We are having a blast celebrating the release of Marley's third installment in her Ghost Huntress series. THE REASON is in stores now so make sure you get yourself a copy! You can also leave a comment below for a chance to win a copy.
Okay, now to the embarassing stuff. I. SUCKED. MY. THUMB. Big deal, right? UNTIL. I. WAS. LIKE. TEN. I know, right? In my defense, I was a child of divorced parents and I was constantly going back and forth between my mom and dad's houses. These households couldn't have been more different if they would have tried. At one house, it was perfectly acceptable to suck to my hearts content. But if I broke the thumb out at the other house, it was not good. Sometimes when I was tired I would forget and sneak a lick before I realized what I was doing.
Of course my habit led to years of head gear, braces, retainers, and other orthodontia-related torture devices. But the worst part was the sheer embarassment of realizing that I was doing something that my friends had all outgrown. I was nervous about sleepovers because I knew my slurping in the middle of the night would wake the dead. My parents tried everything. Tabasco sauce, a metal cage installed in my mouth (not kidding about this one), even making me wear mittens. I'd suck through all of it. I realize now that I was just trying to deal with things that were scary to me in the only way I knew possible.

But I lived through it. Although my husband does enjoy teasing me by saying that I still suck my thumb at night sometimes. I'm not sure what finally made me stop. I think I was just ready.
Did you have something you were attached to when you were little? Leave a comment for a chance to win Marley's new book!
A really weird habit that I did well into my teens was when I got excited I would put both arms out in front of me and rotate my wrists.. I know that sounds completely crazy and would probably make more sense if I could demonstrate! =) Most people when they got excited would jump and down or scream, not me! I was "the wrist rotating weirdo"! I really don't know why I started doing that! But it is kinda funny to look back on. Like your husband, everytime my family and I come across a picture or a family video they love to make fun!!
I really relate to your personal experience Stephanie! I come from a divorced family as well and you just do what you can do to deal with emotions!! Thanks for sharing!!!
It was a really weird habit but I used to chew my lips a lot,almost to the verge of making it bleed.I don't know why I started doing it in the first place!I still do it sometimes though not as much...
I've been a lip chewer, too, especially during cold weather when they're chapped! UGH!
i don't shave every day. more like every other two weeks. i wear pants a lot.
I bit my nails. Strange ladies would stop me in the street and tell me to stop.... My mother hated the habit. I didn't try anything like Stephanie's cage, but I tried putting foul-tasting things on my nails, or nail polish, and all sorts of things. When I hit the age of 12, instead of stopping, I just decided I didn't care! So I quit trying to stop. And I still bite my nails to this day....
As a teen, if nagged, I'd say things like "well, it's that, or smoking. Would you rather I smoked?"
So, Stephanie, I won't tell you how long I did it...but, instead of even being normal enough to suck my thumb, I used the three fingers on my left hand. Apparently I came out of the womb that way. And I don't have an overly traumatic childhood excuse, or divorced parents, it was just comforting and I liked it--Early on, I learned that people would look at me funny if I did in public, so I just controlled myself. At sleepovers, I would pull the covers up high over my head, and be as quiet as possible. On the upside, I think the effect of using three fingers was that I was only left with a very mild sloping on my left teeth, because of my pinkie finger being smaller, but otherwise, the three fingers kept things pretty even. My parents didn't try any of the things you mentioned--Just a look was enough for me to know to keep it to myself.
@AllisonPaige25--I tried to do what you were describing, and I think I know what you mean (if I did it right)--It doesn't seem that weird--I can totally picture someone being excited an doing that!
@chelleyreads--Shaving is overrated--Until I got to college, I had NO IDEA girls could have so much hair--it's all personal preference, and unless I'm going swimming/going out/wearing a skirt, why bother?--I was kind of late bloomer and didn't actually START shaving until I got to college--but I experimented with nair in high school--the only times I was afraid were that someone would find me out in gym class--one time in 8th grade was the only time anyone even noticed!
@Cara King--You ROCK!
--Ok, that's all (or enough) of my secrets :)
According to my dad, I used to take my clothes out of my dresser and refold them and put them back in. My theory on this is I made a mess when getting dressed. ;) Still, I kinda like folding... sigh.
There were twin high school boys living across the street and my sister and I (when we were elem. school aged) would spy on them out our windows while they tossed a football in the cul-de-sac. I am sure they knew!
I was a nail biter.used to bug everyone around me..my mom would try everything to stop me..but i'd keep biting them no matter what she tried. and at times until they bleed. It was a nervous habit.
Whenever I can't find something or I forgot what I was doing I stare into the refrigerator. I'm sure it doesn't seem that weird until you are at my house I can't find my keys and you see me stare into the fridge for a few minutes until I remember where they are. I've been doing this for years and I'm not sure why but it works. I know it wastes electricity but without this habit I would never know why I walked from one room to the other.
I have trouble telling left from right :P
I have no idea why, but when I was a kid, I used to puff up my hair in front on one side. Which come to think of it, really is weird, but back then I thought I looked nice *shudders*
Bee-- I definately relate to that! When I was younger, my Mom would always curl mine and my sisters hair... but, instead of leaving it alone, she always felt the need to use a comb on it and it would be sooo fluffy!!! So, my sister and I deemed that the "triangle hairstyle" because it definately looked triangular!!! =)
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