Monday, March 16, 2009

Which Prom Dress Would You Wear?

MSN Lifestyle is offering up a collection of what they are calling this season’s hottest prom dresses!

Worn or unworn, they are really something to look at, so I picked seven of the most interesting to feature here:

Number One:

Number Two:

Number Three:

Number Four:

Number Five:

Number Six:

Number Seven:

Given the opportunity and bod to pull it off, I think I'd wear Number One. Or Seven. Well, One or Seven...

Clearly, I can't choose. But if you leave a comment about your favorite dress, you'll be entered to win one of my books. And the winner will get to choose between Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress, How to Hook a Hottie, and The ABC's of Kissing Boys!

Now "go shopping" and good luck!


The ABC's of Kissing Boys
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie


GirlforChrist said...

Well, I LOVE #2, but with my coloring, I'd look better in #6. I never get to wear the ones I like!!! : )

MySharonAnne said...

#2 all the way. I think it would look the nicest on me. I love long dresses and the color is really nice.

Erika Powell said...

My prom wasn't THAT long ago and I never my dress was so much more traditional. I wish I had the nerve to pull of something like number 2. And I really like 3 but I really wanted a long dress for my prom.

sunnynikki said...

If it came in a different color, maybe a solid, I'd go for number 2. I'm not sure about the rest of them, I'm not really into fluffy or slinky. I like that number 2 is sexy with out being too revealing.

Janie Emaus said...

I'd go with number 4! From now on when I imagaine what going to a prom would be like (I never went to mine) I'll se myself in that dress.

TinaFerraro said...

I should probably mention that I love #2, as well. But for me, this is all fantasy, and I think in my mind, I see myself in something bolder...

Anonymous said...

#4 and #6 are my favourites, but alas, I didn't attend my prom, either...

Anonymous said...

I would go with number 1 or 4. I however did not go to my prom either.

Christine said...

I normally live in flip flops and jeans, so I loved prom because it was a fun excuse to get dolled up!

My favorite is #4, but only if it came in any other color. #7 is awesome, too.

Anonymous said...

oh my. i popped over after seeing the post title on Brimstone Soup - how fun is this?my prom dress was most like #2, but with spaghetti straps, instead of the halter. now i'd wish for something bolder, such as #5 (except that strapless dresses make me look like a mushroom) or more dramatic, such as #6. i likey #6. cheers.

The Golfing Librarian said...

Personally, I don't were dresses (Gasp, I know!) But if I did, I 'd go with #6. It appears to be the most modest, but I bet it would be too tight across my posterior!

Me said...

#7 is actually kind of close to what my prom dress looked like (only in black). Today I would choose something more like #3. So adorable.

Hillary said...

Number five is my favorite. I love how it looks furry at the bottom.

BUT I'd probably be more likely to wear number two in a different color, like green. And I'd have it shortened to around knee length. I'm picky like that.

TinaFerraro said...

I'm loving all these comments, and special shout-out to scatterbeams for being a new visitor to the Buzz Girls Blog, and Chuck, for discussion of his posterior! ;)

Megan said...

I'd like 3 with straps and if it were a bit longer. Ha, I guess I'm just modest like that.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure I'd look too hot in any of these but I think number three is the cutest! Fun post, Tina!

Haley :)) said...

I think that number three is my fave! not sure how it would look tho!

Anonymous said...

Oh my such a hard choice,

Number five, furry is the new pink.


Amanda Villagómez said...

3 is my favorite, but as someone else mentioned, I would want it to have straps! This was a fun post.

TinaFerraro said...

I like #3 too! Pink, of course!

Iris Black said...

#6 and #2... I love the longer lines. Definitely #2 if it wasn't such a bright pink. (Really is rose or purple too much to ask?)

Anyways, great ideas for my first prom next year!

Iris Black

sweetmelissa818 said...

Definitely #2!! I didn't actually go to my prom though!

Christina said...

I love dresses that swish so I'd go with number 3 in the blue.

Thao said...

I'd love to go in number 4 but with a different colour. Number 3 is cute too!

Anonymous said...

Hmm think I'd wear #1 or #4. :) But #4 in black. :P These are lovely dresses.

email: kate.readthisbook [at] gmail [dot] com.

Paradox said...

My favorite is dress #1, because it's black. Otherwise I'd pick #6.

StrasbourgGirl said...

I love them all (except for #5: I don't really go for the "hairy" thing), but if I had to choose, I would have to know what type of dancing I'd be doing at prom: if I knew I'd be pulling off some real crazy moves, I would probably take # 3, 4, or 7. But if I knew nobody would be doing any serious dancing, I'd take # 1, 2, or 6. But they're all so pretty! I guess my favorites are #s 2 and 6, but I think #6 would look best on me.
Actually, I'd just be happy to have any one of the dresses... :)


Anonymous said...

I like #6, but most people I know wouldn't wear that type of pattern to prom. My second favorite is #4.

Kate said...

I would choose dress 3 (blue) or 4. I've got my prom soon :) The dresses are so pretty. Ooooh, I want to go shopping now!


Sara said...

Hmm, my favourites are number 4 and number 2! If I have to choose, I'll take number 2!

Sadako said...

Number seven b/c I think it flatters my body type the most.