I'm not trying to be an ipod commercial or anything, but the buzz on the Nano is totally deserved. Ever since that one summer that I lost my entire CD notebook on the plane to Alaska (to spend the whole summer at a remote camp!) I don't think I'll ever go back to Disc land. It's good to buy discs, but putting them into your ipod can save a lot of pain. The one time that Poddy got sick (he was corrupted!) I fixed him by reading a simple internet tip.
Fave music to listen to at day job? David Bowie.
Fave music to listen to on the walk to/from day job? Keane.
Fave music to listen to when writing? The Killers. (Sawdust, the new album, is so good!)
Fave music to listen to when getting ready to go out? LCD Sound System.
Fave music to chill to? Ryan Adams. (Listen to Easy, Tiger)
Harper the kitty's favorite singer? Feist
The song I listened two twice today on Poddy McPod? Only You - by Yaz.
Is anyone else addicted? What do you listen to when you write?
Heather Davis is the author of
Coming in April 2009 from HarperCollins
I'm one of those weird people that has to have TOTAL silence when I write. And I'm not even going to tell you how out of it I am about music these days!
I'm another one of those people who loves music when I'm writing. Dance/House/Trance to be specific. Blaring through the headphones. I love blocking the world out and escaping into the one I'm creating. = )
Like Marley, I *have* to have music while I write. Otherwise I get too distracted by conversations around me (because I write at Starbucks). My playlist is a mix of everything from Faith Hill to Michael Buble to Bowling for Soup to Bon Jovi.
dizzamn! You listen to some crazy music while you write. I like music while writing, but it has to be fairly mellow, or the ADD kicks in. I saw LCD Soundsystem a couple months ago, and there is no way I could write to that!
Glad you love your nano, though!!!
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