Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Interview with Issa Mazumder...and a special guest

Interviewing my Heroine: Shelby Locke

Heather: Shelby, you’re the star of Never Cry Werewolf. For our readers, what *is* the story on that, since the book won’t be out until April of next year?
Shelby: Yeah, that would be a good place to start, huh? So, basically, my dad invented this super drug that replaced Botox and made millions. Things were okay until this chick Priscilla started sniffing around Dad, and then all of a sudden she’s my stepmom and we’re living in Beverly Freaking Hills. It sucked moving from Milwaukee where all my friends were. It was kinda hard to adjust, and well, I did make some questionable choices with boys, not ‘cause I was trying to be a bad kid or anything – I was just trying to help them out, but it didn’t always turn out right.
Heather: And so Priscilla got you sent to Brat Camp…
Shelby: Well, actually, I got myself sent to Brat Camp. That’s where I met Austin – he ended up being a werewolf who had his anti-change medication confiscated, and the fun began. Well, actually it wasn’t all fun -- it’s a little unnerving when you like a guy who eats that much raw meat and chases after prey. And there was this whole part where we were stuck in the woods over night. Yeesh. Did I mention I was wearing a red hoodie? And my kind of boyfriend had turned into this massive wolf? Totally fairy tale gone wrong.
Heather: So what message would you like readers to take away from your story?
Shelby: That you should be who you *know* you are inside, not who people tell you you are. Does that make sense? I mean, my dad always told me I was super irresponsible and not trustworthy, but that was total bull. I learned out in the woods with Austin that people can count on me – and I can count on myself.
Heather: Are you done with Brat Camps now?
Shelby: Well… Does boarding school count? Priscilla and Dad still think I need an attitude adjustment, so I’ve been chilling out in Switzerland. There’s lots of snow here. And cheese. But at least there’s no Priscilla, right?
Heather: And no Austin, either though…
Shelby: Well, hopefully that will change, um, Miss Authoress. Hint, Hint!
Heather: You’re so subtle.
Shelby: It’s a gift.
Heather: Okay, so to wrap up – what’s one surprise readers can expect in Never Cry Werewolf?
Shelby: Most people don't know that werewolves have a strict code of ethics – unlike the bloodsuckers of the world.
Heather: Cool. Thanks!
That's it -- more on Austin next week!
Heather Davis is the author of
Never Cry Werewolf
Coming in April 2009 from HarperCollins
Monday, January 28, 2008
Talking to Myself...Well, Not Really...
Which brings me to the very odd, but I-imagine-this-will-be-fun task of sitting down with 17 year-old Kate DelVecchio, who is the main character of my recent release, How to Hook a Hottie.

Tina: Um, okay, hey there, Kate.
Kate: Tina...
Tina: You and I have spent a lot of time together--going back to early fall of 2005 when I first dreamed you up, and ending with galleys in the late spring of 2007. What would you say your best and worst experiences were, working with me?
Kate: Best? Well, I suppose I appreciate you letting people know that I’m actually an emotional person, even though I try not to let my feelings show.
Tina: We like to call that “still waters run deep.”
Kate: Whatever. And now worst? The Brandon thing. And how much fun you had laughing at me while you made me go on that date with him, and then that whole [author deleted this story spoiler] thing, which pretty much sucked, too. Thanks.
Tina: Don't mention it. Now me. What I liked best about working with you was your confidence. I fed off of it. Because believe me, I wasn’t sure I could pull off the whole Hook a Hottie concept--or the book at all. Worst? Well, you could stand to loosen up a little, Kate, and take time to smell the roses. Everything doesn’t have to be full-speed-ahead, you know.
Kate: See, that’s why I’m going to be a millionaire before I’m 20--and you aren’t.
Tina: Well, the fact I’m already over 20--
Kate: We like to call that “over the hill.”
Tina: I think we're done here.
Kate: You know I love you.
Tina: I love you, too, kiddo. Maybe I'll have to write a sequel so we can hang out some more.
* * * * * *
Okay, that's the heroine interview. We'll see which of my hotties puts his butt in the hot seat next Monday!
How to Hook a Hottie
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Geeky Cute AuthorBoyz
I've prepared, for your viewing pleasure, a list of my top five Geeky Cute AuthorBoyz. (And before any of the subsequently mentioned AuthorBoyz happen upon this blog--please, please, please--and take offense with the term "Geeky," I offer a relevant quote from the Prince of Geek, Wil Wheaton: When we were younger, it was cruel and hurtful to call someone a geek. These days, though, it's a badge of honor.)
1. John Green -- Genius and Printz Award-winning author of Looking For Alaska and An Abundance Of Katherines. He also writes a hilarious blog (occasionally) and spent the whole of 2007 communicating with his brother Hank via the Brotherhood 2.0 video blog (you can find the videos on YouTube or at nerdfighters.ning.com). Also must mention that JG is a fellow Duttonite. Duttonian? Duttoner?

