Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Second Time Around: Book to Movie

What a great week...we're shouting out about the of the paperback release of Never Cry Werewolf by our own Heather Davis.

And, because of the second release, we're talking about something we loved even more in its second incarnation than the first.

For's BRIDGET JONES'S DIARY by British author, Helen Fielding. I read this book in 2000 and it changed my life. It made me laugh, it made me cry, and, most of all, it made me want to quit talking about writing a book some day and make some day happen. This is the book that got me writing until I hit "The End."

It was because of the voice, the energy, and the characterization in this book that had me glued to the computer working on my own novel about a quirky, fun, friendly heroine.

Imagine my excitement when I found out the book was being made into a movie!

And not just any movie. A blockbuster! A hit! An iconic film for our time. I laughed all over again. I cried all over again. I watch it time and time again with fresh eyes each time. Renee Zellweger WAS Bridget. Colin Firth WAS Mark Darcy. And, Hugh Grant WAS Daniel Cleaver. Brilliantly brought to life on the big screen for my enjoyment.

The actors literally brought to life the already vividly written scenes like Bridget's dinner party with the blue soup, showing up at the Tarts and Vickers party as a Playboy bunny, her dieting, her friends, her bad habits...but my favorite scene that was brough to life was Mark and Daniel fighting over Bridget in the streets of London. CLASSIC.

And, of course, books made into movies are never really the same, so it was like getting another version of the book...still with the happy ending.

What's your favorite book-to-movie? Leave a comment to be eligible to win one of five (5) copies of Heather's book, NEVER CRY WEREWOLF that she's giving away.

Finally...the winners of last week's GHOST HUNTRESS: THE COUNSELING giveaway are:


Please e-mail me at marley_gibson AT yahoo DOT com with your full name and mailing address. CONGRATS!
And congrats to Heather!


stephhale said...

I love that movie! I think my favorite book to movie is The Notebook.

Anthony L. Isom said...

My fave book to film adaptation would have to be Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. True, they left a lot out (that's a HUGE book, though), but the sincerity with which they filmed such dark scenes like The Cave Scene or the few scenes we saw with a young Voldemort (would've loved to have seen more of those) was quite satisfying.

And, for me, the characters were more alive in that film than in any of the others. Hogwarts WAS Hogwarts, and I felt at home there.

Elaine G said...

I don't like watching movies that are adapted from books that I've read. I don't think they do the books justice.However,I never read the Notebook but enjoyed the movie :)

Also Thank you Marley,I am off to email you my info.
Congrats to the other winners as well.

GirlforChrist said...

The Chronicles of Narnia. But then I also love: Emma, Northanger Abbey, Sense and Sensibility, and Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Weird themes, I know... :)

TinaFerraro said...

Love that movie, too! I think my favorite adaption may be GONE WITH THE WIND! For I love both versions, but differently and separately...

Wendy Toliver said...

That *is* a great book AND movie!

Congrat's to the winners of The Counseling!

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with elaing8 on not liking watching movies adapted from books. And if I watch a movie that is adapted from a book I won't read that book. Only twice have I broke this rule. Once with
The Chronicles of Narnia and second with the Twilight sega. { The Twilight sega was forced onto me. } If I had to choose which one I liked best it would be The Chronicles of Narnia.

jpetroroy said...

I love the adaptation of Anne of Green Gables

Cara King said...

Ooh, I thought the Bridget Jones adaptation was great, too! They changed what they had to to suit the new medium, but stayed true to the spirit of the book and characters.

One adaptation I really liked was "Clueless," from Jane Austen's "Emma." It's hugely different, of course, but I think it really captures why everyone loves this spoiled young woman. (I also like the Paltrow and Garai versions, but not so much the Beckinsale one.)

Oh, and I actually thought Twilight was a very good adaptation of the book.

Oh, and the animated James And the Giant Peach was super!

As was Outsiders, IIRC...

(I have lots more I could name, but this is getting long!) :-)


nymfaux said...

Congrats to the winners!!!!

