Thanks to my fellow Buzz Girls, we're going to be celebrating ghosts, inevitably, this week, with lots of giveaways, so be sure to spread the word and come back all week to visit us.
So many people have asked me, leading up to this release, if I believe in ghosts. I have to say that I never really thought about it. I definitely believe in angels, as I've had three experiences in my life with angels (another post for another day), but as far as running into a ghost, I just never thought about it...
...until I did think about it.
Through my research for the GHOST HUNTRESS, I have witnessed shadow people, full bodied apparitions, been touched, heard voices on digital recorders when no one was speaking, and I captured some amazing footage of a ball moving around on it's own. These things have made a believer out of me!
However, I think the most poignant touch with the other side occurred on my 12th birthday. My beloved border collie, Candy, was hit by a car and died on my 12th birthday. I remember Dad taking me out on the back steps and telling me...
"Mar, you're 12 years old now and that's really you can handle anything."
He then proceeded to tell me that Candy had passed away. It was the most heartbroken I had ever felt in my life. I went to bed that night, crying myself to sleep over the loss of my beautiful three year old puppy-girl.
(Sorry for the bad quality...the picture is 30 years old! But isn't she precious???)
Sometime during the night--I thought I was dreaming, but I know I was awake--I sat up in bed and looked to the door of my room. There, I saw Candy walk in. She crossed the room and sat at the edge of my bed. She didn't bark or anything, but somehow I knew that she was...okay. She jumped up on the bed, curled up at my feet and watched as I fell back asleep.
Okay, so maybe this sounds like no big deal. However...Candy NEVER had been in our house. She lived at our farm, which was about five miles away from our house. She had been in the back yard, but never actually inside the house.
I believe to this day that she came to me to say goodbye and to make sure I was okay. Call me crazy, but it's such a strong memory and so real to me that I just can't think of it any other way.
My heroine, Kendall Moorehead, experiences all sorts of paranormal activities in the GHOST HUNTRESS series that are based on other people's experiences. It's my hope that in reading the series, it will help people question what's next for us and give us comfort that we'll always be with the ones we love...even our pets...for'evah.
So...I ask YOU believe in ghosts?
Leave a comment for me and you'll be entered in the first giveaway for GHOST HUNTRESS: THE AWAKENING. You may enter as many times as you'd like!!
Marley = )
congrads on the release. i ordered it from amazon the other day and can't wait to read
I am so excited about the release of your book! And to answer your question, do I believe: yep!
My grandfather died of cancer right before my senior year in high school. A few months later I was heading out, so I opened the garage door and glanced outside, and there was my Papa’s truck parked towards the side of the driveway. He was decked out in his usual khaki pants, jacket, and hat and was walking around like he was getting ready to do some yard work. It was a quick glance, and when I looked again he was gone, but I know I saw him.
Ghosts or not, I definitely believe in “something.” :)
I love your story, Leigh!! It's quiet beautiful and I bet he was just checking in with you. = )
No need to enter me - I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS!! I'm reading your book right now (for the giveaway I cooked up with Jenn Barnes) and am loving it. Great voice. :)
Congratulations Marley! I thought the book was already out because I saw seven copies of it face-out in Books-A-Million last week!, I don't believe in ghosts. But I do know a lot of trustworthy people who have had ghost experiences (including my husband), and those two things are hard to reconcile.
Congrats on the book, Marley! No need to enter me in the contest, as I picked up my copy last week at my local Borders. Can't wait to read it.
I do have to say, though, yes, even with my limited experience with them, I do believe in ghosts. I've seen/heard evidence of them at a friend's home, and I believe my 14-yo cat came back to me several times in the months after he died a few years ago. I wasn't the only one who saw him in our house, and I know he was there to help us heal.
Thanks Karen!
And wow, pictures of it in the wild? LOL!
While today is the "official" release date, there have been "soft" releases all over the place and I've had a lot of reports of people already having the book.
It's soooo exciting!! = )
Congrats on your new release. I can't wait to read it.
Diane Amos
I definitely believe in the possibility of ghosts:)
Congrats on your new release, Marley!!
Congrats on the release, Marley! I can't wait to read! I definitely believe in ghosts and love to read about them.
Patrice Luneski
Happy release, Marley!!!! Hoooray!!! Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. As to ghosts... Hmmm. I've never had any encounters myself, so I'll have to say I'm ... open-mindedly skeptical.
We at BBG are SO excited about the release of THE AWAKENING (and all the GH books to follow!)
I definitely believe and will be sharing my story on Saturday!
Happy release week MarleyG!
Happy release day, Marley! What a fantastic cover!
Happy release day, Marley" do believe in ghosts. I do, I do, I do believe in ghosts!"
So excited about your release day!
