All of the Buzz Girls are blogging about childhood dreams and you'll want to comment because you'll be entered for a chance to win cool stuff like a signed copy of Forgive My Fins. (If you haven't already, please scroll down and read the Contest Rules on the righ

When I was very young, I wanted to be Big Bird when I grew up. I was already quite tall for my age, I wanted to be on TV, and I

It never occurred to me that Big Bird careers were few and far between. And it never occurred to me until I sat down to write this
that I did end up having a similar job when I got a bit older. I was Funshine Bear for grand opening celebrations. I just dressed up in a big furry costume and waved at kids. Even though it was very hot at times, overall it was a fun job. But eventually I got canned. I grew to be too tall for the costume! I went on to have several jobs that involved dressing up in a costume and that brings me to the prompt of the day:
Have you accomplished something that can somehow be traced back to your childhood dream? Thanks for sharing and good luck winning this week's exciting contest! P.S. Pop over to Tera Lynn Child's web-site for more chances to win, and she'll make a donation to an ocean charity! It's all good! :)
Well, I'm working at becoming a published author, which was my dream when I was younger. Haven't got there yet, but hopefully someday!
My childhood bring was to become successfull and I am well on my way to getting my accounting designated, going for CGA! :)
My first childhood dream was to fly. In my dreams I could just jump up and soar. In college I did learn to fly--Cessna 152s and 172s. A little noisier than my dream flights, but just as thrilling.
I also dreamed of being a writer. I started my first novel last summer and will finish drafting this summer. I also write poetry.
I can't really accomplish my dream from childhood. I wanted to be a dancer, but a bad knee has kept me from that. Although, when I stopped dancing, I found other things to do and discovered that I really loved to read and write, so now I'm trying to become a published author. It's funny how losing one thing can help you find another.
When I was younger I wanted to grow up to be successful and be a good mommy. I'm still working on it :) I'm in school to get my masters degree and now I have the great opportunity (as a book blogger) to talk to some amazing authors and pass down the books to my daughter. Maybe that will be "cool" to my daughter someday..lol.
My childhood dream was to becoming an archeologist. I loved history, still kinda do but eventually picked a different course.
Well, I've always wanted to write a book. Right now, my grandma is in the hospital, and I'm going to try to publish some of my stories via a self-publishing site, and give them to her as a present.
I once wanted to live in the library. I don't know if that counts. Anyway, now I built up my own library, and I do kinda live in a big library now!!! :D
~Katie P.
email: swordgirl.............@yahoo.com
I wanted to be a singer, so eventually I went to college, and got to go to Germany with a group of people and sing on stage! YAY!
Email: pat......@yahoo.com
When I was younger I heard you should find what you like and see if you can do it for a living- so I decided to be a professional jump roper! I mean, it was what I was really good at. Well, I soon gave that up, but as my children entered Elementary school, I was able to coach a jump rope team that travels and performs at other schools teaching about healthy habits. We work with the American Heart Association. So I guess I really accomplished part of a childhood dream and live it through my kids!
Sadly, I don't think so...all my childhood dreams were either extremely ambitious, or near impossible ;)
well...i guess i always wanted to be an actress and now i'm in the Company drama class at school...i think thats definatly a step in the right direction :)
ALways wanted to be a professional ballet dancer or teacher when I was little. A few ago the last one came true when I gave a few dance workshops at schools, which was fun to do! I don't dance anymore, but it was a fun experience!
My childhood dream was to be a pediatrician. Don't ask me what on Earth I was thinking...I think my mom put that idea in my head. Today, I am an English teacher and couldn't be happier. :)
I had so many dreams as a child (i.e. become a teacher, interior designer, astronaut, ect.) and I think just staying in school and doing my best definitely has me on my way to accomplishing any of those.
Not so far, but I have some that I want to happen!
I guess that one of my small, childhood dreams was to get to dance for ten years. This year, I have accomplished it. I've been dancing since I was four, and I always liked seeing the other girls standing up on stage for their ten year awards. I always wanted to do that, and this year I can and will.
