My (perhaps surprising) answer follows, but first, I want to put on an administrative hat and tell our readers that:
--one signed copy will be given away each day this week, so please keep dropping by and commenting;
--Heather will be making a 50 cent donation to the Teen Feed charity for each unique comment left this week, so not only will comments lead to entering the contest, but helping feed homeless teens;
--I will be posting the 6 winners of her signed books next Sunday, April 19;
--I'm postponing announcement of the winner of my "How to Encourage an Author" contest until next Monday, April 20 because I basically I wrote myself into a corner and had to back up and start again. So for those of who have yet to enter, there’s still time.
Okay now, back to the fun!
If I could time travel anywhere, would I go?
Well, starting with the fact I’d like to limit my time travel to short vacation, and to shave a bunch of years off my age so that I’d wouldn’t look like somebody’s mom?
It would be Hamburg, Germany, in the early 1960’s, in a club called the Kaiserkeller, when The Beatles were featured performers.

I’ve read several nonfiction accounts of the early Beatles days, of their trials and tribulations and various member changes, and have seen the movie, Backbeat, a couple of times, and just would love to experience the youthful energy and craziness that spurred what is (arguably but commonly) known as the greatest rock band of all times. And how much fun would it be to Twist and Shout with them while they were still trying out their sounds and materials?
So...keeping to the rock and roll theme to my time travel fantasy, is there a time and place--maybe a concert--from one of your favorite bands that you wish you could go experience?
Tina Ferraro
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, 2010 Rita® Finalist
How to Hook a Hottie, 2009 Rita® Finalist
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
I don't think you'd need to use time travel to shave any years off. Why? Because you and all the other buzzers are, simply put, sexy genius writers! ;)
Hmm, majority of all my favourite bands are modern day and still together. But I'd love to go back in time and attend a Lifehouse concert! Favourite band of all time <3 In general I'd love to travel in time to visit Ancient Greece or Egypt!
Cool time-travel idea, Tina. How do you choose just one concert? I think maybe I would travel back in time to see myself at 15 going to see Howard Jones. I sat next to a boy I was so in love with and it had to have been cute watching from the outside. ;)
Time Travel.... hmmm... I would go to ancient Egypt! Such a cool time!
I think if I could time travel I would go back to the 50's. I was always obsessed with this era and wanted to be apart of it.
If I had to time travel to see any of my favorite bands, it would have to be to go see Rise Against in one of their first gigs before they became what they are today. Out of all the bands I feel like Rise Against stuck to their roots, and actually try to do something with their music, like helping PETA.
In general, I would probably love to time travel back to Victorian Era or Ancient Greece like Brodie.
I'm with you Tina. I'd travel back to the 60's to see the Beatles, but I'd leave all my shyness and insecurities back here in 2010.
Fun! I'd travel back to Coney Island, Brooklyn, circa 1911 so I could go to the weird old amusement parks, Luna Park and Dreamland...I'd take a spin on the Human Roulette Wheel and and wander through Midget City.
Happy Release day to Heather!
And cool post, Tina. I'd love to see the Beatles, too, I guess, 'cause my mum can't ever seem to stop talking about them.
Um..I would'nt want to minus some years though. I mean, I'm 19 now and it'll be kinda cool to still remain 19 when I'm time-travelling.
I'd wanna go back to maybe when TATU first came up, ('cause in the real world I was 11 at the time and not exactly allowed to attend concerts) and just let my hair down! :))
Did I mention I love TATU to death? <33
I definately would like to have been at Woodstock and see Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix perform!
I would probably go back in time to the Woodstock era because I've always been fascinated with the hippy type things. Plus, seeing any type of music live is always exciting, so seeing a whole bunch of bands in amazing times ten. Although, during that time, people weren't really concerned about their hygiene for that time period. Also, drugs were pretty big. If I went back in time with the knowledge I have now of all that stuff, I think I could hold my own and be fine. That would make the experience very amazing.
I love this whole idea of time travel and like your thought about going to see the Beatles. My time travel would have to take me back to the old west. I would have loved to live during that time period.
I'd love to be able to see Beatles Hysteria in person. Time period-wise, Victorian England!
I think I'd like to travel to ancient Rome (just not stay there, lol). I like to see a lot of the ruins in their glory days. Awesome post, btw!
Since I didn't see a requirement that we need to travel backwards, I would travel forward. Most likely to the 23rd century. Being a bit of a sci-fi nut, I want to know if they really call it warp drive. :)
Hmm...I would want to go back to the 70's definitely. If I had to pick a concert to go to within that decade, I would want it to be ABBA!!! Sparkley disco fun.
Good question. I'd love to go back to where I could wear a huge ball gown full of fluff and petticoats. I'm such a girl when it comes to that stuff. The only thing I think I'd hate is that I wouldn't, as a woman, have the rights I do now!
I'm loving all of these comments...thanks...and YES to Laurie's question about is it okay to travel forward!
I can never just pick one place I'd like to time travel to seeing as I feel I was born in the wrong era. This question was asked in another forum a few weeks back and I gave all sorts of answers but one that has stuck with me since first deciding it would be a place I would like to go is the lost city of atlantis...before it was lost of course. ;)
Oh god. I have no idea where i'd travel. The first thing that pops into my head at the moment is to go to Woodstock. I think that would be an amazing thing to see.
I would go back in time to watch a Michael JAckson or 2pac concert - that would be cool!
Congrats on the release of The Clearing, Heather! What a lovely idea to make a donation for every comment.
Tina, I can just see you as a beatnik in a Hamburg club! I reckon John would've written a song about you.
This might sound dorky, but I wish I could go back to November 1982, when my eldest sister was allowed to go to Duran Duran's only Brisbane concert and I wasn't. Too young and crushable, apparently! But the weird thing is the band is still together today, so I don't *really* need to time-travel to see them in concert.
Thanks, all! And Vanessa, lovely comment about me as beatnik! Haha. Prompting me to add that I actually WAS introduced to John Lennon in the mid-70's, but alas, am not aware that he wrote a song about me. ;)
I've always wanted to meet Jim Henson. I'm not sure of the exact date and place but I sure would love to go back in time and meet him when Kermit first made his appearance on TV. It is such a momentous occasion!
I would want to be of age during the disco crave...hang out at Studio 54, enjoy the nightlife, the music, and the polyester. LOL!!
Either the Beatles or Elvis Presley; I love them both! :)
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