I hope you've been enjoying the week-long kick off for Steph Hale's newest release Spring Breakup! The Buzz Girls have each been sharing their favorite Spring Break places and memories -- but I've got a slightly different take.
When I was growing up I never went on a traditional Spring Break. My family (and I) just didn't have the funds to travel to cool places on the school vacations, and when I became an adult, I always seemed to be working instead of taking time out...
But I don't think that's unusual. How many times have you been "trapped" in your own town while your friends head out to cool locations? Not to worry, though -- you can create your own Spring Break trip right in your home town.
Most cities and towns have a beach or a local lake - there is usually somewhere to go lay out in the sun and have a picnic. Here is Golden Gardens beach, near Ballard, a stretch of sand on a very cold body of water called the Puget Sound. This is a great place to people watch -- and along with Greenlake -- one of Seattle's fun places to jog or picnic.
Does your town have a museum? Spring Break is a great time to enjoy what the local culture. Most museums have student discounts, even. In Seattle we have a few really cool museums. Here is the main Seattle Art Museum (SAM) and the world famous Hammering Man statue.
Do what the tourists do for a day! Here is the counter with the famous fish throwers at the Pike Place Market. Jostle in with the crowd and get a dose of the kitschy stuff the locals usually ignore. It's fun! And -- there are great, cheap places to eat around the Market.
Do something different! Volunteer for a local charity during your Spring Break week or be an extra in a movie filming in your town. At left is a still from Daredreamer, a little known movie I was an extra in when they filmed at my high school my junior year. They invited the students to help during Spring Break. It was a lot of waiting around and they fed us bad sandwiches, but it was fun!
And the poor movie never really made it... *sigh*
Anyway, I hope I've given you some ideas on how to make your own homemade Spring Break. Hanging out with your friends (if they're around) and having time away from school to do all the cool stuff you normally don't get to do is the best break of all.
Never Cry Werewolf ~ Sept '09 HarperTeen
The Clearing ~ Houghton Miffling Harcourt Spring '10
Thanks, Heather, for this tour...and I visited Pike Place once a few years ago and adored it!
This is great, Heather. Aspen added a list of things to do on spring break when you are broke to the end of her/my new book also! Sorry your movie debut never made it to the big screen. I'm still dying to see that McDonald's commercial of yours. ;)
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