Saturday, April 05, 2008

Missing book, a contest, and a little ghost hunting

Okay...I'm annoyed 'cause I pre-ordered Stephanie's TWISTED SISTERS about two months ago and it was supposed to be here this week. Yo, Amazon...what up, dawgs? How am I supposed to stay up-to-date on the hot books when my vendor of choice won't deliver it on time?

Because of this, I scooted to the Borders down the street and bought a copy. Yeah!! But then, that leaves me with two copies of the book eventually. know what? I'm going to do a giveaway! Yep...that's right. You can enter to win another copy of Steph's book, TWISTED SISTERS.

Just leave a comment in the trail here telling us what it is you love so much about reading a new book. You'll be entered to win!

And...if our readers can get the comments up over fifty (50), then I'll throw in an advanced copy of SORORITY 101: ZETA OR OMEGA? to the lucky winner. (Remember...the SORORITY 101 books come out in 26 days!!!!!)

Let us hear from you! Oh...and P.S. If you'd like to read about my ghost hunting investigation at The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park, CO, please visit my MySpace page and read my latest blog. I even have photos up of the celebrity paranormal investigators I met.

Marley = )
writing as Kate Harmon

SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (May 2008, Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (May 2008, Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS SERIES (May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)


stephhale said...

How sweet, Marley, thanks so much! I know other people who haven't gotten their copy of TS from Amazon either. Usually they are so prompt. Maybe they just had too many orders! ha! A girl can dream! :)

Anonymous said...

i love new books. they smell cool. i'd like to win

TinaFerraro said...

For the record, my copy of Twisted Sisters arrived on Wednesday!

And while I am exempt from this contest, I hope this counts as a comment because I'm rooting for the winner to get an ARC of your wonderful book, Marley, included, too! :)

AnimeJune said...

Although I am becoming introduced to the delights of used books (romance novels at $3 a pop? I'm IN!) there's something about a new book that's just special. The way the spine cracks when I open it (the spines of old books are always criss-crossed by the amounts of times they've been forced open, especially after my mother's read them), the smooth unbent pages. I'm a bit obsessive about how I care for my books, so I love the unbent covers and become quite miffed when ever I (or one of my friends) accidentally bends in.

I know how you feel about Amazon, too - I ordered an Indian movie as a christmas present for my Bollywood-fan sister in November, and it didn't arrive until FEBRUARY!

the story siren said...

oh please sign me up!!!

i love new books because of that new book smell... ahhhhh.

The Girl You Used to Know said...

I love new books. The smell, the feel...and I love discovering a new author.

I can't wait to read about your ghost hunting adventures. I'm off to myspace as we speak!

Jessica Burkhart said...

I love new books because it feels as if I'm meeting new people for the first time. :) Great contest!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part about reading a new book, is getting to know a fresh set of characters. Especially when you've just finished a great book, and you're missing the old ones. They're nice replacements.

Brittany =)

Anonymous said...

there are so many things i love about new books..i have tiny little list ..; )

* when you just leave the shop, with a bag full of new books

* when you start reading in a new book, wich you already know is going to be a great and fun read!

*a new book + thesummersun + nice chair in the garden/balcony/beach+glass of lemonade beside you = my ultimate spring/summer thing to do!

* yep, the smell of new books is the best

*reading about new characters is like making a sort of new friends.

*discovering new great authors is a great thing to do!

great contest, i would love to enter


Rachael Stein said...

aww, that's so nice of you! i am going to tell everyone to enter :D

Anonymous said...

ooh, please enter me. i wanna read this book :D


Anonymous said...

please enter me!!!!!!!!!!!
im trying to post this at my myspace

Chelsie said...

My favorite thing about new books...

1. The new book smell. Oh gosh, I have Reincarnation and I opened it and it smells so good and I'm just dying.

2. Shiny covers. I'm not one of the Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover people. I judge by covers all the time.

3. Usually when I buy a book, I get a sense of purpose. I just cannot WAIT to open it (insert the beautiful sound of the cracking of the spine here) and devour the pages. Mmm.


Unknown said...

This contest is great, I hope the comments go pass 50! I would love to win, there really is nothing like a new book. It is an adventure in the palm of your hands and with every page turn you learn something new about the characters and sometimes even about yourself.

Breanna said...

Oh man my favorite thing about reading a new book. I love how nice books look and smell when they're new. My favorite thing about reading a new book is my ritual. I always sit in my mom's comfy green chair with something warm to drink and slowly open the book and dive into it. It always feels so nice. =)

Marley Gibson said...

These are GREAT answers and I so agree with them! Thanks everyone for posting and entering. Feel free to post as much as you'd like...we just need to get to 50!

