It could be a Scottish accent, a la Sean Connery...

Or a Spanish one, like Antonio Banderas...

There's Colin Farrell's Irish brogue...

Australian-born Troy hottie, Eric Bana...

And super-sexy Israeli, Oded Fehr.
Face it, blogsters, there's just something magical about an accent. Who are your favorite foreign-born actors? Bonus points for actors who aren't native English speakers!
OH. MY. GODS. (Dutton) May 2008
I'm going to answer for myself AND Heather (waving to Heather) when I say "Heath Ledger". Whenever I come upon a Heath movie I've yet to see, my first thought is always about whether he's able to use his incredible natural accent...
Great blog, TLC, and I couldn't agree more!
I love the British guys. Orlando Bloom is the first name to pop up in my head when I think of foreign actors. I love his accent, it's so light and airy and British-y.
Great blog & great question!
WannabeWriter <3
Oh yummy. I love every single one of those guys. Oded is BY far my favorite. I watch The Mummy every time it comes on just to see him! Great choices, TLC, and I totally agree about accents!
I like Gerard Butler's accent. I can't really place it, but I like it.
I'll add in a Colin Firth, how's that? = )
Ah, yes, Marley, a rousing second for Colin Firth!
I love Clive Owen.O_O
King Arthur had me drooling.
Tina (and Heather) -- oh, yummy Heath. That reminds me of Christian Bale, who almost never uses his accent.
Wannabe -- How could I forget Orly?
Steph -- I'm a sucker for the Mummy, too. Oded is a definite highlight.
Celise -- good call on Gerard Butler (Scottish, I believe)
Marley -- omigosh, looove Colin Firth.
Danette -- Clive is a great pic (not only a great accent, but I love a guy who looks that good in stubble!)
The delicious Gerard is, indeed, Scottish.
My accent/voice of choice is Gael García Bernal-- *le swoon* The man can speak three languages fluently and has the most divine accent and a sexy, sexy voice.
You've pretty much hit on the others-- or ooh, Ioan Griffud. Welsh. Hot. Really hot.
Anyone who knows me knows that I loooove accents.
I adore Jonathan Rhys Meyers!
And there are sooo many others, but if I tried listing them all, I would be here all day.
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