I've prepared, for your viewing pleasure, a list of my top five Geeky Cute AuthorBoyz. (And before any of the subsequently mentioned AuthorBoyz happen upon this blog--please, please, please--and take offense with the term "Geeky," I offer a relevant quote from the Prince of Geek, Wil Wheaton: When we were younger, it was cruel and hurtful to call someone a geek. These days, though, it's a badge of honor.)
1. John Green -- Genius and Printz Award-winning author of Looking For Alaska and An Abundance Of Katherines. He also writes a hilarious blog (occasionally) and spent the whole of 2007 communicating with his brother Hank via the Brotherhood 2.0 video blog (you can find the videos on YouTube or at nerdfighters.ning.com). Also must mention that JG is a fellow Duttonite. Duttonian? Duttoner?

2. Christopher Paolini -- Child prodigy author of the Inheritance cycle--aka ERAGON, ELDEST, and (coming September 2008) BRISINGR. Seriously, child prodigy. He wrote the first draft of insanely bestselling and major motion picture Eragon when he was fifteen. Yes, FIFTEEN!

3. David Levithan -- Maybe most famously known for co-authoring Nick & Nora's Infinite Playlist and Naomi and Ely's No Kiss List with author goddess Rachel Cohn, he's also the solo author of Boy Meets Boy, How They Met, and Are We There Yet? DL is slated to co-author a book with JG titled Will Grayson, Will Grayson about two boys named--you guessed it--Will Grayson. This one's for Dutton, which makes him another Duttonista.

4. Scott Westerfeld -- Author of the phenomenally popular, dystopian trilogy, Uglies, consisting of Uglies, Pretties, Specials, and Extras. (Yes, I know that's four books, but it's still called a trilogy. I guess when you're a #1 NY Times bestseller, you can rewrite the rules of math.) He gets bonus points for having been born in my adopted home state of Texas!

5. Markus Zusak -- Oh, I've definitely saved the best for last. (Not on the scale of literary talent or writing ability, but just look at that picture.) MZ is the Printz Award-winning author of The Book Thief and I Am The Messenger. He also surfs, plays soccer, and is Australian, which you know means he has a swoon-worthy accent to go with that smile.

So there you have my top five Geeky Cute AuthorBoyz. What do you think? Have you read any of their amazing books? Do you have any Geeky Cute AuthorBoy crushes of your own?
OH. MY. GODS. -- Dutton, May 2008
*In the spirit of full disclosure, I feel compelled to point out that: John Green, Scott Westerfeld, and Markus Zusak are married and David Levithan is gay, making Christopher Paolini the only AuthorBoy (to my knowledge) available for legitimate stalking. Delusional fantasy remains a viable option with the others.
I love geeky-cute boys and John Green is a really great writer.
Fascinating! I knew very little about each one of these guys, and you've enlighted and intrigued me!
As soon as I read the opening, I thought: John Green. He's the king of the Geeky-Cute authors, and I loved reading Looking for Alaska.
Oh, and Christopher Paolini was definitely up there, too. Even though I couldn't quite get through Eragon.
Whoa, I'm surprised, I'd never seen a photo of Marcus Zusak. Very cute.
I think I remember seeing a photo of Bennett Madison (author of the Lulu Dark series) and thinking he was cute. Like David Levithan, he's gay.
Cool topic!
<3 Paige
Sarah -- no argument there!
Tina -- glad to introduce you to these guys. (Now if someone would just introduce them to me...)
Paige -- thanks for pointing me to Bennett Madison. Very cute!
Now THAT was a good idea for a blog post. And lots of fun to read, too. And you know what? They're all great writers, too. Well, four out of five. I haven't read any books from one of them, but they're in my TBR pile...
Okay, now you're just freaking me out. I had been planning a post EXACTLY like this for months but was too lazy to do it. Scary!
I had never seen a picture of Markus either, very swoon-worthy!
And I agree about Bennett Madison, he is a total doll & so nice! And his Lulu Dark books are great!:) Great post!
Great post, Tera! I've always loved geeks, so I was intrigued to read about these guys!
Yay for the Gods of book writing!
I love both of John Greens novels
and Scott Westerfeld's books scar you with their brilliance...I remember his first novel, So Yesterday...it was outstanding...and since then I have been hooked on his writing...
And OMGsh Zusak is a way hottie...not just a looker, but what an author!!! The Book Thief is just an amazing book...and um, he's Australian???!!!?!!! That means he probably has an accent...well consider me swooned.
Thanks for the great blog...I love learning about my fav. authors...
Oh my!
Markus Zusak is quite the hottie!
He has my vote for sure! I love geeky-cute boys. And when they have accents, they are even better!
Booklady -- Thanks and thank! Now I want to know which one you haven't read. =)
Steph -- Ha ha, I beat you to it! Um, I mean, wow we were on the same page again. Go figure.
Kim -- Thanks so much for stopping by. I have definitely acquired a taste for geeks myself.
Peace -- I'll fight you for Zusak. (And then the winner can take on his wife!)
Michelle -- Oh yeah, Markus definitely takes the prize!
They're cute, but . . . they all look like the same guy, in same way that all of our US Presidents have all looked like the same guy (wink, nudge).
Love the subject. very smart. and nerdworthy!
this is a topic that could take up a week :)
Tera, I haven't read David Levithan's books yet. Nick and Nora's Infinite Playlist is on my TBR list, though, but that's about a million miles long, so there's no telling when I'll get to it. I've heard it's wonderful, though.
Good call on John Green and Markus!! Both very adorable in real life as well. =)
Bianca -- yep, they're cuties. Thanks for commenting.
yabooknerd -- Hmmm... I wish I could spend a week on those cuties!
booklady -- N&N is in my TBR pile too. (Shhh, don't tell anyone.)
SeaHeidi -- Soooo jealous that you've been in the presence of JG and MZ! No fair. Thanks for stoppin' by, fellow Penguin. =)
I am proud to say that I know four of those five geeky cute authorboyz!
yet sadly they are all taken... (but i don't know paolini, he could still be up for grabs)
lili -- I could cry from jealousy. (Taken or not.) Would it help if I moved to Australia? That seems to be a recurring element.
Was just reading MJ's posts at insideadog earlier today -- love!
Nice list! I think Ned Vizzini should also be on it though - he's quite attractive as well.
Markus Zusak is my new fave author, guys!!! Go read the Book Thief if you haven't yet. It's the BEST book I've read in a long time. Beautiful and yet stark language, horrific and lovely all in one.
juanita -- Ooh, I looked up Ned Vizzini. Definitely cute!
H -- Yeah, I've started The Book Thief (on hold while I finish another book) and it's just gorgeous. He has a most amazing command of words.
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