Saturday, December 15, 2007

More holiday giveaways...and winners!

'Tis the season!!

I have another fun giveaway here for our readers, which also includes a favorite teen book! It's a book that's debuting in eleven days. A book that I had the privilege of reading during the very beginning stages. A book that I fell in love with immediately and couldn't put down (okay, technically, I couldn't stop scrolling because it was on my computer screen.) It's got one of the most beautiful endings ever and I can't wait for everyone to read it. It's by one of my bestest buddies, Wendy Toliver and it's called THE SECRET LIFE OF A TEENAGE SIREN:

Geeky to gorgeous in sixty seconds...
Roxy's about to turn sixteen, but life isn't so sweet. As a band geek, Roxy can barely get the cute guys to notice her, much less go out with her. Then, on her birthday, Roxy is transformed into a siren: seductively beautiful with the power to control all men. She thought sirens were an ancient myth, but suddenly Roxy can get any guy she wants with just a few notes on her flute.

There are only two rules: don't tell anyone about being a siren, and don't fall in love. When she starts dating Zach, the guy everybody's crushing on, Roxy realizes she could get used to this siren thing...but how can she keep herself from falling in love?

I hope everyone rushes out to get the book on December 26th! And, for one lucky blog reader, I'll be giving away a copy of the book. Keep reading!

But wait...there's more! My editor told me that my advanced reader copies of SORORITY 101: ZETA OR OMEGA will be shipped to me next week. Sooo...I'm giving away a copy of it, as well.

Here's the blurb:

High school is already a distant memory for incoming Latimer University freshmen, Jenna, Roni, and Lora-Leigh. Jenna wants to meet cute college boys, Roni wants to get away from home, and Lora-Leigh...well, Lora-Leigh couldn't care less. She's going to LU and participating in sorority recruitment only to appease her mom. Sorority girls are pretty, rich, andsnotty, and Lora-Leigh doesn't want to be one of those girls. So she's shocked to find her self actually connecting with the sisters of Zeta Zeta Tau. And her new friend Jenna can relate. She came to sorority recruitment only because her roommate begged her to, but now she can't decide with sorority to join; she likes them all! Roni, on the other hand, knows which sorority she should join. The Tri-Omegas are exactly the type of "it" girls she would usually befriend, but Roni came to LU to reinvent herself. As recruitment progresses and the girls to make big decision, they'll need to heed the best advice there is: follow your heart. But where will it lead?

To qualify for both giveaways, please leave a comment about the absolute best, most rocking holiday present you've ever received. Winners will be announced on Wednesday!

And now...for the winners of Simone and Dona's giveaways:

For Simone's post, here are the winners!!

These people won all three titles:

Teen Zone

These people get to choose one title:

The Page Flipper

Please e-mail Simone your name/address to simone_elkeles @ (no spaces)

And for Dona's giveaway:

The winner is...


Please e-mail Dona at dona @ (no spaces)

Thanks everyone!!!

Marley = )

SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (May 2008, Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (May 2008, Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS Series (Begins May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)


Anonymous said...

my most rocking holiday gift was on my brother made for the holidays
In my country it is the use that you hide toyr gift in a sort of thing similar to somthing as a pinjata (in dutch we cal it The Surprise). You also have to make a poem with it.
In that time i was a huge fan of the musical miss saigon who played here in The Hague. My brother had made the best Surprise ever. He maded a bush and a helikopter and a red background with the miss saigon logo on it. My brother mada also a a poem with it. That the santa claus carriage had lost the gift for me above the forest and that the helicopter from miss saigon was trying to locate and get the gift in time back to the nordpole and then to me. it was a book wat was the gift!(that is always the best gift!)
it was the most special gift i had!
hope i enter the contest!

Anonymous said...

There have been a lot of gifts that I have received, throughout the years that have been rocking. But my most rocking gift ever would have to be the diary that my mom gave me way back in the day when I was eight (this would be right after the dinosaurs died, but before high speed internet). Although I didn't write in my diary everyday, when I was eight, I still wrote in it quite frequently. Now that I'm older, I write in a diary everyday, and sometimes (when I'm in the mood for nostalgia) I either laugh or cry at my old entries. I feel that if I never got my diary I would have never got into writing and I would have forgotten a lot of stuff about my childhood (include things I would like to forget, like bad haircuts and former obsessions with really bad boy bands).

