But I'm back. Well, my brain might not be entirely back, but I'm working on it. As part of my re-entry program, I want to share with you some photo highlights from my trip. Enjoy!
First, my parents and I drove cross-country from Oklahoma City to Las Vegas in a mini caravan...
...then I flew home to Houston to do a few book signings for the release of Goddess Boot Camp.
Next, I flew back to Las Vegas...
...and took in some shows.
After a brief stopover at home, I flew to Washington, DC, for the RWA national conference, where I won the RITA award for Best First Book. (Omigod, squeeeee!!!)
With RITA by my side, I took the train to New York, where I did not go to the Met, because it's summer, people, and there are like billions of tourists in the city. (I walked down Fifth Avenue to the Frick instead. Much better.)
After that I flew back to Vegas for the last week of my parents' summer program (the Stagecraft Institute of Las Vegas), which was about stage makeup.
Then, after many more grueling hours of driving (in which I listened to the Taking of Pelham One Two Three by John Godey--amazing) I finally made it back home to house, where my apartment complex was a different color than when I left.
So that's it. My summer life in pictures. Hopefully by next week my brain will have returned in full and I'll be able to write a real post.
OH. MY. GODS. (now in paperback!)
Get your goddess on. Join the Ning!
Welcome back! It was great seeing you in D.C.! Hopefully we can a repeat run-in at nationals next year. *cross your fingers* I sell my YA by then! Working on revisions with my new agent now.
See you on twitter!
Tera....It was great seeing you win the RITA in DC, so well deserved. And, I like all your pictures, great idea.
I loved this post--and "real" or not. ;) Welcome home and thanks for posting the pictures!
Welcome home you little gypsy! ;) Congrats again on that lovely Rita. I hope to meet her someday! The chapel we got married in was right across the street from the Las Vegas sign. Literally. ;)
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