My romance writer spirit went on overdrive! I became engrossed in the stories of liars and cheaters and thieves-of-hearts. When the program ended, I started reviewing my own single years and what had been instant deal breakers for me. Here are two:
...when I found hickeys on my high school boyfriend’s neck. That were not from me!
...when a relatively new boyfriend talked nonstop during a movie. And got annoyed when people asked him to be quiet. Later he explained to me that movies were stupid, just “something to do” to pass the time. (Next!)
Now I’d love to hear from YOU. Keeping it PG-13 rated, please, fill in the blank: I Knew It Was Over When...
Tina Ferraro
Top Ten Uses for an Unworn Prom Dress
How to Hook a Hottie
The ABC’s of Kissing Boys
That is hilarious I have a hicky neck boyfriend too....
The other time I can think of is that I was four months pregnant and he says I don't think I love you. Expected pregnancy and knew at that point he was not worth the time of trying to help him become intellegient. LOL Just so you know all things are good now this was eight years ago.
When he told me the girl he was cheating with was "a witch" and had him under a spell.
I kid you not!
When I saw another girl sitting at the kitchen table when I went to visit him after school (I was going to ASU at the time). I'd become real attached to his family and would come over all the time (because he didn't have a car at the time). I loved him, but not enuff to.. YOU KNOW, y'know? There wasn't much ambition there at the time. He was a "live for the moment" type of person and I wasn't. So he found someone else.
Book Whisperer, funny that you had that hickey experience too--although not so funny at the time, huh? ;)
Janie, you gotta use that witch line in a book! I know I've got a couple doozies that guys have said to me ready for print!
Celise, thanks for sharing that story. And hey, I went to ASU, too...did you know that?
Hm... I knew it was over when he told me I'd never sell a book about werewolves. Uh... nice.
LOL, Heather...bet that revenge tasted sweet!
I knew it was over when the Process Server stopped by with a package! ;)
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