My husband and I do absolutely nothing on Valentine's Day. It's just another day to us. But that doesn't mean we don't celebrate. What we do is pick our own Valentine's Day every year, an off-day that works for our schedules, and when we figure the restaurants will be quieter. This became our tradition back when we were dating, and we wouldn't have it any other way.
How about you? Love Valentine's Day? Hate it? Celebrate it? Ignore it? Weigh in! One commenter will be randomly chosen for a $10 Amazon.com gift certificate.
Return next Monday, February 21st, to see the winner!
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We don't celebrate either. But every year my dad used to bring my Mom a large box of candy shaped like a heart and my sister and I would get smaller versions.
I celebrate it! I think it's a sweet holiday to share with your signifigant other or celebrate with your best friends. I just don't think people should put so much pressure on it though, just enjoy it!
Normally, I think it is ok, maybe a bit fun. This year, I would just as well SKIP IT. Is there a scrooge for Valentines Day? The anti-cupid maybe? Well thats me. BAH.
I like it but it's not the be-all and end-all. People should show their love every day as far as I'm concerned!
I've always loved Valentine's day, my husband, not as big of a fan. The closest he's come to celebrating V-day with me is proposing... 2 days after V-day. But, we did start a tradition after we got married. Every year, the weekend before V-day, we go to IKEA and buy furniture! I wouldn't have it any other way. And to complete my V-day gift, he puts everything together! ;o) xoxo
I'd love to celebrate, but I'm chronically single, so I don't. i think I need some caffeine and chocolate...
I love Valentine's Day now that I am married. Me and my roommates used to call it "Singles Awareness Day" when none of us had boyfriends. But now it is a great excuse to go out alone with the hubby (without the little one!)
I ignore it for the most part (although sometimes it's a good excuse to eat chocolate).
I'd love to win! Thanks! We don't celebrate, but getting some flowers is always nice. ;)
Valentine's day doesn't really matter to me as I don't have a Valentine this year but I am looking forward to candy sales after Valentines.
My husband and I do not celebrate because really if you love someone they should be able to tell every single day...you shouldn't have to prove it on a predetermined day once a year...
I think it's a sweet day. I usually eat candy and wear red
For me, there is really no reason to get excited about Valentine's Day. I'm not in a relationship or anything, so I might be missing something that other people see. But then I think about how many people get excited and festive, and I wonder if they just feel love in the air or if they love the idea of being in love on a special day. I am in high school, so people are constantly in and out of relationships, and it makes me wonder if they even know what love really is or what i can be. I guess I'm anti-Valentine's Day at this point. Who knows? Maybe my opinion will change on the whole thing.
Well, Happy Valentine's Day to those who enjoy the holiday. :)
It seems that people love Vday or hate it. I know plenty of people that are happily in love that can't stand today. Me? It's just a day like any other except my husband always buys the kids a box of chocolates and a silly card. We try to go out to dinner, but we are always on the opposite side of town on a soccer of softball field. I think it is a special day for young love. You would think with a last name like Bigheart, I would have a firm opinion. Eh...
Oh Valentine's day. It's my guilt favorite holiday. I love it but it depresses me, especially since I've never been graced with a bf on that day. However I love dressing up in pink and feeling so carefree. It's fun!
Loving all these comments, thanks!
I usually ignore Valentine's Day. And then I go to Target the day after and buy tons of chocolate on sale :)
I got the cutest card and some very pretty flowers, which is extremely rare! We usually never celebrate but always get something small for the kids. The best part of this year's flowers was that my husband apologized that they weren't my favorites, Gerber daisies. I had no idea that he knew Gerber daisies were my favorites. :)
We usually do something small, like today I was working for 12 hours, so the hubby came and brought me dinner and hung out at work with me for a bit. I usually get flowers, but not this year. We used to do more when we were dating, but V-day just isn't a priority. :)
I hate valentines day. People who cant stand each other act like they like each other and people who are mushy to begin with act even worse.
I don't really pay attention to Valentines Day - though my friends and I call it Singles Awareness Day.
I think it's a fake holiday, so yeah I basically ignore it. Plus the candy is not nearly as good as other holidays!
I prefer to celebrate Chinese New Year instead, since it is usually around the same time anyway! :)
I'm not a big fan of Valentine's day. I think it is too commercialized. People should just do nice things for the ones they love all the time, not just on Valentine's Day.
usually I like to swap valentines, wear red/pink, watch romantic movies, or read romantic books...this year, though? Buffy: The Vampire Slayer marathon!!! So far this one's a keeper ;)
My DH and I have been each other's valentines for a whoppin' 18 years. He took me on a surprise date to a movie and quick dinner (it's hard on a school night when you've got kids) and he got me a spa package and a sweet card. I went the "thru the stomach" route and made him cookies and a really fancy dinner. I heart V-day!
From teacher's perspective - I hate it! Especially as a middle school teacher. The candy. The drama. The craziness!
I think it is okay but I don't go crazy over it.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
We don't go all out but I do like to celebrate. Half the money florists make in a year comes from Valentine's Day and I'm always prepared to support small businesses!
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