Here are a few more pictures from the conference:
The Buzz Girls with fellow YA writers, Sara Hantz and Wendy Toliver:
My first RWA Book Signing!
With my "neighbor," New York Times bestseller, Rachel Gibson:
At the Chick Lit Party with my lovely critique partner, Wendy Toliver
More from the Chick Lit Party with Aussies Kandy Shepherd and Carla Molina
My "Gossip Girls" panel with the fabulous Elaine Spencer of The Knight Agency:
At The Knight Agency party with my amazing agent, Deidre Knight, and my mentor and fellow TKA sistah, Jessica Andersen:
With my darling Kristen Painter at the TKA party:
And my darling Louisa Edwards White:
At the Ritas with the gorgeous Amazon, Kristen (check out my bling!)
And with my BFF Kwana Jackson:
Nadine Dejani, looking fashionable, as always:
Here I am with the amazing Victoria Dahl, historical author:
Cindy Gerard welcomed me to the RWA signing table with open arms
Also, I had my author picture photography session with Faith Dugan in Newport, Rhode Island. She's a total doll and does amazing work. I'm posting a few here and would love your opinion on which photo I should use for my GHOST HUNTRESS book covers, as well as for my website. I appreciate your weighing in!
Image #1:
Image #2:
Image #3:
Image #4:
Image #5:
Image #6:
(If you're wondering why I have a video camera, we use it in our ghost investigations.)
Image #7:
Image #8:
Please weigh in with your vote in the comments section. Most appreciate!
Marley = )
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (Available Now! Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (Available Now! Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS Series (Coming May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
I like 2 for the urban feel and the off-center placement, but the highlights on your face seem blown out, so my vote is for 4 for the best smile. Originally I was looking for which photo had the spookiest vibe to along with the ghost hunting theme, but 4, to me, has the most relaxed and engaging facial expression.
Marley, these RWA pictures were fantastic, and in some cases, my first chance to put faces to names.
As far as pictures, I pretended I didn't know you and I'd picked up the Ghost Huntress series for the first time, I decided I'd be most intrigued by #2. I'll be interested in seeing what others think!
I vote for #2 and #7. Great RWA highlights and photos, Marley!
Marley, I'm bummed we didn't get time to hangout at Nationals! I swear, that hotel was huge and I only saw glimpses of some people. haha! I like #2 & #3--lovely photos!
Marley - you look so happy and gorgeous in all the pictures at Nationals! I wish I could have been there! As for the Ghost Huntress pics, I really like the urban feel in 2 also. The one with the video camera is good, too, since it ties in with the book. You're very photogenic!
Marley, I love the pics! My faves are #1 for close-up and #2 I love also.
Marley, it's a tossup between #2 for your all natural friendly smile, this one looks most like you....or #7 has more of a mysterious interesting quality, that might be the perfect feel for a ghost hunting the off-placement and graffitti on the wall...edgy.
:) Pam
I like #'s 2, 5, and 6 the best!
Hi Marley I like image #1 for book photo. You look serious, intelligent, a little mischievious and a bit mysterious. that's my 2 cents.
XOXO Kathryn
It was awesome to meet you after knowing you online so so long.
Count me in as a number 2 fan!!!!
I like 3 and 6.
I vote for numbers 1 and 7. Funny that you came to my neck of the woods for your photos!! Or did she come to you?
Thanks for the feedback everyone!
Marie...I came to Newport for the photo shoot. She was recommended to me by a co-worker whose wedding she did. I just love her to death and will definitely use her again. Her prices are very reasonable.
Next time you come to Newport, you'd better call me!! :)
Well...I was a little busy. (giggle) = )
I just can't get enough of the pics from Nationals. It looks like everyone had such a great time.
All of your pics are great, Marley. #4 and #7 are my favs.
i like 1, 2, 3, 4.
Marley, I vote for image 6. It's fun, quirky, young, and works with the theme of ghost hunting.
How is it that I look drunk in that picture with you when I wasn't even drinking??
I vote for #4 for the beautiful smile and cool necklace and #6 because it's unique.
They're all great photos. My favorites are 2 and 3.
Hi Marley,
I like the first one best. Very pretty! My second favorite would be the one with the camera. It's also a very nice headshot and it says something about you.
Very cool pics!! Good luck choosing! :)
Put me down for 2, 4 & 7. I think I like the graffiti one the best...
I enjoyed the fun pics of Nationals too -- wish I could have gone. (pout)
Great pictures from RWA conference.
I really like photos 2 and 7.
of those, #7 is my fave!
Great pics, Marley! I'm so sad I missed conference this year. :(
I like #5, with the brick wall, and you look great in it :)
I loved your panel at the RWA conference. can't wait for our Q&A. In fact, I have a few questions right now I'm hoping one of you can answer: 1) What is the yahoo group for YA romance writers?, and 2) I heard Harlequin is opening a new YA line. Does anyone know how to submit to them? Thanks again for your great panel! best, Beth
Marley all your pictures from RWA are so wonderful. I still love your bling. I wish the true shine could come though in the pictures. You author photos are so great. I see some of my faves are here. Looks like 2 and 7 are big hits. I wonder what you will pick? I'm on the edge of my seat.
I like #1
one is good. two is cool for maybe a website. four is smiley.
Ugh, I can't decide. I think I like #2 the best, but really they're all great.
#4 and #7 are my faves, but you look great in all of them!
great RWA pics too!
I like the shot of you with the video camera. It makes you the most accessible. But you are beautiful in all of them so you can't really go wrong.
Hi Marley --
Great post and greater shots! My favorite is #4. You look so gorgeous.
Beautiful Photos!!
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