We are having a blast celebrating the release of Heather's book, The Clearing, by time traveling. So far we've jammed with the Beatles, spent some time in ancient Greece, breezed by 14th century Tuscany, and debated if we would change history by revisiting certain historic events. Be sure to leave a comment after reading where I travel to for a chance to win Heather's book, and also a copy of my new book, The Alpha Bet. Heather is also donating 50 cents to TeenFeed for every unique comment so be sure you get yours on here! I have always been fascinated by ancient Egypt. I would love to travel back in time to see what the Sphinx and the Great Pyramids looked like in their prime. If a Delorean magically appeared in my driveway, I'd probably set it for the year 40 B.C.

I've always been mesmorized by Cleopatra so that is whose shoes I would walk in for a few hours. I'd love to know how amazing it would feel to be worshipped by so many people and being a ruler of a country at 17. Of course she had many enemies also but her amazing charisma could charm almost anyone. While Cleopatra has been largely portrayed as a bombshell (being Caesar's mistress probably helped with this one), there are actually reports that she had quite masculine features. Any deficiency in the looks department could definitely be overlooked by her razor-sharp wit. She was the only pharoah to have learned Egyptian. And that was only one of the eight languages she knew.
I would definitely head out when the infamous basket of figs was delivered to me. While I can't say that I think much of death by snake bite, I do admire her for going out on her own terms.
What woman in history would you like to be for a few hours?
I'd have loved to be Princess Diana for a little bit. Even though she had such a hard life, she helped so many. I would have loved to try to make her feel better about herself, as well. :)
Put me down for a day in Barbra Streisand's shoes when she was performing FUNNY GIRL on Broadway!
Ooh, good one, Steph! Can I just be Audrey Hepburn for a little while...?
Well, being a dude and all, I want to throw my two cents in here if I may. I would be Joan of Arc (amazing) and Rosa Parks (Dec 1, 1955).
I'm not really sure, this is actually the hardest out of all the questions. If I had to say anything I would love to be one of the Queens of England during the Victorian Age, maybe Elizabeth I. I'd also love to be in the court of Henry VIII because of all the drama that happened then, maybe one of his daughters? I'm not really sure. Well Elizabeth was one of his daughter so a young Elizabeth would be fun. I'm not sure. This question has me thinking....
Oh..I like that question. :)
I think I'd have to be Marie Antoinette (minus the whole head chopped of thing, a minor detail really, lol).
I have to admit that although it was fictional, Coppola's movie was awesomely decadent!
I'd have to say Marilyn Monroe. Who wouldn't want to be a beautiful women loved by all.
I'm not sure..famous woman in history...(I'm sorry if any of you are offended by this, but) Mary the mother of Jesus. I mean she had so much courage to face all that humiliation of cheating on Joseph, people saying she was crazy, and to top ot off-- she was pregant at abotu 16! Wow.
I'd also like to be maybe Janis Joplin (before the drugs), she is a Texan like I am, and is just SO cool!
I would like to walk in (although I'm completely unworthy to!) Mother Teresa's shoes. The amazing things she did - her kind heart. To feel that would be truly inspiring.
Either Audrey Hepburn, Winston Churchill's mom, or that chick who played Angela on Who's The Boss (during taping of course) because she played such a strong, lovely character.
Also, any admirable, humanitarian princess in Europe throughout the times would be good too.
Another tough question! But all the questions this week have been so interesting to think about and read the comments. The first person that came to my mind was Helen Keller. What she achieved in her lifetime was amazing and so incredibly inspiring.
I would want to be in her shoes for a few hours to simply see what life was like from her perspective, how she understood and interacted with the world. I think it would be inspiring not to mention make me truly appreciate my own sight, hearing and everything else I have in my life.
Florence Nightingale. It would be awesome to be so selfless!
Interesting question...I'd like to walk in helen of Troy's shoes and see what it's like to have a face that could launch a 1000 ships..? Haha! Of course, I'd switch back once the war starts, though :P
Amelia Earhart...despite her boyish haircut and the whole missing forever thing, she had an amazing adventurous life that must have been a thrill.
Another choice would be...Grace Kelly, if only to look like that and wear all of those amazing gowns and kiss all those leading men. = )
Ohhh good one! Hmmm, there's a few but my top two would be Marie Antoinette & Marilyn Monroe.
Queen Nefertiti! I love Egyptian stuff....
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