So, happy birthday to him and here is a picture that exactly represents him: A cute tabby kitten inside an Indiana Jones hat on the ICanHazCheeseburger website, posted by me.
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
In the tale, a spoiled princess reluctantly befriends a frog (possibly meeting him after dropping a gold ball into his pond), who magically transforms into a handsome prince. Although in modern versions the transformation is invariably triggered by the princess kissing the frog, in the original Grimm version of the story, the frog's spell was broken when the princess threw it against a wall in disgust. In other early versions it was sufficient for the frog to spend the night on the princess's pillow.
Without giving much plot away, just know their desperate situation has brought her feelings for him to the surface, and not only is finally acting on them, but she is giving him the love and comfort he so needs at this time.
I mean, look at the head-hold, the power in that kiss!
So what on-screen kisses have given you a big “awwww” or made you go weak in the knees? Tell us here in the comments and be entered to win a signed copy of my book! The contest starts NOW and closes at 6 pm PST on Thursday, January 15th. The winner will be announced by Stephanie Hale here on Friday’s blog.
Best of luck!
Tina Ferraro
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
How to Hook a Hottie
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
We rented a car and drove around the island, only 20 miles wide and 6 miles long!
YA Authors from Berkley JAM, Flux, Dutton, Puffin, Delacorte, HarperCollins, Harlequin Kimani-Tru, Houghton Mifflin, and Simon Pulse discuss writing, promotion, and of course, hot guys...