Sorry I missed posting last week. Life is a whirlwind; what can I say? I have been in California since the end of April and just got back to Boston yesterday morning on a red eye flight. It was so hard to leave the sunshine and blue skies of SoCal to return to the gloomy rain of the east coast. But there's so much to do!
While I was in SoCal, I attended a conference, premiered GHOST HUNTRESS: THE REASON, went body boarding, cooked out a lot, hung out with my left coast friends...and I learned to surf! Here's proof...
We also made a trip out to the desert that incredible! I'd never been to the desert, so it was breathtakingly beautiful...

Also had the BEST tamale I've ever had...and it was at a place in Borrego Springs called Kendall's Cafe! How cool!

I also made some new friends...
This is Speedy, my friend Kathy's papillon...

And his brothers, Precious and Scooter Boy (who are 16 years old!)...

I also visited some famous graves in the Hollywood Forever cemetery...

All and all an amazing trip! Loves me some California. I have a lot of travel planned for the summer - Chicago, Wisconsin, Indy, Louisville and Orlando, to name a few. What are your summer travel plans? Where do you like to go?
Marley = )
Ghost don't hang up their sheets November 1st!
How fun, Marley! Particularly liked the boarding!
I have summer plans to go to Orlando--to the Romance Writers of America conference--along with you!
glad you enjoyed your trip!
my summer plans are very up in the air right now, but several friends sound like they may be coming my I may just stay put...and I've definitely got a few people who are interested in Yosemite, so that's the most likely place I'll visit...
If I had the chance, my first stop would be back home in Wisconsin--I noticed it's on your itinerary! Secondly, I'd hit the east coast, because I have a lot of friends there that I haven't seen in a while.
Wow! Those Are Some Great Pics!
Great To Know You Had Fun! :)
Um, hellllo? When are you coming to investigate the ghosts of Seattle? Hope you can get up here to the PNW, Marley. ;) My plans are not so much traveling this summer, but lots and lots of writing.
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