I went to an arts camp in high school – on the wings of my visual art talent, not writing. And there, I remember interacting with other kids who were actors, artists, and writers, as we worked with professionals in the different disciplines. I especially remember the feeling of finding myself among people who were “from my planet” – they got what it was like to create something and to see the world a slightly different way.
So, off I go to teach these kids something valuable about writing. My workshop is going to be about layering in the details to make a scene come alive – something that I do in my own work somewhere between the first and second drafts.
I’ll tell them the most important piece of writing advice that I ever got, which was from my art teacher in college – to paraphrase - “Don’t be afraid to make crap.” In other words, don’t try for perfection, because you might limit yourself. Be brave, try something new and fail or succeed spectacularly.
What’s the best piece of advice on writing that you ever received?
Love and light,
Never Cry Werewolf – HarperTeen -09/09
The Clearing – Houghton Mifflin Harcourt 04/10
Wherever You Go – Harcourt 2011
A great piece of advice I received was to cover my computer monitor with a piece of paper while I write. It's amazing what comes out when I do that. Enjoy the Conference!
This sort of fits in with that Susan said, but I loved when Nora Roberts said, "You can't edit a blank screen," so in other words, just get SOMETHING up and get to work!
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