It's since been donated to another up and coming writer who was a member of a weekly critique/goals group I went to in my old home town.

The desk was purchased with money left to me by my great aunt Opal. It had great built in shelves which I filled with reference books and magazines, mementoes, and YA paperbacks.
I always have a bulletin board nearby with clips of things, pictures, inspirational card, etc..
Currently, I have a friend's portable desk (which I can lift and carry myself, yay!) and I use a book shelf I found in the alley in the back of my apartment building. All it needed was a good cleaning. That shelf is filled with paperbacks and reference books and sits next to my roommate's iron baker's rack which is filled with "brainy" novels and books on the human condition. I would like to say I've perused his collection, but alas... my TBR pile is too big.
Speaking of my TBR pile, the other place I keep books is in a massive stack next to my bed. I read every night. Sometimes I have two or three books going at a time. I also keep a journal there -- a book in which I write all the things I'm grateful for and make lists to remind me of the good things in my life.
Happy Writing!
Heather Davis is the author of
Never Cry Werewolf
Coming in 2008 from HarperCollins
Ooh, I like that desk, Heather. I hope you are going to get that back someday! And that chair looks very comfortable! :)
Heather, it was wonderful to get a good look into your world!
And although these days I'm too busy with writing projects, for most of my life, I've been reading 2 or 3 books at the same time--so I sure relate!
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