Great post!!!! I have SOOOOOOO many favorites, and I pretty much agree with everybody's choices--The Notebook and Narnia are especially good. I also think that Twilight has done a really good job with their adaptations.

The Harry Potter movies are really hard for me, because there is just SOOOOOOO MUCH in the books--I can't watch and read them close together, but I definitely enjoy them separately. I think the first movie will always be the most magical for me--It introduced me to the books, and from there I was hooked.

I recently re-watched Gone With the Wind and loved the sweeping EPICness of it all--Another big book with so much in it, and when I watched it right after reading the book--it was too close, I just couldn't get over them cutting out 2 out of three of her kids.

I'm a big fan of mini-series, The Thorn Birds is eight hours, but it really captures all the juicy parts!!!!

As for those people who think they don't like adaptations, I think you/they would be surprised how many movies are taken from books. It's a HUGE topic, and I could go on and on...and on...---I can totally relate, because often, if I read the book first, I'm disappointed in what the movie left out--But if I watch the movie first, then I enjoy the action, and then I feel like I get the juicy details when I read the books.

Oh, and Misery was a REALLY GOOD adaptation!!!!

Steph said...

My favorite book to movie HAS to be The Notebook. I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE the movie. It actually made me cry, which is something odd for me. It was great. I read some of the book over my sister's shoulder, and I was honestly moved by the little piece I read. It's on my ever-growing list of books to read.

I've also watched the movie several times, and I still cry so hard at the end.

The Twilight saga was pretty good, but the movies never did the books justice, and even though they're making Breaking Dawn two parts, they're not going to actually please the book's fans entirely. So, I agree with elaing8- the movies never do the books justice. However, I don't think that that's any reason not to watch the movie. It's fun saying to someone else who read the book(s) 'They forgot...' and 'They should've done... instead.'

nymfaux said...

@Steph--Did you read The Wedding? It was absolutely THE.MOST.ROMANTIC.BOOK.EVER.

...James Garner is still alive, I wish they would make the sequel--and yes, I know how the movie version of The Notebook ended, and I even liked it and thought it was beautiful and romantic, and I don't care if the ending/beginning doesn't quite match up, I want the sequel!!!

Jessie Oliveros said...

The Secret Life of Bees, but only because I want to be different. I'm with all the others on The Notebook, Twilight, HP, and Narnia.

donnas said...

I have issues with a lot of books to movies. It just seems like there are so few that can actually happen the way I visioned it while reading and then I get disappointed.

However, there are some I do like included - Bridget Jones, Harry Potter (although a lot was left out, it looked almost perfect), and Pride and Prejudice.

Jenny N. said...

Mine's is Bridget Jones Diary too but only the first movie not the second one. I've watched the movie countless times. Another favorite is the Pride and Prejudice movie with Kiera Knightly

Heather Davis said...

I do like both the US movie version and BBC mini-series of Pride and Prejudice. If you have a really great story, sometimes it just works on screen.

You guys listed some great ones, too!

brendajean said...

Can I tell you my least favorite? I have a hard time when the movie deviates too much from the book. Beastly by Alex Flinn is one of my fave all time books and the trailer for the movie shocked me. The beast is clean shaven with wicked veins all over his face! In the book he is so hairy he can't keep it shaved off! Also he loves roses and wants them to last longer into winter so he builds a greenhouse. In the movie he builds it for the girl. Crazy diffenences that just don't work for me :(

msdarcy said...

I loved the Lemony Snicket Movie with Jim Carey. It was funny!!

nymfaux said...

@brendajean--I'm with you there!!!--I hate it when they change little details that don't serve any purpose except making changes.

I haven't read the book yet, but I've seen the previews for Beastly, the greenhouse thing sucks, but I have to say the visuals that you see of the guy really blow me away---But I should wait until I see/read them both before I compare

I definitely hate it when they change the little details, but I REALLY hate it when they change the story altogether--My opinion is that if they wanted to make a different story, they should have just made a different movie, instead of taking little bits of a story and rearranging them. It just doesn't make sense to me!