It's Tuesday and time for my first post on the BBB blog. Such pressure...
I'll go retro on topics today, because I'm in the middle of a break-up, which really sucks. So, if you haven't yet discovered this truth about life -- look away from the screen.
Boys can break your heart!
It wasn't any easier in high school. Usually the guy (or you) just didn't call, and then when you saw him at the dance you pretended not to notice he was even there. (You totally noticed!) Or, there was always the dreaded "It's not you it's me" conversation where you promised to be friends forever -- or at least until you saw him making out with the drill team captain.
I think my worst break-up was in college when I was blindsided by a dumping. I stood there, sipping from the cranberry juice box in my hand, while my annoying, snobbish literature major gnome of a boyfriend listed the things completely wrong about me and my life on the planet. (Uh, thanks for that Gnome Boy. We were sooo not meant for each other.)
So nowadays, what eases the pain besides Nutter Butters and Project Runway marathons?
The same thing as back in high school -- friends. You can never have too many good girlfriends or boy-friends to help you commiserate, plan your future adventures, and choose your new hairstyle. Don't laugh. Sure, adventures are cool, but the right highlights can actually improve your life. They can help you get over anything. (The friends, not the highlights.)
I've made so many wonderful friends, both in my writing and non-writing lives. They keep me sane when the going gets tough, or the jackass gets going...
I may be a little rusty at the break-up game, but I rock at choosing good friends. And the best thing is -- they never want their damn sweater back.
Breakups suck! I'm sorry you're going through that garbage right now. Just remember he was just a "filler" until Heath finds you! Sending cyber hugs, a pack of Nutter Butters, and an ice cold jug of milk your way. :)
See, that's what I mean about friends! Heath & Nutters? You know how to make me smile. :)
Gah! You're not going through a breakup! You're going through a portal that is going to lead you into the best years of your life!!!
Think about it...in the last few months, you found Stephen, won the freakin GH and met all of us totally awesome chicks!
I predict things will just get better...
Sales! Fame! Fortune! Riches!
BTW, I love the pic of you on your entry today :)
I heard a rumor Orlando Bloom is single. He goes great with Nutter Butters!
You are sooo right about Orlando. There is hope left for me. :)
Oh, and Dona? I've decided to change the break-up into a PLT.. Positive Life Transition! New phrase coined by me this weekend. :)
Any guy who doesn't see that you're unbelievable awesome doesn't deserve you! Does someone have a voodoo doll around? 'Cause we could stick some pins in his...
High five to the PTL...every man who isn't your Mr. Right is, by definition, Mr. Wrong.
Breakups still suck, though...I hope you're hanging in okay!
I am fabulous, peeeps! Have no fear about HDK on the PTLs. :)
Hugs on everything, Heather, but I agree with Dona. Things are rocking for you with so many good things going on. And you've got a great support structure to lean on!
Marley = )
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