2. Christopher Paolini -- Child prodigy author of the Inheritance cycle--aka ERAGON, ELDEST, and (coming September 2008) BRISINGR. Seriously, child prodigy. He wrote the first draft of insanely bestselling and major motion picture Eragon when he was fifteen. Yes, FIFTEEN!

3. David Levithan -- Maybe most famously known for co-authoring Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist and Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List with author goddess Rachel Cohn, he's also the solo author of Boy Meets Boy, How They Met, and Are We There Yet? DL is slated to co-author a book with JG titled Will Grayson, Will Grayson about two boys named--you guessed it--Will Grayson. This one's for Dutton, which makes him another Duttonista.

4. Scott Westerfeld -- Author of the phenomenally popular, dystopian trilogy, Uglies, consisting of Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras. (Yes, I know that's four books, but it's still called a trilogy. I guess when you're a #1 NY Times bestseller, you can rewrite the rules of math.) He gets bonus points for having been born in my adopted home state of Texas!

5. Markus Zusak -- Oh, I've definitely saved the best for last. (Not on the scale of literary talent or writing ability, but just look at that picture.) MZ is the Printz Award-winning author of The Book Thief and I Am The Messenger. He also surfs, plays soccer, and is Australian, which you know means he has a swoon-worthy accent to go with that smile.

So there you have my top five Geeky Cute AuthorBoyz. What do you think? Have you read any of their amazing books? Do you have any Geeky Cute AuthorBoy crushes of your own?
OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, May 2008
*In the spirit of full disclosure, I feel compelled to point out that: John Green, Scott Westerfeld, and Markus Zusak are married and David Levithan is gay, making Christopher Paolini the only AuthorBoy (to my knowledge) available for legitimate stalking. Delusional fantasy remains a viable option with the others.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Apropos of nothing...
So, I don't really have a topic to post on, so I thought I'd just talk about a few of my favorite things...
One of the best things about being a writer and having so many writer friends is getting to whoop it up when they sell their first book. My buddy, Maria Geraci, sold her book, THE CHURCH OF BUNCO, on Thursday to Berkeley Sensations. Whooooohooooo for Maria. This is totally an example of getting the book to the right editor who'll love it.
My friend, bestselling author, Gena Showalter, and her best friend, Jill Monroe, did a hilarious author interiew spoof on YouTube. You'll laugh until you cry!
I have a new favorite movie! While I'm watching one of my favorites now, THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS (mmmmm...Paul Walker!), I have to say that RATATOUILLE is the best movie I've seen in a long, long time. What a beautiful movie! And I'm just in love with Remy. Hmmm...Paul Walker or Remy...it's a tough decision. LOL!!
And it's Saturday. Is there any better day of the week than Saturday? You get to sleep in, laze about, not commute, and do whatever you want.
So, what are some of your favorite things?
Marley = )
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (May 2008, Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (May 2008, Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS Series (Begins May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Salsa Book Launch: More pics & a summary

Sitting in my California friends' hotel room instead of working
Saturday morning: I wake-up early after having a terrible nightmare that all my books have turned into postcards. Panicked, I check my stack of books -- no postcards to be seen. Whew! My sister, California friends and relatives get to work making the raffle baskets + window decor and my mom and I head out to get all the food.

Saturday night : I arrive at the bookstore at 6 pm sharp and the first thing I see is this:
WOW! Is that mine?!
I check out the food station. (Yummy! Capri-sun juice boxes and mango salsa!) and meet the tarot reader & acoustic band. Both very cool.
A steady stream of people start to arrive and I greet guests at the door for a while before handing the job over to my greeters.
Nabib, my sister Bonnie and Krish
I see my entire Seattle critique group who I have been critiquing with for over 5 years, the Tiaras (Christina Arbini, Kelli Estes, Shannon McKelden, Erin Eisenberg, and Serena Robar) and tons of friends from work. Then comes the gorgeous and fantastic Heather Davis, lucky charm extraordinaire. There are around 100 people milling around and I am having a blast!

