In the meantime, I’ve got a fun little quiz for those of you who watch the TV show, “Lost”. I spent a week on Oahu this summer, and my travels included visits to several of the places where “Lost” films.
Here are three photos with some hints. (You might want to try clicking on each picture to make it bigger).
Number One:

I think this one is pretty easy for those who watched Season 1 and 2. In particular, Kate and Jack were doing “something” here when Mr. Eko appeared from some trees below, carrying the wounded Sawyer…
Number Two:

This is a structure from Season 2. Mr. Eko and Charlie were last seen working on it. What is it?
Number Three:

I’m pretty sure this hill has been used for numerous shots, including a Sayid-led group charging it to get a radio signal. But the scene that stands out the most involves Hurley, Charlie, Jin, and Sawyer, and a surprise discovery of beer...
Anyone want to take some guesses?
Happy Labor Day!
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie, January, 2008
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
I don't watch LOST, but your pictures are simply gorgeous!!!
Happy Labor Day!
Marley = )
Hi Tina,
I've watched on and off until I LOST the storyline. But I think the 3rd photo is where they were playing golf.
Fun post.
Tina, you know I lost my "LOST" mojo a while back but weren't Charlie & Ecko building a church? And I remember the grassy area from the radio signal episode & several others. Oh, I do miss me some Sawyer. I am totally for a Buzz Girls reunion at the Maui Writers Conference one year! :)
Thanks, Marley, Janie and Steph!
And okay, we've solved one picture: Steph is right about #2 being the church that Charlie and Mr. Eko were building.
Who's next to guess about #1 and #3?
By the way, Janie, you were very close...
Did they play football or baseball on that grassy field?
BTW, your photos are great.
Janie, sooo close...right idea, wrong picture...
(And thanks so much for "playing"...I know you're not a fan-atic like I am!)
Ok. I can see that number 1 was the golfcourse.
Did somebody have a baby on the grass in #3? LOL! I give up.
Yep, you're right! #1 is the golf course. Thanks, Janie.
Okay, that leaves #3...nope, not a birth. Anybody?
Hey Tina, I didn't catch the Lost bug, mostly because I didn't catch it from the beginning and then as I tried to watch the episodes I was...eek...lost! *snicker*
I think I wouldn't mind getting lost if it was in Oahu.
By the way, I finished Prom Dress--it was darling! Very well done. Writing all those romances has definitely paid off for you!
Thanks, Janette! I'm glad you enjoyed PROM DRESS. I'll be getting to HOW TO TAKE THE EX OUT OF EX-BOYFRIEND as soon as I can get it back from my daughter...
I don't watch Lost either. But I found your blog via Janette's. Sounds like I've found quite a few new authors for my niece.
Thanks, ladies.
Thank YOU, Candace! Janette's a great lady, and we had a blast at our booksigning, and any friend of her's...
And now for the round-up of the pictures!
#1 (thanks, Janie), is the golf course.
#2 (kudos to Steph), is the church.
#3 (to those of you lurkers who perhaps guessed) was the hill that the guys drove the VW van down.
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