Thursday, August 18, 2011

Saying Goodbye to Summer

Okay, so technically summer is still here for a few weeks (although I must confess to loving Seattle-esque summers way more than those in Oklahoma, Houston, and Vegas--it's more like spring) but I can sense it winding down. The air will get crisper, the rain will come (maybe?), and I'll soon be cuddling with a good book and watching as the leaves fall.

Fall is probably my favorite time of the year, but I think I'll actually miss summer this year. Some of the fun things I've done this summer include:

  • driving from Oklahoma to Seattle and sleeping in National Parks
  • going sailing for the first time
  • traveling to New York, Washington DC, Houston, and Las Vegas
  • finally (!!!) moving to Seattle
  • going to outdoor concerts with Heather Bee and friend Liz Gallagher
  • walking Daisy around Capitol Hill

So, what (if anything) will you miss about summer?



Jennifer Rummel said...

flip flops, frozen hot chocolates, and summer reads but I'm looking forward to holiday reads, cowboy boots (I just bought a pair, and jeans.

TinaFerraro said...

I have really enjoyed all the dinners out on the patio we've been refurbishing, and will miss them when the weather turns...

Heather Davis said...

Aw, I'll miss our weird-weather summer too. Lots of fun adventures, though this weather was not typical for us. Usually much nicer!

For fall, I'm looking forward to tights and boots (for real fall weather not crappy summer weather) and long cozy coats. And making lots of soup!

Elena said...

the community pool - just the needed chit-chat I relish away from the computer & letting the kids swim off their energy! Plus, its a great way to cool off during a heat wave.

Rachel said...

I'm in Seattle area too, and yes the crisp weather will soon be joining us. And no doubt the rain. :) I don't know how much I'm looking forward to the freezing cold though. ;)

Suma Subramaniam said...

Nice Post. You seem to have had some really fun times exploring some new things this year. The best thing about this year's summer is that I adoped a second dog. A really old one with lots of love to offer in his golden year/s.


Jess Day said...

The heat. I am not looking forward to another 2 1/2 ft of snow.

Wendy Toliver said...

I love sailing! Haven't been since I was in college, though. Congrat's on the successful move.