My sons attend the same school that I graduated from. I got to thinking about how much things have changed since I was in school. One of the biggest changes of all is the teachers themselves. When I was in school, all of the teachers were ridiculously old and grouchy. I'm not kidding. I think my second grade teacher was like ninety. I was a shy bookworm, so I fared just fine, but some of my more rambunctious schoolmates met with the wooden paddle quite often (can you believe this was ever allowed?).

While I browsed the halls yesterday I realized how ridiculously good-looking a significant amount of the teachers were. Seriously. It is like a smorgasbord for the eyes around those halls. And each and every one of them is patient and kind. You even see some of them on the playground at recess with the kids. And yes, they do get paid extra for this, but they could stand there doing nothing just making sure no one impales them self on the playground equipment, but instead they actually "play" with the kids. This has given my children an opportunity to see their teachers as people and not just teachers. Sure, they still act like freaks if we see their teachers at the mall, but I truly believe it has made them better learners. A mother can dream, can't she?
Did you have crush on a teacher in grade school?
First off, congrats on the straight A's! I never pulled that off, and I'm impressed!
I have also noticed that teachers are more involved and more energetic than when I was in school. Although there were no wooden planks in my schools, for the most part, I felt like many of my teachers were just doing their jobs...whereas these days, I can see the teachers WANT to be there.
But as far as a crush--no. But I did always want the teachers to like me.
Congrats on your boys doing so well!!!
I still feel that I was really lucky in having some amazing teachers...In fact I can't think of one that I didn't like in some way!!!
I definitely didn't have crushes on any of my grade school teachers, who were all female, but I think I'd have to say I had a little bit of a crush on all of my male teachers--Not that they were all lookers, by any means, but there's just something about listening to someone who knows how to read out loud and tell a story...
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