This has been such a fun week, learning what time period and place people would like to experience. And how exciting that this is the launch week for Heather Davis's The Clearing! I don't know about you all, but I'm very excited to read it. And this week, six lucky commenters will win it!
Now, what time period and place would I like to visit if I could? I'm really bad at these type of questions because I analyze them way too much and keep changing my mind and make a whole production out of something that should probably be easy. For instance, would it be for just a day, or would I be stuck there for a long time? So I'm just going to pretend that it's only for a short time so I can be braver with my answer.

I'd like to go back to the beginning of the Renaissance, specifically 14th century in Tuscany. Hopefully I'd survive the Black Death plague and get to put my two cents in when it came to new intellectual, artistic, philosophical, and religious views.
Other time periods/places I would like to visit are: The Wild Wild West of America, mid to late 1800s, for the cute cowboys; Paris in the 1960s for the grooviness; and Bethel, NY, Aug. 15-18, 1969 for Woodstock.

What time period or historical event would you like to visit?
Hey, Wendy! Well, as a heartless Gone With the Wind fanatic, I would have loved to have attended the movie's premiere in Atlanta, seated, of course, with Margaret Mitchell, Clark Gable and Vivienne Leigh!
Ohh, I'm excited about The Clearing too!
For some reason, I've always wanted to visit 18th century England (Romantic Age) and live as a neighbour to Jane Austen! Or attend any of her endless balls..!
I would love, love, love, to travel back in time to go see Victorian England or America. It's my favorite time period to read and learn about. Plus a lot of influential things happened during this time.
Oh man, I would go back in time and be an assistant to Nikola Tesla. The guy changed the world. Can you imagine being a part of that?! And I'm pretty sure Tesla had a time machine (just saying). Cheers to the release of The Clearing!
You guys have such cool ideas on where to go! This has been really fun seeing all your posts this week. We're drawing winners this weekend, so keep spreading the word to post!
Awesome...I'll go with you to Woodstock, Wendy! I can so see you with paint on your face, flowers in your hair, dancing to the music in a long, flowy dress. LOLOL!!
And Tina, can I be with you at the premiere of GWTW? = )
What time period...well, I love the 70's, so I'd like to see what all the big cities in the US and Europe were like during that time. And go on one of those old game shows, like Match Game.
I'd also like to go back to the
30's, for some reason. Another time period I really like, for its vibe. I'd like to stay with a family dealing with the Great Depression in a resourceful way.
Hmmm...I had only really thought about what time period I'd like to visit, but thinking about an event puts a different spin on things.
I think I'd like to go to back and see what happened to the Roanoke Villagers (I'm from NC and it's always intrigued me).
If not that, then something where you could find the answers to some mystery of the past.
Marley, there's room at the premiere for us all!
Medieval Age (as long as I wasn't a peasant!), or the 1800's. Ahhhh.... Regency time period (sigh).
If I could time travel, I don't think I would visit anyplace too far back in the past. I wouldn't want to risk getting stranded somewhere with no access to diabetes supplies!
Hmm, my next destination is...
Victorian England.
I want to wear a pretty dress and corset and dance with a handsome rake. :)
I would love to back in time to the building of Jamestown. Such a critical point in our history, tough times but simple times too. I am excited to read The Clearing, working in a K-8 and Town Library combined we have a good readership for distopic and time travel. Can't wait!
I know it can't be completely like the movies but I'd love to visit the 1950's. We always had 50's Day as a dress up day in elementary school and I loved the big poodle skirts etc. Happy Days made it seem so magical and happy :)
The Clearing sounds awesome. I'll have to pick up a copy.
Isn't it so cool how other ppl's time machine wishes make you say, "Hey, yeah, that sounds cool! I'll join you!" Thanks for commenting, everybody and keep entering for a chance to win Heather's awesome newest novel!!! :)
I think I would love to be at a time when the Beatles were still together and go to their concerts! Good times!
I'm like you! I always change my mind or I can never settle on one. I guess it depends on what mood I'm in when asked. But for today - I'll have to agree with you on the Renaissance. I love Italy, I've always been attracted to it - so beautiful and rich in history. So it would be such an amazing experience to go back to the Renaissance and see change in action - maybe even partake in that change!
I would love to visit the Tudor time period in England. Mary Boleyn and Henry the VIII sounds delightful to meet :)
Please count me in.
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
I wanna visit Europe during the middleages. I want to see and scrutinize their fashion and their beliefs. :)
I'd go back to the time just before the civil war... Live in a antebellum style house and wear the beautiful dresses. Be Scarlett O'Hara for a day. :)
I just want you to know... I finished "The Clearing" this morning and I LOVED it. I've posted a review on Amazon and on my blog. Thank you for the very awesome book.
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