How is everyone's summer going? Late nights, lots of ice cream and some great summer movies? I don't know about you guys, but I am DYING to get into an air-condioned theater and catch some of the fun looking movies coming out.

First, is there anyone cuter than Gerald Butler? This looks like a modern rom-com and exactly the kind of movie any Girls' Night would need!

I really liked the book and am looking forward to the movie...the SFX in the movie look really awesome and I do love me Eric Bana!

I'm not a huge Harry Potter fan (gasp, I know!) but I hear the latest movie Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince is just wonderful!

I just want to see the new GI Joe movie because a part of it is shot in Paris and I love seeing the city (even if it is being destroyed!)

500 Days got amazing reviews and I am really excited to see it!
I will post reviews as I see these movies...what about you guys? What movies have you seen? What did you love? What did you think was overrated?
Stay cool!
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
I was supposed to see the ugly truth last night but I ended up watching nights in rodanthe on dvd. I'm looking forward to seeing it today!
I did a blog on Gerard Butler yesterday (
I definitely want to see Time Travelers Wife and GI Joe. Also on my list is 'Funny People.' Definitely want to check that out. :-) I love summer movies!
I love the non-person poster for The Ugly Truth, it's genius. I want to watch that movie too.
The Ugly Truth was awesome, as was Harry Potter. This latest HP movie is much lighter up until the end than any of the others- but the story is wonderfully told.
On my list to see is G.I. Joe and Julie&Julia! Both come out this Friday... I don't know which to go to first! =)
Enjoy your summer movies,
The only movie so far this summer that I've unreservedly loved was Star Trek, which was brilliant!
I thought Land of the Lost was terrible, Transformers wasn't very good, Public Enemies was okay, The Proposal was quite enjoyable, Harry Potter was good but flawed, and Up was excellent.
Of the artier movies I've seen, I loved Moon. (Hmm...maybe I sense a theme here.)
I'm very much looking forward to seeing 500 Days of Summer and Julie & Julia!
I have been able to actually get to the movies, so I'm doing some catch-up on DVD. But I'm hearing great things from people about The Ugly Truth!
500 Days of Summer was a cute movie!
I totally want to see the Ugly Truth, Dona. I hear, from our movie friend, that it's totally great!
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