Here's Shelby-Nicole Holt with her copy. She just happens to be a major character in book three. Her mom, Mary, bought naming rights to a character at a charity fundraiser auction in December 2008 at the Queen Mary for Erin Gray's Haven House. Mary paid $500 to have Shelby's name in the book, so I thought I better do it up right.

And here's another fan, Emmanuelle Dessureault with her freshly-purchased copy.

And finally, a buzz reader, Stephanie, sent in this pic of her and the book.

Thanks so much to everyone who's buying the book! And please send me picks if you see it anywhere!
Marley = )
so cool to name a character :) The cover of your new book is beautiful btw
I loved seeing these! Thanks for posting! And how cool for Shelby-Nicole's name to be in your book!
Lucky Shelby! But then again she deserved it, winning the auction and all that XD
So cool!
Hey, is it just me or does Kendall jump right off the cover in that bottom photo?
I love this chick that's playing Kendall on the covers. And I love the graphic artist at Houghton that can take the many pictures of her from the photoshoot and make the covers that you see. I have been blessed by the Cover Gods! = )
Very cool, Marley! What fun to see all the pics. ;)
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