather on behalf of all us Buzz Girls.
CONGRATS honey! We are so proud of you!
Check out all the details of Heather's RITA nomiated book, THE CLEARING at her website: http://heatherdavisbooks.wordpress.com. We Buzz Girls are going to continue this big celebration with a WHOLE WEEK dedicated to THE CLEARING with fun and prizes so keep checking back here for details!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Weekend Reading!
After having it gaze longingly at me from the to-be-read pile, The Sweet Far Thing finally made it into my hands.
For me, if I'm going to read an 800+ page book, I need solid blocks of reading time. That's why, this book, which I purchased in hardcover when it first came out (a long while ago!) has been languishing. Also, it's the third book of a trilogy, so it's hard for me to let the series go. Maybe that accounts for the delay, too...
As I hoped, it was an awesome read and a great wrap up to Libba Bray's Gemma Doyle series. I highly recommend it.
So, I'm curious --
How many of you will wait to start a bigger book like I did? Do you save books for a big reading weekend, or do you nibble away over weeks and weeks? What is next in your stack for a pleasure reading weekend?
Wherever You Go - Harcourt November 2011
The Clearing - HMH
Never Cry Werewolf - HarperTeen
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Spring Storms: Hot or Not?
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I can practically smell the ozone in this pic by -Qualsiasi. |
On a stormy night I'll open the window in my room and lie there in the dark listening to wind, thunder, and rain pinging against the window. Ironically, storms make me feel peaceful. If I could sleep outside in a storm (without floating away or getting toasted by lightning) I would.
And as much as I love storms, I love the day after almost as much. The skies are a clearer blue than usual, the air is fresh, and the natural world comes to life with signing birds and frolicking wildlife.
What about you? Do you love a good symphony or thunder and lightning? Or do you hide under your blankets and hope it passes by quickly?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Spring Has Sprung!

Students and teachers are either on their way back from spring breaks, kicking them off, and eagerly anticipating them...and Passover and Easter are getting steadily closer.
In Los Angeles, we are “celebrating” with an extended rainstorm, and up in our ski areas, it’s snow/snow/snow. How are you marking the news that spring has sprung? With a break from school, planting a garden, maybe working out a little toward your summer swimsuit?
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
Friday, March 18, 2011
Bigfoot anyone?

For me, it's the Loch Ness Monster. I've always been fascinated by Nessie. I still think that somewhere in that loch in Scotland, she successfully avoids sonars and doesn't peek her head up quite as much as she used to. I've always felt that she was a kind animal. Like a cross between a brontosaurus and a Beluga whale. She would never capsize a boat or eat an unsuspecting swimmer. I even suspect that she probably saved a few children from drowning before the first picture of her surfaced.
Okay, so who do you still believe in? And don't even think about telling me that you don't still make a wish anytime the clock says 11:11! :)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I am, and I promise it's not just underwear. (That old trick never works, btw.) Yes, I'm wearing green because I love St. Patrick’s Day!
Part of my love for it has to do with the food. Even though I don’t eat beef, I’ll still make cabbage, potatoes, and carrots with some chicken, and of course, the soda bread. Every year I debate whether or not to stir in some raisins (an American addition). The raisins usually win.
This year, I’ve been looking around today for a lower fat soda bread to replace my family one (which includes butter and eggs) and I saw a ton of varieties to try. There was even a vegan recipe for soda bread at www.lowfatvegancooking.com, TLC! On another site, I did find one that has no butter or eggs, but includes traditional buttermilk, so I may try that one tonight.
I know I write about food a lot. I think it’s because my dad is such an amazing cook. He showed his love for us through cooking and passed on his knowledge in small, non-judgmental doses. He let us follow recipes, innovate some our own, and always was there with a hint or two when you needed it. (Like, there's no need to add lemon juice to a red sauce.) I’m sure he’ll be making some soda bread tonight.
My interest in cooking really began when I was a teen, so it seemed natural to give the protagonist in my fall book, Wherever You Go, the same love. Throughout the book Holly makes things like meatballs, marinara, brownies, cupcakes, stew, lasagna, and baked chicken for her little sister and grandpa. Maybe I’ll need to have a recipe page on my website when the book comes out in November.
So, are you cooking Irish food or going out for something yummy to celebrate the wearing o’ the green tonight? I would love to hear what’s on the menu for your St. Paddy’s celebration.
Enjoy the day!
Wherever You Go - Harcourt - November 2011
The Clearing - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Never Cry Werewolf - HarperTeen
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Save Us Spartacus
I blame Sophie Jordan for my introduction to Spartacus. (And True Blood for that matter—curse her and her irresistible premium cable channels!)
The tag line for season one was Blood and Sand and boy is that fitting. I have never seen a bloodier show. It's almost B-movie horror flick epic proportions of blood, but there is something magical about the cinematography that turns it into more of an artistic effect than a gory mess.
It is the amazingly emotional story of a Thracian soldier who, betrayed by Rome, is sold into slavery and becomes a gladiator. His wife is also taken and he is driven to win by the desire to earn his freedom and find her. The title character is played by Andy Whitfield. (Yum, yum. Yum, yum-yum, yum.)
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And he's Welsh, to boot! |
(Sadly, Andy had to bow out of the series to undergo treatment for non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Think good thoughts for this sexy, talented man.)
If you're looking for a show that appeals to guys (action and intrigue and—since this is premium cable—plenty of ladies without their clothes) and girls (hot sweaty warrior guys, 'nuff said) that has both wonderful stories and strong emotional journeys, and you're not afraid of a little (a whole freakin' lot of) blood, the definitely give Spartacus a try. It's available instantly via Netflix.
Now excuse me while I go catch up on season two, Gods of the Arena.
Monday, March 14, 2011
True Blood: Better Late Than Never!
Of course, I’d heard all the raves about the HBO program based on the series, True Blood. And recently I caught a little and decided to start back at Season 1, Episode 1 and give it a go...

