Wednesday, January 09, 2008

How To Hook....and Keep!

Yay for Tina! My copy of HOW TO HOOK A HOTTIE arrived Monday and I can't wait to dive into it! For those who don't know, Tina's first book, TOP TEN USES FOR AN UNWORN PROM DRESS was an adorable teen-lit and one I still recommend to every teen I meet!

Today I am doing another fun giveaway: A "How To" basket. In it you will receive a copy of HOW TO HOOK A HOTTIE as well as copy of my debut novel HOW TO SALSA IN A SARI. That's right! Two giveaways in one!

All you need to do to win is leave a comment!

This is "Hottie" week on the Buzz Girls Blog and I'm talking about "What next?" So you have Mr. what? How to keep him interested?

  1. Have a LIFE! Please continue to do all the awesome things you used to do when he fell for you. I guarantee you he liked you because you had tons of interests, friends, talents, etc. Did you used to go salsa-dancing with your friends once a week? Keep on doing that! If he wants, he can join you..if not, so what? It's important for you to continue to be that same, it gives you plenty of new things to talk about!

  2. Don't give in all the time. Do you agree to the restaurant he want, or the movie he's been dying to see? Don't! Every other time, YOU decide beforehand where you want to eat, who you want to hang out with, which movie you want to see. Super-decisive = super-sexy!

  3. Dress up for him! Yes, after you've been together for a while, you don't need to blow out your hair every day, or do makeup everyday...but every once in a while, go all out! Do the hair, makeup, jewelry, nice outfit thing tell him, "Baby, you're coming with me!" and take him out for a fun night on the town.

  4. Keep the surprises coming! Get dramatic highlights, buy those skinny jeans you've been eyeing, take a cooking class! Don't become super-predictable....always keep him guessing...and I guarantee, he will never become un-hooked!


Dona Sarkar-Mishra



Anonymous said...

YAY i was hoping for another contest, i couldnt find the book anywheres, buut i guess thats a goos thing for you :)

yes you keep doing what you livke to do, but sometime u do have to compomize

Chelsea said...

Good tips.

And yay, another contest. I'd like to be entered. :)

Anonymous said...

me me!

Brooke Taylor said...

Great advice--I wish I'd followed #1 more in high school--so true!

TinaFerraro said...

Best of luck to the contestants...and great blog, Dona!

Anonymous said...

i want to be entered too!

Anonymous said...

i realy agreed on the first point that talked about still being yourself! to me that's the most important thing. a little change is good, but staying true to yourself is even more important

Wendy Toliver said...

Great advice! I especially like the last one, surprises. I am always ready to try something new, even if I make a fool of myself, and I know that part of me is really attractive to my husband. (he tells me so anyway!) ;)

Anonymous said...

!!! HOW FUN!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Great contest--and great blog! I'd love to be entered to win the books.

Catherine Ipcizade

catherine ip cizade at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

I love Book contests. Enter me please. Good Tips by the way.

Anonymous said...

Great Tips! I'd love to be entered into this contest I can wait to read ur book.

the story siren said...

awesome blog! and yay a contest! i'd like to be entered, please!!!

Anonymous said...

hiya like the title to this blog!!

please enter me in contest to win, and pick me pleaseeeeeeeeee


Anonymous said...

Love your contests! I'd love to own both books. Great advice - even for those of us who are "old and married". The best advice you've given.... be yourself. Why would you want to have someone fall for a fake you??

Anonymous said...

Yay! Now I could finally figure out how to get that cute boy from the school plays to notice me~

Anonymous said...

Have a life is definitely good advice! Thanks for these fun blog posts and please enter me for this AWESOME contest =)

Little Willow said...

Best wishes with your new books, ladies!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! It must be exciting to release a book :)

Shari Green said...

Great tips! :D

Melanie said...

Good luck with the new book...I'd like to win! :)

Marley Gibson said...

I would really like for to get your book to me!!!! = )

Anonymous said...

great advice.

especially the first one. i absolutely hate it when girls get a bf and then forget all about their friends.