Amazing story about your dig Candy. :)
I go back and forth on the subject of ghosts. I don't think I've actually encountered one.
The book sounds awesome. Congratulations.
Um... Make that dog. *smacks head* lol
Yes, I do!
How can you not believe after seeing all those real-life shows with hunted houses and mediums?
sosarora_11 @
So excited to read your new book.
I haven't had any experiences with either ghosts or angels, but I love ghost stories. I guess I'm undecided, I think it's possible, but until I have an encounter, I'm on the fence
Happy, Happy Release Day! I want to read Ghost Huntress sooooooo bad!!! :D
Thanks sooooo much, everyone!! I'm jazzed that you're all excited to read the book! Please be sure to stop back by and let me know what you think...or leave a review on I have 27 already at 4.5 stars!! = )
Marley, I can tell by the picture that your Candy was a total sweetheart. I lost a dog when I was around the same age, so you have my sympathy!
And congrats on the release! BTW, I love your cover...
I'm going to have to get it from Amazon, as the bookstore here takes way too long to get new (good) books in! Congrats on the release!
Congrats,Marley. What a touching story about Candy. I definitely believe. I'm looking forward to reading about Kendall's paranormal adventures.
Congrats on the release. I am really looking forward to reading this!
*Smacks Head*
Am Made of Fail. I meant to congratulate you in my earlier post, too!
Happy Release Day!
Congrats on the release! Can't wait to buy a "Man Bag" to carry a copy of your book in! ;)
Congrats on the release. I am looking forward to reading it.
I do believe in ghosts and have had a couple of experiences.
Thanks so much Cara, Melissa, donnas, Leigh, Steph, Lori, Chuck (LOL!) - geeez, did I miss anyone? You guys have been great today...thanks! Would love pics of anyone reading GH if you've got them. = )
Congratulations, Marley! I've been looking forward to this book.
I'm a believer, alright! Just last night my husband told me he saw a ghost lurking in my study--he lived in a bona fide haunted house when he was a kid, so he knows a ghost when he sees one.
~ Vanessa
Marley, huge congrat's on your release!
Congrats on your release!
I've never seen a ghost so I don't know if I really believe in them. I guess I'm a 'see it to believe it' kinda girl.
But hey! My dad believes in them. He's told me he's seen them and while he won't give me the whole story, he seems seriously.
And the other night, a co-worker was telling me how one night, her old charge nurse came out of the elevator and collapse right there, having a heart attack. Then after the elevator would open by itself and close.
Then two seconds after saying this, we heard thumping from the floor above. Needless to say, it scared the crap out of me!
But guess what? it ended up being a false blue code. Why? Because THERE WAS NO BODY ON THE FLOOR.
SO creepy.
Congrats on the release! Can't wait to read it.
My mom and my great grand-mother, GaGa, were really close. Unfortunately, GaGa died 7 months before I was born. Almost a year after she died, my parents were sleeping & I was in the crib next to their bed. Mama says she saw GaGa as if she were standing right in front of her. She wanted to tell GaGa all about her new beautiful baby, but all she would say was "Check the baby." GaGa slowly faded away, while Mama cried and begged her not to go. Daddy had to shake Mama awake. Finally, after she told him what GaGa kept repeating, they went to my crib and found me blue in the face, and not breathing. When they got to the hospital, the doctor told them had they come even a minute later, I would've died of SIDS (crib death).
I (and my family) believe that God sent GaGa's angel, ghost, whatever you want to call it, to save my life. The weird thing is, I can sometimes feel her with me (even though I've never met her).
Wow, Marley, what a beautiful story about your beloved pup. I've had stuff like that happen to me, too. Often, spirits are checking in to make sure we're okay with their passing.
So, anyway enough ghosts -- CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so incredibly proud of you for your perserverance, spunk, and talent. You're one of the kindest, most generous writer friends I have and I couldn't be more thrilled on the release of the first Ghost Huntress books. You are a star, Marley.
Congratulations on the book release : )
It's so sad your dog passed away. I love it how she came back and said goodbye to you.
And do I believe in Ghosts? Yes. But I don't want to. I'm too timid to face them.
Congrats on the book launch!! Whoo hoo! I'm so happy for you. Now you always creep me out with you ghost stories. I don't like to go there. I know My K is going to love Ghost Huntress. I'm so excited to get it. As for if I believe. I'm always seeing figures out of the corners of my eyes. Just heard a tap upstairs as I as writing this. Grrrr. And I've had very vivid dreams where I think loved ones have visited me. Who knows.
Ooh great story! I believe that Candy came to say good bye to you. So touching! =)
I definitely believe in ghosts! My mother's dad and brother both had their own encounters.
I can't wait to see your answers for my interview!
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