In high school, I kind of fell in the middle of everything. I was smart, but I wasn't a brain. I was friends with everyone, but I don't think I was one of the popular people. I was definitely not a jock. But I definitely knew how to have fun.

I also had a brief stint as a pom-pon girl. I think I only got to perform twice because I was flunking geometry and was alway ineligible. Not my proudest memory.

But my favorite group was band. I started playing the clarinet in fifth grade. We had the distinct honor of marching in the Halloween parade every year. For some reason, I thought this was really cool. Once I got in high school we started marching band and would perform at all the home football games. I'm not proud to admit that I got through four years of marching band without ever memorizing the entire school song. Yeah, I was kind of/still am a slacker. The performing was fun, except for the hideous wool outfits, but I had way more superficial reasons to love band. First of all, it was the first class of the day all four years. We had the same director that we'd had since fifth grade. I'm pretty sure that we had driven him so over the edge that most days were just a study hall. So instead of finetuning my instrument, I could spend the morning flirting with the hottie behind the trombone. :)

What was your favorite group?
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