It's time: Mary, the owner of the bookstore informs me it's time for the reading. (Yikes!) I try to escape, but my mom and her sisters won't have it.

Stonewall Sarkars
I stand up and give a little thank you speech. I talk about how I started writing and met my critique group. I talk about my first writers conference and my first rejection. I talk about how I got THE CALL and how I felt the day I saw my book in print. I read the dedication: To my mother for always having a book on her nightstand and my husband, for always making sure I have the same.
And then, I cry. A lot.
When all the guests leave, I get my tarot read.
The tarot reader tells me that I should pursue the historical story I'm writing...spooky fact: I didn't tell her I was writing anything historical. She told me I would dream about my heroine...I might be related to her. Wow.
I spoke with the booksellers and they said around 200 people came into the store and they sold at least that many book...so good turn out.Thank you my wonderful friends who came out to help me celebrate, hands down, the best day of my life. I never knew how many people I have to be grateful for until I saw them all cheering for me :)
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
Happy author, Grateful friend
HOW TO SALSA IN A SARI -- out now!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Book Launch: How to Salsa in a Sari
OMG!! Buzz Girl Dona Sarkar's book launch for How to Salsa in a Sari was great.
It was held on Saturday at a charming indie bookstore called Parkplace Books over on Seattle's Eastside.
Dona had a great turnout for the launch. Co-workers, family, friends, and a remarkable number of teens!
To start, she made a lovely speech thanking everyone who'd helped her along the way -- and then she read two passages from Salsa. Appropriately, she had a snack table full of chips and different salsas along with the usual cocktail food. Also, there was a tarot reader (long line!) and a cute little acoustic band playing tunes. There were a lot of women in, you guessed it, Saris. And check out Dona! Doesn't she look gorgeous in hers?!
There were lots of people there for the signing. Here's a smattering of the line, including the lovely Tiara Girls, a group of writing friends from the Eastside.
Congratulations, Dona! I couldn't be happier for you and Salsa.
Heather Davis is the author of
Never Cry Werewolf
Goodbye to Heath Ledger
Monday, January 21, 2008
Romance Writer Fired for Writing on the Job!
Years ago, to support myself “until the writing took off,” I took a job as a technical manuscript typist at a university. I was upfront about my career goals, and pleased to find the professors admired my ambition, even going as far as telling me I could use the word processor “after hours” for my writing.
Well, the “after hours” thing got a little blurry--whenever possible, I would steal a few minutes there at work. In fact, at one point, some graduate students admitted to going through my trash to read my drafts!
Here’s a picture of me from the early years. Check out what’s on my desk: novels from the university library.

In my seventh year, at which point I was a Staff Services Officer with my own office, the departmental head appeared in my doorway to tell me I’d been nominated for a Special Performance Award. I had to stand in front of the computer screen so he didn’t see the YA novel I was writing. Two months later, he appeared again to award me with a certificate and a check, and yep, caught me working on my book! I felt guilty, of course, but concluded I must be a pretty good multi-tasker to win that award while writing so many short stories and books on the job, so believe me, I cashed the check.
Anyway, it’s too bad that the Des Moines woman didn’t have the kind of look-the-other-way support that I did.
So now I am turning to you: have you ever attempted writing or homework or personal ventures at work? And how did that go?
What I'm Reading: Plum Lucky, Janet Evanovich
Tina Ferraro
How to Hook a Hottie
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
Sunday, January 20, 2008
How To ... Flesh Out Your Characters
Even with the coolest name in history (like Aspen Brooks or Nicolette Antonavich) your character is not going to be able to carry the weight of your book unless you know more about them than height, weight, eye and hair color. You have to understand what makes them tick, how they will respond to the situations you present them with in the course of the book, whether they like Diet Coke or Pineapple Fanta (My protagonist, Phoebe Castro, likes Fanta, by the way).
So what if your character doesn't appear to you in a dream as a fully realized, three-dimensional person who tells you everything you need to know about her? Well, there are a few shortcuts I've picked up along the way to help me move from characteristic to character.