Marley = )

Anna R said...

I am addicted to new books both actually new and written by “new or emerging writers”. I blog and review books and I have probably OVERSTATED MY OPINION THAT THE BEST BOOKS BEING WRITTEN TODAY ARE BY THE YOUNG ADULT AUTHORS. They seem to fully comprehend the concept of paragraphs and sentence structure. Their dialogue is real. It is like we talk and think. The issues are real. I Have been fortunate enough to have been chosen as a teen pulse advisor member and I am discovering new authors at least twice a month who I make my friends on My Space.
When I confess to an addiction for new books that is an actuality- I have to have a pile of back-up books in case I run out- an impossibility. When I find an author I like I buy all their books and lots of times buy books for my BGF’s.
I review books on line, on Amazon, on the OC on line newspaper and any number of book sites and for a few book stores.
I am almost every character- certainly the central character lol - these are written about me, hehe. I can so relate to their problems and thoughts.
I have a BGFF who is an author and she is the kindest most wonderful gurl in the world. She encourages me to write, she shares time with me and we love each other massively. I am a poet and I am trying to write a story. It is impossibly hard- I think in meter and poetry but writing is a tough job.
I can’t wait to read Twisted Sisters- I’ll bet Amazon sold a kabillion copies and they are back ordering. YEA!!
I think Princess B should win her comments were cool.

Me said...

Okay, I'm starting to feel like the only person in the world who doesn't smell books. (When I got my first two, hot off the presses copies of OMG, my mom was like, "Did you smell them?" And I was like, "Um... no. That's weird." Apparently it's not.)

I'm a visual and kinesthetic person, so I like the look and feel of a new book. Yup, I often judge a book by it's cover. Sue me. =)

And YAYYYYYY!!!!!! Steph on the release of TWISTED SISTERS!!!!!! Amazon delivered my copy right on time. It's the very next thing on my TBR pile! But I'm sad, 'cuz it's only gonna make me pine for SPRING BREAKUP even more!

MarjoleinBookBlog said...

i just love new books, just to simply sit down with and read it!

Emily Marshall said...

Yay, another chance to win!!! I love getting into the character's life when I open a new book.

Tasha said...

Well, my favorite part of reading a new book is cracking the spine and smelling the pages (I know I'm really weird) and then diving into the story. I love getting swept up by I story I've never heard of before and meeting new people. Books have always been my way to let my imagination go wild, as I don't particualrly enjoy writing.

Also I can't wait to read Twisted Sisters and the Sorority books so hopefully I win!!!

Anna said...

Why I love new books? I loveee new books because I love to read. :D And that smell. I LOVE the new book smell. It's just so unique. And lovable. :D

Thanks for offering the great contest. :D


Anonymous said...

The thing I love most about reading a new book is all the possibilities, the places it takes you and all the different people, just being able to stop being you for a little while and get lost in an amazing book.

Anonymous said...

thanks for the contest!!

i love the smell and feel of a new book...with the crisp, clean pages



Grace L

Melanie said...

I love holding the new book knowing that it holds new friends and experienes. I love the feel of rustling pages as I prepare to read.

Meredith said...

I love reading a new book and just the feeling you get when you know that there is going to be a new story waiting for you.

Ally_Gurl!25 said...

What I love most about reading a new book is the anticipation of being introduced to a new friend that you will have for a lifetime. Whenever I open up a new book I know that I'll have it forever and whenever I need an inspiration I can just look back to that one special girl in that new book, and remember the clever way she stood up to that bully, or the way she snagged that hottie from her first period class and let her inspire me!

Steph said...

Reason I LOVE new books, is that I am always on the lookout for an author who makes me care so intensely about her characters that I'll be stuck with them for days and days. I really love a good story.

(! :D)

KrisLeet said...

Each time I read a new book I get to slip into the skin of a new and exciting character, and live their life. I have fallen in love with the one guy who was so wrong for me. I have become a vampire. I have transformed into a fabulous Dooney toting heroine. I have fallen down the rabbit hole. I have stood up for myself when no one else would. With so many adventures books have allowed me to have, and so many that have yet to begin, I relish the idea of a new book. Books have given me a way to enrich my life, and also have given me something to fan girl over. Just the thought of getting new books makes me smile inside and out. They are my lifeblood. I am pretty positive that if you cut me I would bleed ink.

KT said...

I've been waiting for this book! :)

Bunny B said...

That's so cool! I'd love to win. What I love about new books is the clean and crisp feel, and the excitement of getting to read a new story! Awesome :)

bunnybox9 [at] lycos [dot] com

Bunny B said...

