She and I played a game or two from separate ends of the house, but I very quickly got "the bug" and her very busy social schedule got on my nerves. ("You're going where? For how long? Excuse me, young lady, have you played your next word?")
Clearly, I couldn't rely solely on her as my partner. So I put the word out on Facebook that I was looking...
It's about two months now, and I've played writers, readers, childhood friends, relatives--even a golfing librarian. In one-on-one and group games. And here's the thing, I'm nowhere near burning out. My addiction's getting worse. For the first time I am understanding people's love of golf, which is at once a shared activity and a personal sport, and find myself thinking ahead to the next games even before I've finished the ones I'm in. ("Next time I'm stuck with only U's and I's and a V in a triple word situation...")

In fact, I was driving earlier, and started making words out of license plates!
It's crazy. But it's fun. And eventually, I will get a handle on this addiction. Just not...today.
So tell me, do you have any on-line sites or games that are taking over your life?
The ABC's of Kissing Boys
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
Since this is a YA friendly blog, I'll keep my favorite sites to myself!! Just kidding! Actually, I'm just trying to deal a run of the mill Facebook problem.
BTW, It's your turn!
Uh-oh, Chuck, did you start a new game for us? (I'll be right there...)
I'm so addicted to Facebook Scrabble too! I'm in grad school and when I'm supposed to be studying I instead fret and moan that people aren't playing there turn fast enough. I've also started memorizing words with q but no u just in case.
The whole thing is a little ridiculous but so much fun!
Thanks, Nikki, and I'll bet you know the one two-letter word you can play with Z now, too. And hey, if you're ever looking for another partner, look me up! I'm Tina Ferraro, my profile picture shows a blonde lady in purple holding up the book about scrabble...uh...kissing. (This Facebook friending is of course is an open invitation to all our readers...)
there is also facebook tetris and it shows you how your scores are compared to your friends. I have friends who live on the other side of the country but when we beat eachothers scores we have to gloat. it is a really fun silly way to stay in touch but we take it seriously, (and I currently have the high score!!!)
Well, yes, I am a Facebook addict. In addition to being one of your scrabble buddies (in which you are slaughtering me BTW) I also love Bubble Town (hubby and I have a fierce competition) and Pet Society (which is more fun than competitive)
My hubby and I play scrabble on FAcebook and last night he said "I have a novel idea. How about we play scrabble in the same room on an acctual scrabble board."
I had to laugh. So, we played a game retro style. :0)
Thanks for introducing me to this game. I'm not an addict.
Not equals NOW!
Erika Lynn, thanks for that heads-up on FB Tetris...I'll check that out.
Christy, thanks for telling me about Bubble Town and Pet Society (taking notes here). And LOL about real-time Scrabble. My husband and I used to play, too, but I kept complaining that he's too slow between turns!
Janie, yep, I got you hooked now, too!
I've never really been one for online games. I did see that there is now a game based on James Patterson's The Women's Murder Club though and I've been dying to play it. So far I have restrained myself from buying it because I would probably become addicted and I screw around enough online as it is.
Glad to know I started such a movement... You can blame my roommate for hooking me, and thus all of you =)
Great, I didn't need to know about the Tetris, this could be bad, I have to study some but all I want to do is play on Facebook!
Yeah, Stef, before you start playing, you'd better be prepared to commit.
Nikki, thanks for the friend request, and I'll see you on the board soon.
And Daughter--WOW, this is the first time you've made an appearance here...and all the way from college! Thanks, honey!
I am addicted to Pogo.com. Soo many games, so little time. And when you join Club Pogo (you pay a yearly fee) you get sooo much more and it becomes even more addicting. They even have Scrabble, Yahtzee, Monopoly, and Trivial Pursuit!
I LOVE Scrabble! I don't do Facebook, though--I play it on ISC. So fun.
I had to laugh at C.R. Evers comment. Ditto. To much time online you forget about playing face to face. LOL. I've also been on Lexulous, but they've changed it to a big board and it's not as challenging towards the end because there is to much empty space on the board.
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