Growing Up Godly, Summer 2008
Dutton Children's Books
what I'm reading ... Murder of Bindy MacKenzie by Jaclyn Moriarty
Okay, I couldn't stand it and went and Amazon'd (yes, I made that up, but you can use it) Forget Me Not. Look what I found.
As I read the summary of the book, I realized that this was exactly what I was talking about. The author, Marliss Melton, took the standard amnesiac idea and twisted it into something original. Her story still contains the unsatisfied wife who longs for a different life. Then one day her husband dies so she gets to have the life she wants. Then he comes back from the dead, but can't remember anything. Wife isn't too excited about it, but he's a different man now and they start to fall in love all over again. It reminds me of that movie Regarding Henry, if Henry was a Navy SEAL. But you get what I'm saying, you have to take a tried and true story and put your own spin on it.
So where do you get your inspiration and ideas?
I'm off to add Marliss' book to my Amazon wish list now! :) Happy Weekend!
All that matters is what's inside...as long as your outside is wearing the tiara!REVENGE OF THE HOMECOMING QUEEN, July 3,2007, Berkley Jam Books
I've been in love with Milo Ventimiglia ever since I saw him as Jess Mariano in GILMORE GIRLS...then he got a show where he played a major role (BEDFORD DIARIES) The show, while shortlived and with weird storyline made me fall in love with Milo even more. Those eyes! That hair!
Last but not least, the yummy latin lover Jay Hernandez. As the uber-romantic Carlos on SIX DEGRESS, he was part of an ensemble good-looking cast. The show got cancelled after about 10 episodes and I hate ABC for keping me hanging on Jay's storyline :)
So there you have it! The hotties casualties of primetime casualties...who have I forgotten ladies?
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
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HOW TO SALSA IN A SARI - January 2008 from Kimani Tru
Okay, so this is just my choice, and I have to admit I didn't see any of the other films, but this one is such a winner that I'm really rooting for it.
*************SPOILERS AHEAD*****************
Made up of a spectacular cast, this heartwarming and hilarious film brings a dysfunctional family together on a 3 day road trip to a beauty pageant in a busted down VW.
Alan Arkin is hysterical as the pageant choreographing grandpa who just happens to be a cokehead. Steve Carell plays the suicidal, homosexual, unemployed Proust scholar who's b/f left him for his nemesis. Just looking at him makes me laugh. And who of us writers can't feel for Greg Kinnear's character who is obsessed with landing a book deal on his 9 step program for success. The scooter scene is hysterical, and I have to admit, I may have actually done the same thing at one point in my quest to be published. Although quiet most of the film, the angry teen played by Paul Dano, still brings a sweetness to his character through his occasionally caring notes. And what can you say about Toni Collette? She's totally fab in everything she does.
But the film wouldn't be anything if it weren't for 10 year old Abigail Beslin. I'm sure all the other women in the Best Supporting Actress category wouldn't be thrilled to lose to a 10 year old, but I think she deserves it just for the pageant routine scene. Abigail breathes such enthusiam into her character Olive. Even when faced with a room full of mini-models, overweight, four-eyed Olive doesn't back down but goes out and gives it her all in her grandpa's memory. Here's a pic of the adorable Abigail looking nothing like Olive.
I loved the ending when the family all stood up and cheered Olive on while everyone else sat horrified. Have you ever said something bad about a family member but then when someone else says the same thing your claws come out? It's okay for you to make fun or criticize your family, but not somebody else, right? This was how this scene felt to me and I loved seeing their loyalty to little Olive.
Okay, so now that I've completely ruined it for you, go rent it. What was your favorite movie of 2006?
Happy Friday!
All that matters is what's inside...as long as your outside is wearing the tiara!REVENGE OF THE HOMECOMING QUEEN, July 3,2007, Berkley Jam Books
"I said to Mom the other day, 'Do you remember that girl? She has now gone, gone to sleep. She has said her piece and she is gone,' But then I thought, 'I so remember her, only she is no longer part of me.' "How classy is that? I think that what I love about Anne the most is that she is Every Girl. She has the same kind of universal relatability that made Mia Thermopolis and The Princess Diaries a blockbuster hit. And she has the charm and grace to make her next role (as Jane Austen in Becoming Jane) a success.
YA Authors from Berkley JAM, Flux, Dutton, Puffin, Delacorte, HarperCollins, Harlequin Kimani-Tru, Houghton Mifflin, and Simon Pulse discuss writing, promotion, and of course, hot guys...