Btw, when does this contest end? Thanks!

Tisa said...

I love learning about new characters, different time periods, etc. Thanks! ~ :)

Anonymous said...

For me, opening a new book is delving into a whole new world (even if it's set in NYC, which isn't technically a whole new world.) I get to lose myself in somebody else for a bit and leave all the problems of the real world behind. (Which really annoys my mom, because if I get too much into a good book I stop paying attention to anything else and miss the dinner call... XD)

And I agree with Petra. They smell good. ^^

Good luck to all!

paperxxflowers said...

I'd love to be entered in your contest! I blogged about your contest here:

Anonymous said...

I love reading a new book because anything can happen, and I get to go along for the ride. It's kind of like a roller coaster without, you know, the risk of plummeting to my death lol.

Hillary said...

I'm so entering! So, my favorite part of reading a new book is the smell. I love the smell of a new book. It's awesome. And actually reading the book is pretty awesome too. I also like buying the book...I love everything about books!

Unknown said...

I'd like to be entered!

kate5405 said...

I gave up on Amazon and joined All books are $9.95 with free shipping. I'd love to win this book--so I wouldn't have to buy it.

Elainareads said...

First great contest!!
I love reading new books, its so awesome to start a new story and I feel really acomplished when i finished the story but at the same time sad. The sound that a book makes when you are the first person to open it is so awesome! =D


Breanna said...

I'm posting again to get closer to 50, oh so close!

Ann said...

I'd like to enter the contest. My favorite thing about new books is starting the book and getting to know all the characters. I love it when I feel like I know the characters.

danetteb said...

Reading a new book is like stepping into a whole new world. I love to get lost lerning about new characters.

Hugs, Danette

Lori T said...

I just love having a new book in my hand...they are so nice and you konw that when you open the cover you are going to be introduced to a whole new set of characters and new adventures.

Please throw my name for the contest.

Kristen Painter said...

You know, Amazon's been kinda slack on delivering my books lately too. What's up with that? Don't they know I need them for my trip to Hawaii? Lame-o.

tetewa said...

I enjoy reading new books, they always take me to new places and introduce me to new characters.

Anonymous said...

I've bought exactly ONE book ever on Amazon. I know, most people think I'm crazy. But there's just something about a bookstore that's magical to me. And I lose that by ordering on Amazon.

Sure I buy books on the Internet, but books I can't get in stores (mostly ebooks). But for print books, it's all about the trip to the bookstore for me.

I love new books. I love discovering new authors and reading what they've invented.

Kwana said...

I just love that new book smell plus the cool feel of a new books cover. Just bliss. Yeeee! Sorority 101 coming soon!

Maria Geraci said...

I love everything about new books. Just walking into a bookstore gives me the chills!

flip said...

Each new book represents a new adventure and new interesting people.

Musings by Mimmi said...

Oh, these sounds awesome, both of them. I think I'm off to Amazon to order Twisted Sisters for my daughter right now...and doesn't it just aggravate you when you preorder from Amazon and then you see the book on the shelf at the bookstore???? Grrr.....I've gotten many double copies that way!!

Liviania said...

I see you have more than 50 comments. ^_~

What I love most about a new book is holding it in my hands, before I even read it. My heart beats faster and I can't smell anything but the paper. That moment of anticipation, waiting to hop into a new world, is nearly better than finding a world you love.

Bethanne said...

I like all the cool pictures...
oh, you mean chapter books? I like to indulge my curiousity...

Tami Brothers said...

I love the idea of entering a new world. Who knows what it will be about (okay, so I may have read the back cover - but it's still another world unlike my own!!!).

Love, love, love the new worlds....


Ellory said...

I love new books because it means more interesting stories to read.

I love the feel of holding a book which is why I'm a hold out for going to e-books.

Book Sp(l)ot said...

I love new books because they're so smooth and together...the covers are so flat

That and it gives me something to do while I'm keeping my dogs outside (and making sure my puppy doesn't dig us to China)

Pretty said...

I love new books is because I get lost into the characters and the world they live in.

Trina said...

I love new books because it gives me an excuse to take an extra long bath and read a few more chapters before I have to go back to reality and take care of my family. Hubby hates new books because of that reason, but he understands I need my time alone to relax. Hes so sweet sometimes.

Anonymous said...

What isn't there to love about a new book? My favorite part is knowing that I will be able to escape my life for a little while (not that my life is that bad). Please enter me amateurdelivre at gmail dot com

abscae said...

Sign me up too? ^_^

And I love new books because of the feel. I just love to bend over the covers, fold them slightly, get into the binding. There's something wonderful about knowing there's a brand new voice to be discovered in the book.