How many of you have played this game? The rules are simple, I'll tell you three things: two will be truths and one will be the LIE.
The Winner, what does the winner get? A brand spanking new copy of Steph Hale's newest releast THE ALPHA BET.

Ready? Go! Which is the lie?
- I once refused to go out on a date because I was so self-concious about a guy watching me eat.
- I once told a guy that I was born and raised in Paris and had relatives who were a part of the royal family so he better treat me well or he would face certain "consequences"
- I once told a Fortune 500 campus interviewer I had 4 other job offers so "they better hurry if they wanted me to join them:, when in fact the "job offers" were: a drug-store, a video store, a bagel shop and a temp agency.
I will unveil the truth in the comments as well as pick a winner tomorrow morning!
Good luck!
I'm guessing that the Paris line was the lie...but I'm not sure. :-)
I'll guess the self-conscious about eating one is al ie
I stuff like this! Okay, I'm going with Paris as the lie...
I'm going with the campus interviewer one as the lie.
I'll go with the Fortune 500
I'm guessing two... Truth is stranger than fiction! :D
I'm going with the Fortune 500 campus interviewer
going with one.
I'll go with the Fortune 5000
I'm going with #3.
I'm going with #2
Did Tina really say "I stuff like this?" ;)
I say #3.
I love this post, dona. I think its #1
I think it's number 2, but it's a great story!
I'm guessing it's the Paris royal family which was a lie ('cause well, it sounds outrageous!)..LOL
I'm going with the campus interview one :)
Haha Erica, I caught that after the fact, too. The editor in me would like to rephrase: "I LOVE stuff like this!"
# 2 is the lie! "I once told a guy that I was born and raised in Paris and had relatives who were a part of the royal family so he better treat me well or he would face certain "consequences""
I did NOT do this, but it's totally something I would do.
I did however totally lie to a Forture 500 campus recruiter....and he offfered me a job, so I would totally do it again!
My winner is KIRSTEN!
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