3. Collage. I do this for every book. Because I'm a visual learner, I find it invaluable to have a pictorial compilation of my characters. Lots of writers do collages, but here's my method. You'll need some printer paper, scissors, a glue stick, and some magazines.
Step One: Flip through as many magazines as possible. I like TeenVogue, CosmoGirl, InStyle, and Lucky the best. I tear out anything that reminds me of any of the characters in this book. I do collages for all of the main characters and most of the secondary ones, so as I tear stuff out I divide into piles by character. The more I have to choose from the better. At a minimum I need something that will make a good background, a headshot or two of and actor or model who looks like the character, and some clothing and accessories they would own.
Step Two: Build the collage. Start by gluing down a background image that fills up most of the page (this way you won't end up with whitespace left over at the end). Then select a few of the headshot and clothing images, trim them to just the desired element, and arrange them over the background. I always lay these out before I glue so I make sure they all fit. Then snip out the small pictures and accessories and stick them wherever they fit.
Step Three: Finalize the collage with words. This usually requires flipping back through the magazines looking for two things. 1) Words that resonate with your characters. 2) Ransom-note-type letters that you can cut out and use to form your character's name. Sometimes I even outline the letters of the name in a silver Sharpie to make it stand out more.

Okay, those are all my secrets. Do you have any special tips or methods you use to give your character depth and substance?
OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, May 2008
Friday, January 18, 2008
How to Name Your Characters.....
I stress and fret over names until I get one that just "feels" right. I'm very big on giving names that are out of the ordinary because I want my characters to stand out. Here are some of the places I go for help when I get stuck looking for the perfect name.
The Social Security database: http://www.ssa.gov/OACT/babynames/
This database gives you a breakdown of the most popular names clear back to 1880. You can even break it down by the most popular names by state or specific year. It is a wonderful resource.
Baby name books: These are especially nice if you want your characters name to have a specific meaning. These also list some of the more modern and unique names.
If all else fails, get out your atlas. I'm big on city names for some reason. You can find some gems in every state.
And if you are too lazy to move from your computer, you can always Google 'baby names' and find about about a million websites to help you out. Good luck!
When I was little I always used to wish my name was Crystal. These days I think I would lean toward Ireland. What would you rename yourself?
What I'm reading....AGNES AND THE HITMAN by Jenny Crusie & Bob Mayer
Revenge of the Homecoming Queen, OUT NOW!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
And the winner is...
Who said the best way to keep your hooked hottie is to "keep laughing. A sense of humor will get you through SO... much!"
CONGRATS to Emily!! Please e-mail me at marley_gibson @ yahoo.com (no spaces) with your snail mail addy and I'll get the book sent off to you.
Monday, January 14, 2008
30 Days to Getting Over the Dork You Used to Call Your Boyfriend
Last summer, while visiting my editor at Random House, she gave me an Advanced Reader Copy of a book she edited, 30 Days to Getting over the Dork You Used to Call Your Boyfriend: A Heartbreak Handbook by Clea Hantman. Here’s the synopsis:
BEING DUMPED HURTS. But you know what? It happens to everyone. Even Gwyneth, even Cameron, even Madonna have been on the losing end of love. The part you might not believe is that no matter how brutally your heart’s been broken, those wounds will heal. But the longer you dwell on the dork, the longer your heart will remain cracked. Enter 30 Days to Getting Over the Dork You Used to Call Your Boyfriend. One day at a time, 30 days in a row. At the end, you’ll find you have the power to yank that dagger out of your chest, stand tall, walk proud, and move on. And along the way, you may just discover something marvelous and surprising about yourself.

It took a few months for this book to make it to the top of my To Be Read pile, but when it did--wow. I was impressed with its originality, practicality, effectiveness and playful, supportive tone.
My favorite idea was writing the dork’s name on a post-it, putting it on the bottom of your shoe, and then dancing...
While I hope none of our readers are ever in a position to need a book about recovering from a bad break-up, odds are some of you might. I highly recommend you turn to this book for enpowerment to getting yourself back on the road to recovery. (And no, I'm NOT just kissing up to my editor. haha)
What I'm Reading: The Luxe by Anna Godbersen
Tina Ferraro
How to Hook a Hottie
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
Sunday, January 13, 2008
How To ... Get Closer To Your Crush