And wow, hot stuff and great plot twists and lotza drama. But I will admit that I put a sofa cushion over my face when it starts getting all bloody...
I might have to get the whole book series now, too.
Who else is watching True Blood?
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
Sunday, March 13, 2011
"What are the Buzz Girls Up To" Giveaway Winner!

Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Busy and Enigmatic Tina Ferraro!
If you haven't read any of Miss Tina's books, get thee to her website stat!
How was the holiday season? Did anything surprising happen to you?
I had a great holiday season, including a few days in a condo with my family at a ski resort! I stopped skiing when I was a teen--it just didn't appeal to me--but I had quality "quiet time" while they were on the slopes, and enjoyed the movie and games nights.
What are you most looking forward to in 2011?
The Romantic Times conference Los Angeles in April. Especially Saturday, April 9th, which is Teen Day!
In my personal life, all three of my kids will be away-at-college come fall, so that means from now on, for months at a time, at least, my husband and I will have an "empty nest." I expect to do a lot of writing! And while I will always miss my kids, I am treasuring this next phase of their lives and so proud of the roads they are taking.

Here is Tina looking quite at home in a dorm!
What book are you currently reading?
I have spent the past several months reading all books by adult romance author, Kristan Higgins. I chatted with her a couple times at the Romance Writers of America conference last year, as we were both RITA finalists, and later found one of her books in my "goodie" bag. From the first page, I was hooked, and have not only bought them all, but talked her up to all my friends, too.
While Kristan Higgins is not a young adult author, her stories are sweet, funny and touching, and I could see them appealing to certain teens, as well.
What exciting book news do you have to share with your readers?
Well, I have a novel being shopped right now called HALF-LIFE. Its a teen angel story with the surviving twin facing some dangerous issues, with help from the twin who passed away long, long ago.
And I am putting the final touches on a second book that?s still kind of hush-hush, but I can leak these items: hot surfer dude, a truly crazy crush, and truth behind the secret menu at In-N-Out Burger...
Well, there you have it! For those of you who have read Tina's books, please comment on this post with your favorite book and/or character. For those you haven't, tell us what you're reading now!
Post for a chance to win the lovely jewelry!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Friday, March 11, 2011
What's new with Wendy?!?
Since Wendy lives in Utah, and I live in Illinois, we just don't get to see each other as often as I would like. But I sent her a list of questions so that we could all get caught up on what is going on in her life.
Steph: What's new on the writing front? Can you give us any teasers on new novels?
Wendy: Well, I'm still in the very early stages of a new book idea (writing a proposal) so nothing really to share at this point. I do love this idea though; it's a bit paranormal and I tell it in dual POV, male and female.
Steph: Are you attending any conferences this year?
Wendy: I am not sure as of now. This is getting to be a very busy year already with reunions left and right. I hope to make it to RWA Nationals in NYC this summer and would love to go to some smaller ones if opportunity knocks.
Steph: Anything new in your personal life that you want to share?
Wendy: My husband and I are going on a vacation to Kauai this month and I've very excited. I've never been to that island and I'm hoping to get lots of good snorkeling and hiking in.