In years to come, I hope to think of being fourteen as being younger. this way, I can say that I did achieve my dream of becoming an author. Obviously, I hope to be published, but I am afraid that if I say that I definitely will be, then I will jink it. :)
Imagining you as a Funshine Bear has just made my day! :)
I always wanted to be either a Spanish or English teacher. I am currently in college working towards my majors -- Spanish and Communications.
I've had a really hard time thinking about this one--When I was little, I wanted to be a lot of things...a mermaid (but I didn't want to be lonely), a priest (I'm not a guy), a comedian, a cartoonist...For the longest time, I wanted to be a teacher, but then one of my cousins became a teacher and I wanted to be different, special...I wanted to go to school forever (that was before I knew about homework and student loans)--But I've also done a lot, traveled, taken dance classes, a half-dozen horse riding lessons (before I moved)...so this question was hard, because I never dreamed of the places I would go and things that I would do--And I did graduate from college, but I constantly read, and try to do new things whenever I get the chance--it's a completely different kind of education than I ever imagined, and I do think I'm pretty special :)
I wanted to be a cross between Julie Andrews and L. Frank Baum. :-) And I've actually had some success. I've had one book published so far, and I do community theater. So I'm pretty happy about that!
I always wanted to see my stories in print and two years ago, a book I wrote was published by a small press.
I wanted to be a writer ever since I read Harriet the Spy in fourth grade. And now I am!
Well, my childhood dream was to be Indiana Jones. Yeah, so...not quite there yet lol
My dream was always to become a doctor. I haven't completely accomplished this goal yet, but I just finished my first year of college so I'm on my way!
It seems we're leaving email addresses?? if so:
If I'd known there was a Care Bear career path, I totally would have been Bedtime Bear!!!
Actually, I totally veered off my intended trajectory, which was to be something of a scientist (either marine or environmental biology, probably) or an architect or an archeologist. The best thing about being a writer is... I get to do ALL of those things when researching and writing a book.
Growing up, I wanted to be two things: an author and a teacher.
I'm working on a novel right now.
And I'm about halfway through my Mathematics Education degree. ^_^
Childhood dream?
I so hated my curly hair. Everyone had sleek, gorgeous locks while mine would be flying all over the place.
And..tada, now I've got my hair permanently straightened!
Superficial, I bet..but I was so hung up about my hair :(
Thanks so much for all your great comments! I love reading about your childhood dreams! Best wishes for the contest!
Funshine Bear -- er, Wendy :)
When I was a kid I dreamed of becoming the next madonna(a superpop diva). when I was 14 reality caught up with me and i realized that i just didnt have the voice for it...so now 11 years later I am striving to become a voice actor instead(I am most interested in doing english dubs for japanese animations). I am not sure if i'll ever land an audition, but I am still hopeful that one day i'll be at the top of the field..at least in my head..*sweat drops*... currently I am just a stay-at-home mommy with a baby daughter named Remmi Pearl with my head in the clouds.
I love that you wanted to be Big Bird. That's adorable!!!
I have always wanted to help people. As a teacher I was able to touch the lives of some kids and make a difference there.
I never wanted to be a character when I grew up to my knowledge (I did want to be a ballerina though) but I did adore Big Bird! I had so much Big Bird merchandise it was unreal.
The only thing I can think of is that I finally got that library with floor-to-ceiling bookcases that I used to dream about for as long as I can remember!
Yes! When I was little I always wanted a belly button like the wish troll dolls did {do} and begged my mom since I was 6/7 for a troll jewel, but never, and then when I discovered belly button rings it was like "hey! I can have a troll belly button finally". It took until I was 20 to get my office wish troll belly button jewel... now, if I only had pink hair, I'd be offical... I'm already short. Buah ha ha. ;)
I can just see you dressed up as that cute care bear, Wendy. What an awesome tidbit about you.
I had a childhood dream to become a vet. It still is my dream today, but I developed allergies. So I'm getting allergy shots now, so while I most likely won't be able to be a vet even if they do work, hopefully I'll be able to work with animals in some way.
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