But the world just shifted. The inseparable couple is now officially, unequivocally, irreversibly over. The chance you've been waiting for has finally arrived. Now you just have to figure out how to capitalize on the opportunity.
Here are five ways you might get closer to your crush:

2. Make Some Music. Maybe your crush is the musical type. If he marches with the school band, only a few clarinet lessons keep you from marching at his side. If he's more the garage band type, find out when his next gig is and plant yourself in the crowd--be sure to compliment his performance afterwards.
3. Join A Club. Is your crush more the straight As and extra-curriculars type? The next time his Science Club has a meeting, be there--lab coat not required. (Plus, it will look good on your college applications!)
We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for this announcement:And now, back to the blog.
- The winner of Dona's How To basket contest is ... ElaineRene07!

5. Ask For Help. If there's one thing all guys like--all people, actually--it's praise for something they're good at. So, if your crush has a particular talent that you don't, why not ask him for help. See if he's available for English tutoring. Or can teach you how to draw those cool graffiti letters he's always sketching--be sure to have a reason, like you want to make really cool posters for your class treasurer campaign.

There's one last important thing to keep in mind while on your crush quest: You are not a stalker. Approaching any of the above activities with the intention of just getting a chance to gaze longingly at your crush from a closer distance is going to get your nowhere. You have to take the opportunity and make something of it. Keep this valuable axiom in mind:
We almost never regret the things we do, but we often regret the things we didn't do.
In other words, if you take that first step to go after your crush, the worst that can happen is he says, "No." But if you don't, you will never know what might have been.
Time to put this lesson into action. Which one of these ways can you use to get closer to your crush?
OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, May 2008
Pre-order from Amazon now (and save 32%!)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
How to keep that hooked hottie
We've had a lot of great advice on hooking your own hottie, so I thought I'd help wrap up with some tips on keeping that hooked hottie.
1. Keep in Touch: What's better than walking down the hallway at school hand in hand or with your arms around each other? Keeping in touch with your hottie churns up feel-good hormones and keeps the affection alive and kickin'.
2. Keep Talking: Don't monopolize every conversation. Sharing what's on your mind is the best way to keep the relationship going. Let him tell you what he's thinking.
3. Keep it Real: Neither you nor your hottie are perfect in every way, although we'd like to think so. (LOL!) Don't look at his flaws or quirks or things that might annoy. Realize it's those things that make him real...human.
4. Keep Who You Are: While you've got that hottie hooked, don't forget your friends. They're just as important as he is. Make sure you still have lunch and shopping outings with your friends and don't completely abandon them just to spend time with him. It'll make your time with him all that much better.
5. Keep Being a Good Date: Don't get in the dinner and movie rut. Keep dates fresh. Plan secret things for you and your hottie. Try an extreme sport. Take in a museum. Go to a hockey game. Think of fun and creative things you can do together that keeps the relationship fresh and alive.
So, for today's giveaway of Tina Ferraro's HOW TO HOOK A HOTTIE, post your advice on how to keep your hooked hottie. Winner will be announced on Wednesday!
Marley = )
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (May 2008, Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (May 2008, Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS Series (Begins May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
What I'm reading: Well, what else? HOW TO HOOK A HOTTIE
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Where to hook a hottie....

Wednesday, January 09, 2008
How To Hook....and Keep!

- Have a LIFE! Please continue to do all the awesome things you used to do when he fell for you. I guarantee you he liked you because you had tons of interests, friends, talents, etc. Did you used to go salsa-dancing with your friends once a week? Keep on doing that! If he wants, he can join you..if not, so what? It's important for you to continue to be that same person...plus, it gives you plenty of new things to talk about!
- Don't give in all the time. Do you agree to the restaurant he want, or the movie he's been dying to see? Don't! Every other time, YOU decide beforehand where you want to eat, who you want to hang out with, which movie you want to see. Super-decisive = super-sexy!
- Dress up for him! Yes, after you've been together for a while, you don't need to blow out your hair every day, or do makeup everyday...but every once in a while, go all out! Do the hair, makeup, jewelry, nice outfit thing tell him, "Baby, you're coming with me!" and take him out for a fun night on the town.
- Keep the surprises coming! Get dramatic highlights, buy those skinny jeans you've been eyeing, take a cooking class! Don't become super-predictable....always keep him guessing...and I guarantee, he will never become un-hooked!
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
How to Hook a Hottie of Your Own...

