Does anyone else watch "LOST"? I know Buzz Girl Tina and I do pretty regularly. This Sunday is the series finale of LOST, after 6 long years of running through woods, murder, time travel, mayhem and general confusion.

We "Losties" hope to get our answers this Sunday in a 2 hour season finale!
Anyone else out there a "Lostie"?
Oh my gosh, yes! I love Lost and I'm so glad you do too. Can't wait for the 2.5 hours tomorrow-to finally see what happens. I really hope Kate and Sawyer get together.
I can't wait!
I am so excited that we're having a lost dinner menu! In fact, here's one that I found pretty clever, for anyone who is interested:
:) Tina--that's so awesome! I hope you guys have a great time!
I am not a Lostie, but I know you guys are rabid for the show ;) Enjoy!
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