Anonymous said...

The Most Rocking Holiday Gift I've ever gotten was a trip to Italy, where my mom was from, then to a small country called Lithuania, where my dad was from...I also got to meet some family that I never even knew I had. After that we went on a cruise to the Bahamas for New Year's was one of the best christmas gift I ever had!!!

stephhale said...

I can't wait to pick up Wendy's book! How exciting that your arc's are on the way! :)

Anonymous said...

Well there have been a lot of rocking presents, but one of my absoulte favorites is the duilt my grandmother hand made for me. I have been using it on my bed for years and it makes me think about her. I just love it because it's warm and she made it in my favorite colors and patterns.

Maureen McGowan said...

I've had a lot of rocking gifts over the years... But the one that immediately sprung to mind was actually a book. The book itself wasn't the point. It was that it was picked out and paid for by my then eight year old niece all by herself. She'd told her mom (my sister) that she wanted to buy me clothes as a gift (I often give her clothes) and my sister suggested that maybe I liked picking out my own clothes... So, her second idea: a book. My sister took her to the store and she picked one out just for me.

Anonymous said...

My most rocking holiday gift was an old typewriter given to me by my grandmother. This was back when I was 8, and I was trying to write my first story. I was using a computer, and always had a fascination with the old typewriter in my grandmother's house. So when she gave the seemingly magical typewriter to my for Christmas - I was overjoyed! After several years, the typewriter is no longer in operation, but I remember the thrill it gave me to write stories on the typewriter, and how grown up and professional I felt. That feeling is why it was my most rocking holiday gift ever!

Anonymous said...

i want to win books!

Anonymous said...

My most rocking holiday gift? I've had so many. But I particularly remember a set of play dishes my grandparents gave me when I was about nine, and a game my brother made me in school when I was about the same age, and a Madame Alexander doll my parents gave me just a few years ago because I lost my childhood one somewhere in one of my moves...and... I could name so many! I've been very blessed over the years.

Anonymous said...

oh, sorry. didn't say my rockin' gift. i got an amazing pair of earrings from my mother two years ago. they're opals and have tiny diamonds and i wear them every day.

Anonymous said...

My morning caffeine hasn't hit my brain yet, so I can't remember a rocking gift from Christmases long ago. Except for last Christmas when my sister-in-law told me she was pregnant with my niece (I have two boys so this was a double gift- having a girl to spoil with buying YA books and now having a good reply to all those questions about if I'll 'try' for the girl!) Congrats on the new books Marley!

Anonymous said...

My most rocking holiday gift was a money tree. my friends all pitched in. They took a little tree and paper-clipped money all over it. We had such a great laugh over it. That was the year before I moved away. They wanted me to have the best Christmas ever with them. It truly was.

dianaxxlynn said...

^^^ sry. i forgot to sign in.

My most rocking holiday gift was a money tree. my friends all pitched in. They took a little tree and paper-clipped money all over it. We had such a great laugh over it. That was the year before I moved away. They wanted me to have the best Christmas ever with them. It truly was.

here it is again.

Anonymous said...

Hi Marley,

This is a tough one but 2 things come to mind as my most rocking holiday gift. The first is a Tiffany charm bracelet that my husband gave to me a few years ago. I love it and now he just adds charms on other occasions like my birthday or mother's day. My other most favorite gifts are crochet slippers from my grandmother. Sh'e give me a new pair every year up until I was about 10 years old. I can't begin to describe the joy of sliding across worn linoleum at 30 mph. Oh the fun.

Melanie said...

my most rocking Christmas gift was the year my husband had a stained glass window plate of my sorority's symbol and letters handmade by an artist! I still have it and it is beautiful!

Marley Gibson said...

These are GREAT stories everyone! Thanks so much for the posts.

Melanie...what sorority were you in?

Melanie said...

Phi Mu...I started out in a local sorority and then helped colonize the Phi Mu chapter. It was an awesome experience!

Anonymous said...

please please enter me to win!