Either with a comment just slightly racier or more personal than I was expecting, or a lascivious wag of the brow, or a gaze-into-my-soul stare. They were the boys who made the long, boring hours of school worthwhile, who I’d think of while blow-drying my hair or trying on outfits in a department store dressing room. They surprised me, they delighted me, they kept me on my toes. And they are the ones I remember best from my teen days, some even with snippets of dialogue attached.
Anyone else go gaga over those bold ones? Or what type of boy are you thankful for?
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie, January, 2008
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys, Spring, 2009
I hate to say this..but I was thankful for any boy that actually talked to me! I was so shy and afraid of them as if they were a different species. Today, I realize they are!
Since kindergarten I liked the popular boy, the guy everyone else liked. That changed, of course.
Oh yes, I'd take a boy who could make me laugh anyday!
Janie, it's hard for me to imagine you as shy!
Thanks Simone & Steph...yeah, I suspect all our eyes would be on a cute, funny one, huh?
LOL Janie!!! = )
So true, Tina! It was always the bold ones who caught my attention. :) :)
Janie, that's hilarious!
Let's see ... I typically never liked a guy who liked me first. And since the guys I did like didn't ever go for me, I was stuck in a perpetual Boy Drought. It's come back around, though, because now I'm married with three boys of my own!
Thanks Marley & Kelly!
And Wendy, "Boy Drought"! How's that for your next book title? I'd buy it!
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