Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt from the book’s blurb:
Kate DelVecchio plans to be a millionaire before she's 20. When she agrees to go to a sports banquet with a hotshot baseball player, she stumbles upon a possible cash cow. The rest of the school is amazed that the no-nonsense Kate could hook such a hottie, and one by one approach her for help hooking their own. She doesn't know anything about getting guys, but for $100.00 a pop, she's more than willing to try, including inventing a 6-step-plan on How to Hook a Hottie. And how could that possibly backfire? you want to win an autographed copy of How to Hook a Hottie? If so, simply tell me in the comments section the name of a celebrity hottie you wish you could hook. It’s okay if he/she is technically unavailable...this is, after all, about fiction! I’ll draw the winner at random, so there is no bias toward any of my personal favorites. (And besides, Mark Wahlberg and Matt Damon are mine. Haha.)
Hope you’ll play!
What I'm Reading: How to Salsa in a Sari by Dona Sarkar
Tina Ferraro
How to Hook a Hottie
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
Milo Ventimiglia. When he played Jess in Gilmore Girls. ;)
edward cullen of course!
After watching a music video of his about five times, I'd love to spend time with Rob Thomas.
And for the record, HOTTIE is a great book.
Chelsea and Scarlet, you are entered in the contest!
And thanks so much, Janie, for the snaps on the book. (Janie is one of the few who got pre-reads on the book...and is mentioned in the acknowledgements, BTW!)
I can't wait to read Hottie. Amazon sent me an email Saturday that it is on its way! As for my hottie I'd have to say Shia. :)
Keith Urban, Keith Urban, Keith Urban!!! :) Besides my husband, Keith inspires my romance writing so much, I even made my most recent hero very similar to him in looks.
Well there is a dutch hottie here i want to hook with, his name is Tony
Can they be dead?
oh. that didn't sound right....
amy g koss
Oh, Johnny Depp of course. I swear he gets better with age....
Hmm, it's a toss up between Milo V. from Heroes or Chuck (Zack Levi) from Chuck. haha! Good luck to the winner!!
I'd love to hook Adrien Brody! He looks so good. Its a weird attraction!
Bryan Greenberg from October Road!
Thanks to our newest entrants...
Amy--LOL--yes, they can be dead! And thanks for stopping by!
Only one? Oh, OK . . .
I could look at George Clooney all day and never get tired.
I'm off to Borders as soon as I get off work tomorrow to pick up my copy of Hottie! Can't wait!
I'm all for Johnny. I'm with Leigh, he gets better with age! :)
whose edward cullen?
Brad Pitt still works for me. Eternally beautiful, it seems.
Heath Ledger. :)
Mhhmm...i would for sure want to hook Hayden Christensen he is so hott..i just wish he would have been cast as edward..
[exempting self from contest]
My hottie of the moment is definitely prime time vamp and Aussie cutie Alex O'Loughlin (from CBS's Moonlight). He makes the undead look goooood. =)
Mhhmm.. i would for sure want to hook hayden Christensen he is so hott. he is my perfect edward cullen...
I would totally want to hook Johnny Depp!
Elizabeth Bennet. She could use a good "hooking up"!
Brad Pitt makes me drool ever so much. He is like a fine wine that gets better with age. Not to mention his commendable humanitarian work,and the fact that he is utterly breath taking as an actor. (especially when that involves acting with no shirt) He is truly amazing, and not just one thing makes him beautiful.
Whoa, I am LOVING all these answers.
And I want to be sure to answer Petra, who asked who Edward Cullen is. He's the vampire hero from Stephenie Meyer's TWILIGHT series, and the object of many of female's fantasy...
Penn Badgely who plays Dan Humphrey on Gossip Girl is my favorite guy of the moment.
I've got to say that I am absolutely IN LOVE with Matthew Macfadyen as Fitzwilliam Darcy in the 2005 version of Pride and Prejudice!!! Ohhh man, *drool worthy* moment, "I must tell you that I love, I love, I love you and never wish to be parted from you after this day." I think I'd just want him to talk to me all day in that gorgeous accent of his!!!
I can't wait for tomorrow!!! Hooray!!! Less than 24 hours!!!
Penn Badgley from Gossip Girls and John Tucker Must Die. Man he is so hot =)
Hmmm. So many to choose from... I liked the guy that Mandy Moore's character ended up with in Because I Said So... and definitely Shane West. There are some others too, but I cannot remember their names right now...
I totally change my vote. I'm with Meredith, Gabriel Macht from Because I Said So is Gorgeous!!! :)
Okay, Steph, change noted, although you realize I'm driving out to that coffee house that Shia is said to frequent and telling him you turncoated! :)
By the way, I'll post the winners early tomorrow morning, probably about 6 am PST.
Hmm...this is tough! I'd have to say Naveen Andrews of LOST or for old times's sake Enrique Iglesias!
I have to say Orlando Bloom- especially at the end of the third pirates movie when he is wearing the omg-how-is-it-possible-to-be-that-sexy bandanna.
it should be illegal to be that hot
I want to hook Andy Roddick! And we would name our son Ace =)
orlando bloom. he is a cutie! espeically in POTC!
Keanu Reeves, wasn't he hot in The Matrix?
Vanessa Rose Lee
I'd have to say...Adam Brody or Chace Crawford! Adam Brody is a god in the O.C. because he is smart, funny, cute and CORNY! who doesn't love a guy like that. and Chace Crawford plays Nate in gossip girl on tv and he is a slice of heaven! :D
First off SUPER CONGRATS, Tina on launching your new book today!
And what a coinkydink! We are talking about hotties over on the Bandit Blog ( today too!
Vanessa, let me just answer you with a resounding YES as to Keanu Reeves' hotness in the Matrix films. YUMMY! However, my chief lust object still remains my ever-lovin Eric Bana. Yes, Aunty likes em tall and lean...
Shia LaBeouf is the hottie i want to hook! Do you remember when he was in that Disney show Even Stevens? that show was always a little weird to me, but i loved watching it just for Shia!!! haha. Now that he is "all grown up" and in movies like Disterbia and Transformers, he's even more hookable!
I haven't read your book yet, but I really want to...getting that free coppie would be fabulous!!!
Chantelle Gemmill
Clive Owen.Yum!
Um definately Johnny Depp, I don't care if he's 40, he's hot. AND he can sing. :P
Third times the charm. Nathan Fillion, Nathan Fillion, Nathan Fillion.
Kavin Bacon!!!! he hott ...when he was young of course! lol ..and if i can't hook Kevin Bacon...David Bowie!!!! Once again, when he was
I would have to say Matthew McConaughey.
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