Through the years, when people have formed best friendedness, as I like to call it -- and I'm known for making up words -- they often choose some sort of symbol to show their connection to their best friend. I know that when I was growing up, we'd sometimes buy the same stuffed animal or the same outfit so we could be besties and twins almost.
Friendship has been symbolized with embroidery thread (gimp) bracelets...
Safety pins with beads on them...
Even friendship rings...
Or a necklace that breaks in two so each friend can wear a piece...
And more recently, the trading of Silly Bandz, which I'm completely fascinated by. You'll see people with seven or eight of these bands in different colors and shapes around their wrist...

So, in celebration of the release of Wendy's LIFTED and to be entered to win a copy of the book, leave your comment about the symbols of friendship you've seen over the years. As a special bonus, I'll have Wendy's son draw an extra name for the winners and you'll get two packs of Silly Bandz sent to you. How's that?
Marley = )
Ghosts don't hang up their sheets November 1st...
Good post Marley!!!
I've heard of Silly Bandz, but haven't seen any yet!
I would never have called myself popular, but I think my friends "collected" me--I went to a fairly small school, and by the end of grade school, I had two complete sets of "Best Friend" necklaces. Unfortunately, we were all split into different classes when we started middle school, so we kind of lost touch.
After college, I worked at a camp for a couple of summers, and in our down time, it became a trend for all of the staff to make their own friendship bracelets for each other.
Also, a few years ago, some friends decided to stop at a jewelry store and pick out similar rings to celebrate our friendship.
Another thing in grade school, we used to wear matching clothes...a particular tie-dye shirt with a ruffle bottom paired with cotton stirrup pants comes to mind.
In books/movies I've read about/heard of kids pricking their fingers and putting them together, to be "blood brothers."
In the first Bloody Jack novel, members from the "Dread Order" all get matching tattoos and ear-piercings. Of course, that's on the more extreme end ;)
the best symbol of friendship will always be being there when the other is facing though times. I had a lot of friendships bracelets and necklaces in my childhood, and I always loved writing in eachothers friendship books!
Bestfriendedness! How cute!
I think mine, in school, was measured in notes written in class and passed in the hall. Today's version of texts!
Cute, Marley. I've never heard of Silly Bandz, but I like the colors. I often give friends a book I love with a special inscription.
When I was younger we did the necklaces but I've now seen keychains
Cookies --- fresh-baked or store bought, cookies are always a way to let someone know that you are a friend and you care.
I've heard a lot about these silly bandz, but not seen them. I have heard that some schools are banning them? I'm not sure if that's because they are a distraction or a danger. Back when I was in school it was the slap bracelets that were thing.
OMG--BRAIN FREEZE--SLAP BRACELETS!!!!!!! I totally remember those!!!!!! I've actually seen some recently, furry ones at Michael's craft store, and some in gumball machines. I also remember them being banned because of the "dangers." Yet to this day, even as a childhood slap bracelet myself, I have never heard of any actual impalements or limb loss caused by these nefarious objects!
Ooooh!!! Silly Bandz!! I love them ( and I'm 14... lol)!
My two friends and I wanted something to symbolize our friendship. But, our problem was that necklaces come with just two (best and friends or friends and forever). So, we needed one for three of us. Well, while in Claire's one day at the mall, we found set of three bracelets: Best, Friends, and Forever. We were so happy, and we promised to wear them everyday. Because it wasn't real metal/silver or whatever it was made of, the silver paint came off and the bracelet got all discolored. So, I stopped wearing mine (plus, I don't usually wear a lot of jewelry- especially bracelets, so I often forgot).
For my birthday and my friend's birthday (which happen to be the same day), our other friend gave us the same necklace that was a little circle and bigger circle around it that was connected. On the inside, engraved, it said 'I am thankful that our paths have crossed.' I hadn't taken it off for another few months and my other friend still hasn't taken it off. (Like I said, I don't usually wear jewelry.)