Steph: What keeps you motivated to write?
Wendy: Kind of like exercise and eating healthy, it just makes me feel better about myself when I take time to write a little every day. Also, my kids like it when I'm writing because I let them get away with more. Haha.
Steph:Do you "reward" yourself for meeting writing goals, and if so, what are your rewards?
Wendy: Oh yes, I'm all about rewards. Here are some I particularly like: reading a book I've been wanting to read for a long time, eating something yummy and chocolatey, going out on a girls' night, watching a movie, and hitting the slopes.
Steph: What's the best book you've read in the last few months? Any books you are looking forward to reading?
Wendy: I look forward to reading The Book Thief, which I asked for for my birthday (Wendy FINALLY turned 21 on March 3), and The Scorch Trials by James Dashner, which my son is reading now, and Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick. Some good books I've read lately include: Peeps by Scott Westerfeld, Lifted (twin title!) by Hilary Freeman, Matched by Allie Condie, and The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams.
Steph: What author would you go completely fan girl over?
Wendy: Judy Blume! (ah, wouldn't we all???)
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Catching Up with Tera Lynn Childs

It's green, perfect for St. Patrick's Day! Comment or submit questions every day for more chances to win.
Good luck!
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
What's new with Steph?
It was awesome to chat with Stephanie on what's been going on in her world.

Hey Steph! How has 2011 been treating you so far?
STEPHANIE: I can't believe it is already March and almost time for the RWA Rita finalists to be announced already. I don't know where the year has gone!!

I know! Time flies... So, tell our readers what you're currently working on?
STEPHANIE: I'm currently working away on a new YA novel. I wish I could tell the readers more but I'm very superstitious about discussing new works. Hopefully someday soon I'll be able to announce a new sale and tell you all about it. I'm extremely lucky with have our own Tina Ferraro as a critique partner and she has helped me so much!
That's great...and we've got our fingers crossed on a new sale soon! So tell us...do you have any upcoming events or signings where people can catch you?
STEPHANIE: I had really hoped to be in NYC for RWA Nationals this year, but I don't think it is going to work out. Unless I win the lottery, then I'm totally there. Ha. I hope to be in LA with the Buzz Girls at RT in spirit though and I expect pictures of hot guys.
Yeah, I'm a little worried about RT as a first-timer. Don't know what to expect! LOL! Can you tell us what inspires you as an author?
STEPHANIE: If I'm having a day when I think my writing isn't good, or just feeling down about things, I like to re-read fan emails. It is an amazing feeling to know that you have kept people up turning pages when they should have been sleeping. Or that someone got something positive from your writing that you didn't even originally intend. These are the things that inspire me.
That is so true! In this digital and automatic age, it's so easy for authors to connect with their fans...and their appreciation and e-mails really DO make a difference and keep us going.
Thanks for sharing what's up with you! And if you haven't already read Steph's books, what are you waiting for? Check her out at http://www.stephaniehale.com/.

Now...to enter our contest to win the fabulous jewelry, please leave a comment or question for Stephanie.
Thanks again, Steph!!!
Marley = )
Ghosts don't hang up their sheets after Halloween!
GHOST HUNTRESS series - The Awakening, The Guidance,
The Reason, The Counseling - available now!
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
What's New With Heather
Catching up week continues with Buzz Girl Heather, who filled me in on the latest doings and goings on in her world. Let's see what Heather had to say...
What are you working on?
Right now, I’m putting the finishing touches on a new proposal. It’s a book about the closeness of sisters, a topic I haven’t really touched much in my work so far. I’m excited to be going deep and personal with this story, and of course, it has a touch of the supernatural. I also just sent back my page proofs for Wherever You Go, my next book for Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. That’s the last call for changes and corrections before the actual book is printed. I’m working on things like bookmarks, interviews and other promotions for the book. And, very soon, I’ll be relaunching my website with a whole new look and feel that reflects where my fiction is going these days.
What’s coming up in 2011?
November 14th is the release date for Wherever You Go. It’s a book that deals with several family issues close to my heart: Alzheimer’s and teen depression. I’m hoping that the novel will give teen caregivers and families struggling with these problems hope and comfort. The story’s theme is “real love is seeing the people you love for who they are, not for who you wish they would be”. Lately, I’ve been thinking more and more about the necessity of that practice -- of taking the time to honor the truth of our loved ones and ourselves. As you can probably guess, there are no car chases or explosions, but there is a ghost boy, wandering among the living while he tries to find his way to the light. And a wonderful Italian grandpa who I wish was real.
What about upcoming travels?
Like several other Bees, I’m attending the RT Booklovers Convention in LA this April. I can’t wait to interact with readers and meet some authors I admire. (No fan girl incidents a la Meg Cabot in Atlanta circa 2006, I promise!) It's going to be my first time there -- I have no idea how crazy that teen day might be, which is kind of exciting.
After that, I’ll be packing my bags for a much anticipated trip to Italy, where I’ll be writing some pages of the new book, riding some Vespas, eating way too much, and appreciating great art. I’ve been studying Italian since last September, so I’m excited to try it out in real life. I’m hoping to be able to blog from there -- we’ll see!
Wow, sounds like a fabulous year in store for Heather! Don't you think? Keep up with Heather on Twitter and stay turned for her website relaunch.
Remember to comment below (with a question or a thought or whatever) to be entered to win our fabulous St. Patrick's Day jewelery prize.
Monday, March 07, 2011
What's New With Marley?

