His name is Knut. Pronounced Kuh-noot. He lives in Berlin.
And he's the new guy in my life.

He was born in December and his mother shunned him and his brother, not letting them nurse or anything. Soon, his brother died and the Berlin Zoo stepped in to save littel Knut. One of the zookeepers hand fed him with a bottle for a couple of months to save him.
In March, he made his public debute to the Berlin press...and to the world...

Isn't he a darling? While he's a polar bear in captivity, he does symbolize all the struggles these noble animals are going through with global warming and sometimes the mother not taking to her cubs.

Some critics have said it would have been better to Knut to have died than to have been raised by humans. So-called animal rights people! But how can you look at this face, see the spirit and beauty in him and say he'd be better off dead?
Here's what he had to say to his critics!

The zoo is his home and they're doing everything they can to raise him to the best of their abilities to be a "real" polar bear. At least, as much as one can be in a zoo. He plays with his blanket and soccer ball, has showings to the press and public, and just loves rolling around in the sand.

Annie Leibowitz came to Berlin to photograph Knut. He made the cover of
Vanity Fair's Green Issue to show the love the world has poured out for Knut. How can you not love this little guy?

A German confectioner has made a Knut candy. The zoo has stuffed animal versions of him. And there's rumors he'll soon be on a stamp.

I think, most of all, what this adorable little guy represents is how we're so delicate and in need of companionship and love.

Knut's getting bigger each and every day...

...but he'll always have a place in my heart. I can't wait to go to Germany some day and see him in person.

Marley = )
Sorority Rush Begins - Spring 2008!
Rush - A Sisterhood Novel
Pledge Class - A Sisterhood Novel
Puffin Books
What I'm reading: a fantabulous new proposal by Simon Pulse author, Wendy Toliver. Shhh...I can't talk about it!