Monday, January 29, 2007

Announcing "The Call" Week!

The Buzz Girls are having a theme week, telling our “The Call” stories. And since Marley is having some technical difficulties today, I’m going first, and she’ll slide in for me tomorrow.

My story is unusual, to say the least, and the only way I can start it is on the day before, Thursday, June 12, 2005...

I was a nervous wreck. Krista Marino at Random House had made an offer on Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress, but my agent, Nadia Cornier, had to close loops with some other interested parties first. After having waited so long to sell a book, I was beset with worries that “something would go wrong” and suddenly no one would want it (let alone my dream publisher, Random House).

I had been driving myself and Nadia crazy. So I announced at breakfast that I was going to see “Mr. and Mrs. Smith” at the local theater to keep myself busy.

Which was where an employee from son’s school found me hours later. My 11 year-old had had a serious playground accident, and they needed my permission for hospital treatment. How thankful I was that I made that breakfast announcement, and even in his blinding pain, he was able to remember and tell them where to find me!

Fast-forward many hours. He had emergency surgery to reconnect his arm...and at midnight, I was feeding him ice cream in a hospital room, just so thankful it had been his arm--and not his back or his neck. He slept fitfully that night, and the alarm on his intravenous fluid drip kept going off, requiring me to stay awake for constant adjustments. I was grateful when dawn broke, to have the previous day behind me.

At 8:00 am, my cell phone rang. I thought it was family. Instead it was Nadia. The deal with Krista Marino at Random House had been sealed.

I stood there, looking at my son, trying to get my brain to process. I was thrilled. Sort of. Kind of. I mean--I was! But what, just yesterday, had me jumping out of my skin, now seemed...surreal.

All I could think about was him. What would his summer be like in a cast? Would be make it to his 6th grade promotion? Would he be able to play his beloved baseball again?

So fast-forward another 10 hours. We’re home, with assurances from the doctor that he’ll make a complete recovery. I’ve had a nap, am feeling human again. And it hits me...OMIGOD, I sold my book!!!

I go for the bottle of champagne that I’d been (hopefully, wishfully) keeping in the back of the fridge. I pop the cork and open my mouth, and start doing the NBA Championship Thing.

Laughing, crying, slurping, guzzling. Like a crazy person. One blissfully happy and grateful mother and published author crazy person.

Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress, March, 2007
How to Hook a Hottie, Spring, 2008


Anonymous said...

Awww...Tina! What a great story! Very emotional! And I've got to follow THAT tomorrow? ::EG::

How is your son's arm now? Is he okay? Bless his heart...

Marley = )

Dona Sarkar-Mishra said...

God, Tina, that is SO SWEET (not that your poor baby son broke his arm, but how the whole thing played out). Isn't it amazing how all these major things happen at the same time?

That's a great story full of twists and I look fwd to hearing all the others soon!

WooHoo, PROM DRESS comes out soon!

stephhale said...

You made me start crying! I hope your baby (okay, not so much, but I bet you still think of him as your baby) has made a full recovery and is playing like a champ!
I remember hearing about your sale and I thought it sounded adorable. You always seemed like such a genuinely nice person in your posts and I was really happy for you. I feel like I've been waiting forever to read it and I can hardly wait to get an autographed copy in July!
Isn't it so true though that no matter how good things are going in our writing lives that first, and foremost, we are mommies?


Anonymous said...

Hi Tina,
Even though I already knew this story, it brought tears to my eyes.
How true. Our kids, no matter what age, do come before all else.

Great post!

Kelly (Lynn) Parra said...

Oh Tina, you are so wonderful! I remember this very well and you put it into words so that we can all experience with you!!

Kel :)

TinaFerraro said...

Thanks, Marley, and just so you know, I used Larry Bird in the picture so we could all have a little bit of Boston in our Monday, even if we have to wait for you 'til tomorrow.

My son's arm is just fine now, thanks! In fact, he just set a personal best for hits in a baseball season. And the good news for me is this accident tempered his dare-devil ways a bit. He knows now that he's not invincible! Whew!


TinaFerraro said...

Yes, Dona, PROM DRESS comes out in 42 days (if I was actually counting)...

And thanks, yeah, I guess the story *is* sweet--in hindsight!


TinaFerraro said...

Steph, wow, I made you tear up? Okay, confession: I teared up several times when I was writing it.

And thank you for your kind words about being happy that I sold. I felt the same about you--but that's a comment post for Friday, right?


TinaFerraro said...

Janie and Kelly, who were there with me during this all, thanks for the support then, and all you give me now!


Anonymous said...

I'm dropping by from the YA loop.

What a great story. It kind of puts all the drama about selling into perspective, doesn't it? Glad you sold, but I'm even happier that your son is okay!


TinaFerraro said...

Thank you, Leanna!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Tina! What a rollercoaster! I guess life is like that, no? At least you know your priorities are straight, even in the direst/most ecstatic circumstances.

Glad your boy is healed and back to better than 100%.


TinaFerraro said...

Thanks, TLC, and I'm looking forward to reading your The Call story!


Heather Davis said...

Wow, Tina.
Your ordeal with your son kinda put life in perspective for both of you. What an amazing story.