These are only my examples, but I know I have seen other pretty cool symbol-isms of friendship. However, when I'm put on the spot, I can't think of anything good! Honestly, though, you would think that I would learn by now to expect the unexpected, but, unfortunately, I have not. LOL :)
My best friend and I used to have those necklaces...and we definitely shared our stash of snap bracelets, too.
We would give each other yellow roses on Valentine's Day.
I dated a guy who got a matching tattoo with his best friend. It was some G.I Joe brick thing. I guess they were big fans as kids. I thought it was cute :)
I lived through friendship bracelets and the two-part necklaces. I've now seen my daughter buy friendship necklaces and/or keychains with her friends. Of course, now they also exchange text messages and flair on facebook.
When I was younger it was the whole disconecting necklace/ bracelets thing. Or bracelets we made for each other.
Sometime soon my bestie and I are going to get matching tattoos. Two little bats. Because one, we've been obsessed with bats/vampires before they sparkled and lost their fangs, and two these bats are too stinking cute.
Oh and Tina, my friends and I used to write notes alll the time in class. But this too was before text messages became so popular. And even today my bestie and I will write notes to each other. {She's 24 and I am 23} We live hours appart and we can e-mail each other but for some reason we like passing notes to each other every time we cross each others paths instead. lol. There's just something more special about a written note then a quickly text or e-mailed one with shortend abrivated words. In our opinions it shows we actually care enough to take the time to write out everything instead of shortening it all up. Plus slang like "wuz up" makes us shudder... we're too cool to be cool. LOL!!!
When I was in elementary school we all had friendship bracklets that we would make and give to each other. I bought friendship bracklet kits with different patterns and styles and we would all make it for each other.
one of my very best friends and I didn't go to the same school so everytime we saw each other we exchanged this really cheesy whistle (yellow and purple plastic)that we won by consolidating our tickets at an arcade. It's fun to see as adults.
Thx for helping me celebrate the launch of Lifted, Marley!
What about Buddy Bands, from SAVED BY THE BELL? Zack thought those were pretty cool, until LOVE CUFFS won out!
I'm a fan of the newer version of the "best friends" necklaces that they've been selling lately. You know, the heart-shaped ones, usually in Sterling Silver, with words/phrases engraved on them? They actually have bracelets as well.
For Christmas, I bought my BFF one that said "sister." :)
There is also the lesser known friendship ball that goes back and forth between friends. I have one sitting on my desk right now. The idea is that when you have the friendship ball it makes you think of your friend, then you pass it back to them with some type of memento inside so they can think about you for awhile. I'm thinking it will want to leave the heat of Florida come August and go on the road in an RV. ;)
Five years ago my BFFs and I went to Vegas for my bachelorette weekend. While we were there, we all picked out really cheap rings that became a symbol of our friendship. We wore them every time we got together for the last couple of years, but then one friend lost hers in a house fire, one's got dropped down a drain. About a month ago, one of my friends gave us all silver heart friendship necklaces to replace the rings!
My friends and I would make these bracelets out of colorful wire strands. We each had one with different significant colors to that represent our personalities and friendship. So, we were the only ones with them so like if your didn't have one you evidently was not part of our crew.
The wires were breaded or twined to have a specail effect. Back then they were unique.
My friends and I always use rock climbing rope to mark our friendships and the significant moments in them. We pick a color for that moment and melt the ends together either around our wrists or ankles so we have matching rope bracelets. At one time you can have many on since they last so long, your arms and legs can be a rainbow. After I pull mine off I like to twist them together to make a keychain or something.
My cousins and I had "wish bracelets" that my parents bought for us when they were in Mexico. Each of us got a bracelet/anklet, made a wish on them, and wore them till they fell off (the only way your wish will come true.)
We all matched for years :)
I haven't seen silly bandz before! That must be an American thing ;)
I'e only seen necklaces that breaks in two and gimp bracelets!
THis new silly bandz trend is fascinating to me. I've done the best friend bracelets and necklaces and all those things. Now that I am older and my best friends and I live further away we will call eachother when there is a sale at our fav stores and go buy the same shirts. That way we know we are wearing them together millions of miles away
I love matching things especially two halves of a pendant :D
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