It's my pleasure to chat about Marley Gibson today, to bring everyone up-to-speed on her exciting adventures! (And be sure to check the deets on the week-long giveaway at this post's end.)
Hey, Marley, could you please tell us about the young adult novel you just finished, RADIATE?
Marley: It's set to come out in the Spring of 2012 from Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. It's a fictionalized version of what I went through as a teenage cheerleader with cancer. I had to update the story (since mine happened in 1982) and add a lot of drama, but it was an amazing experience. My editor loved it and said she cried ten times in the first one hundred pages. I think it can be a really powerful book for teenagers who are going through--not just cancer--any challenge in their life.
Remind us what’s hitting the shelves next?

Marley: In May is the fifth book in the GHOST HUNTRESS series called THE DISCOVERY. I had a blast with this book, adding a lot of experiences from my own investigations and research and also weaving in a bit more of the danger and creepy factors. I hope readers enjoy the layered mystery.
I know everyone would love to hear about your life, which is anything BUT ordinary!
Marley: Life is crazy...but in a good way. My fiancé, Patrick Burns, and I turned our rig west back in November, following the path of old Route 66 to California. We've seen so many amazing things during our time on the west coast: Pacific Ocean, Sierra Nevadas, Pacific Dunes, Napa and Sonoma wine country, Santa Barbara wine country, Corondado Island, the Grand Canyon, the Painted Desert, the Petrified Forest, Las Vegas...wow...and that was just on the way out. We're heading east today and plan on hitting White Sands, New Mexico, San Antonio, Texas, New Orleans, and visits to see my parents and Patrick's boys.
However, the most amazing part of our four month "wintering" was adopting two orphaned shelter kitties named Madison and Boo. They are now our constant travel companions and every day they amaze us.
Too cute! And thanks for these updates, Marley! And looking forward to being your roommate at the Romantic Times conference in Los Angeles next month...
Now about this week's giveaway. Yesterday Wendy posted a beautiful necklace set--just in time for St. Paddy's day. Comments all week work as entries. So leave a question or comment for Marley today to be entered, and be sure to return next Sunday learn the winner's name!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
Sunday, March 06, 2011
What's New With Dona? (PRIZE WEEK!)

Friday, March 04, 2011
When I was little there were only three television channels...
Okay, now that I've completely dated myself. Kids have so many more choices in television programming today. Heck, they don't even need a television. They can watch DVD's and shows right on their computers, phones, Ipads, etc. And while I still love all the Charlie Brown shows, today's animated movies are amazing.
The other day I took my boys to see Gnomeo & Juliet. It was completely adorable. If I'm being honest I think I wanted to see it more than they did. It was the best animated film I had seen in a while. And the story was so sweet. It's fun trying to figure out who out the voices behind the animated characters too. My favorite was a bully gnome named Tybalt. Jason Statham was the voice behind this tough guy gnome which was a perfect fit. Some of the funnier characters were a deer voiced by Ozzy Osbourne and Hulk Hogan as a psycho lawn mower.
If you get a chance to see this one, I'd definitely recommend it. What is your favorite animated film?
And have you seen what's coming next summer? I can't wait!
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
In case you need a moment of zen today...

Bath time always leads to nap time.

But Mommy, I want to wear the sunglasses!

The orange side of Madison.

Driver's assistant, Boo Bear!

One of Madi's favorite napping spots.
Marley = )
Ghosts don't hang up their sheets after Halloween!
GHOST HUNTRESS series - The Awakening, The Guidance,
The Reason, The Counseling - available now!