We Have a Winner!
Sandi, who wrote that she'd like to hook Orlando Bloom.
Sandi, congratulations, and would you please contact me at tina@tinaferraro.com with an address so I can mail the book to you?
Thanks to all who entered!
Monday, January 07, 2008
Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from the book’s blurb:
Kate DelVecchio plans to be a millionaire before she's 20. When she agrees to go to a sports banquet with a hotshot baseball player, she stumbles upon a possible cash cow. The rest of the school is amazed that the no-nonsense Kate could hook such a hottie, and one by one approach her for help hooking their own. She doesn't know anything about getting guys, but for $100.00 a pop, she's more than willing to try, including inventing a 6-step-plan on How to Hook a Hottie. And how could that possibly backfire?

So....do you want to win an autographed copy of How to Hook a Hottie? If so, simply tell me in the comments section the name of a celebrity hottie you wish you could hook. It’s okay if he/she is technically unavailable...this is, after all, about fiction! I’ll draw the winner at random, so there is no bias toward any of my personal favorites. (And besides, Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon are mine. Haha.)
Hope you’ll play!
What I'm Reading: How to Salsa in a Sari by Dona Sarkar
Tina Ferraro
How to Hook a Hottie
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
Sunday, January 06, 2008
How to Reproduce a Masterpiece
My most exciting almost-career-plan was becoming a scenic artist. For those unfamiliar with theatre, that's the person who paints all the fantastical backdrops and floors and who creates giant styrofoam sculptures, crests, and other massive works of art for the stage. I took a scene painting class (from my dad, no less), reigned as scenic artist over two large productions, and then--thankfully--returned my attention to writing. But I did come away with a new understanding of painting, because painting for the theatre is unique in two ways: 1) the scale is very, very big, and 2) it has to happen very, very quickly. There is no time for dawdling, doodling, and perfecting in scenic arts. You have to get the painting done and dry so that the next part of the set can be built. Often, you have to recreate in an afternoon a masterpiece of art that took months to paint. Here's how to do it fast and foolproof.
Supplies List
- From an office supply store:
- 8.5"x11" foam core (you'll probably have to buy a big sheet and cut it down to size)
- 8.5"x11" acetate (like for an overhead projector)
- Sharpie (fine point)
- ruler
- string/tape measure
- From an art or crafts store:
- canvas (ready to paint with a layer of white paint/gesso--bigger is better and easier)
- drawing pencil/charcoal
- acrylic paint (at least black, white, red, blue, and yellow ... more colors in your painting's palette if you don't feel comfortable color mixing)
- paint brushes of various (1/2" or larger) sizes

2. Prepare the canvas. Using the string/tape measure and the pencil/charcoal, divide your canvas into squares six across and however many will fit vertically.
3. Prepare your artist's elevation. Print out a color copy of your art. Tape the art to a piece of foam core (the stuff used to make science fair displays). Over the art, tape a sheet of acetate (like a sheet for an overhead projector). Using the ruler and the Sharpie, divide your art into squares six across and however many will fit vertically. You can only paint as many square as you have on your canvas, so you might have to crop the artwork some to fit. (This is the actual elevation I used to recreate the Lempicka.)

4. Sketch your art. This is the easy part. All you have to do is look at the top left square (call it A1) on your elevation and then sketch the shape outlines into the corresponding square on your canvas. Repeat for the remaining squares. You never have to worry about too much detail because you're only sketching a small portion at a time. When you're done, be sure to step back an check that all the lines flow across squares properly.
5. Paint. The best thing about the elevation you prepares is that you can mix color right on your artwork, comparing your paint with the original color directly. Then you can wipe it off the acetate when you're ready for the next color. Always start with the background and then work your way forward. Concentrate on getting the basic shapes and the "feel" of the art more than making an exact duplicate. You can always come back and fix details later (acrylic is forgiving that way). Most important of all: work quickly. It give your brain less time to edit--like writing a $h!tty first draft.
6. Admire your masterpiece. [I wish I had in-progress photos to show, but this painting was the final exam in my scene painting class. I had to recreate this Lempicka in 4 hours! Not much time for snapping photos.]

If any of this is confusing, please let me know. And if anyone gets inspired to recreate a masterpiece of their own, I'd love to see a pic of the final result!
OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, May 2008
Pre-order from Amazon now (and save 32%!)