Sunday, June 06, 2010

It's LIFTED's Book Birthday Week!

Dear Books Boys Buzz readers,

This week marks the release of my YA novel, LIFTED, and I am so honored and excited to celebrate it with you all. When people ask me what this book is about, I usually say it's about a teenage girl named Poppy who becomes addicted to shoplifting. But really, it's about so much more. This book took me about two years to write because I did so much research and the story itself went through so many versions. I wanted to write Poppy's story because it was so different from the books I'd already written and I welcomed the challenge. And now that it's (almost) officially into the hands of readers, I'm beyond excited.

To get a more official idea about what this book is about, as well as watch its trailer and see what some awesome authors and reviewers have said about it, click here.

And now I'm going to tell you all about The Contest that will be running this week right here at the fabulous Books, Boys, Buzz blog.

The prize is a signed copy of LIFTED!!!

Because one of the themes of LIFTED is friendship, the Buzz Girls will be blogging about friendship. For every day you leave a comment, you will earn one entry into my hat (so you can get up to 7 entries). Then my youngest son will draw 2 winners and we will announce the winners early next week.

I'll go first: A true friend loves me when I'm a mess just as much as when I'm at my very best.


bookaholic said...

A true friend is forever,
A true friend leaves you never!

bookaholic said...

A true friend holds you tight,even when you have had the worst fight!

bookaholic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TinaFerraro said...

Congrats on your release, Wendy! And I have already pre-ordered your book because I'm just THAT excited!

Steph said...

A true friend accepts your flaws, even when they are at their most annoying.

nymfaux said...

a true friend is there at 2 in the morning;
a true friend doesn't need any warning

Congratulations!!!!! Yea!!!! I pre-ordered an ebook (still waiting to download!!!), but would never turn down an autographed copy of a real book!!! ;)

Anonymous said...

Many people will walk in and out of you life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart.

And congrats!! I have been seeing this book around the web and am looking forward to reading it...

lovestoread0708 AT

Wendy Toliver said...

Ooo! Some great comments about friendship already. And for those of you who've already pre-ordered Lifted, THANK YOU!!!!!!!

ylime1981 said...

True friends are in your heart,
Even when they're miles apart.

Van Pham said...

A true friend is a person that always listens to when you need someone..whether its to gossip or a should to cry on.

Anonymous said...

Yay!!! Congrats on the release! Okay, let me see....

A true friend can look at you just once and know you're lieing when you say you are fine when you really feel like your world is falling apart.

Unknown said...

I truly dont believe I can have a best friend.
I thought I had one but she stabbed me in the back so Im not sure if Ill ever find one I can truly trust.
Thats why I have my family!

Morgan said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for the release of lifted!

Llehn said...

Congrats, Wendy!

A true friend is someone who wouldn't hesitate to jump on a plane to be by your side when you need her even if you haven't spoken to each other in years.

bookaholic said...

Congrats Wendy! You don't know how badly I want to win this giveaway!! *begs*

Anonymous said...

A true friend is like a figure 8, always coming back around no matter the twists and turns of life

Ricki Schultz said...

You can pick back up with a true friend - no matter how long it's been since you've seen her. :)

Congrats on book release week! I can't wait to read LIFTED!!

Anna R said...

A true friend knows all about you- all your faults and failings and still loves you.

Anonymous said...

This is definitely going on my reading list. It looks so interesting! Congrats on the release.

kiran said...

A true friend accepts my faults.

Jenny N. said...

Congrats on the new book. I'm looking forward to it.

Anonymous said...

waters may dry..
flowers may die..
but true friends will never say goodbye...

lovestoread0708 AT

Anonymous said...

To me a friend is someone that you can always count on and trust your deep dark secrets with.


Cassie C

Sara said...

Happy release week! A true friend tells the truth, even if it might hurt!

Anonymous said...

Friends are like pee. Everyone can see it but your the only one that can feel it!

haha, there is a funny one! =)

Jessica said...

A true friend not only loves you even at your worst, but also knows what you are thinking sometimes even if you're not sure!

deltay said...

A true friend is there for the bad weather days too, not just the fair weather ones.

Marley Gibson said...

A true friend is someone who reads and critiques your work. LOL! Which is exactly what Wendy and I do for each other and I'm soooooo proud of this releaes for her. She really worked HARD on this book to get it just right and I think you're all going to really enjoy it.

Hugs, my sweetie!!!

Anonymous said...

The most beautiful discovery best friends can make is that they can grow separately without growing apart

lovestoread0708 AT

Anonymous said...

A best friend will always find a way to love you even when you have done something that u cannot fix

lovestoread708 AT

Anonymous said...

Friendship is the only cement that will ever hold the world together.

lovestoread0708 AT

Bookworm said...

Congratulations, Wendy!
I'll be getting right on reviewing the lovely PDF you sent me. (:

Anonymous said...

The best kind of friend is the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with, never say a word, and then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had.

lovestoread0708 AT

Erika Powell said...

A friend will come bail you out of jail at 3 a.m. A best friend will be in the cell next to you saying "what did we dooooooo!"
