As the others have said, we're talking about childhood dreams. Mine...were a bit warped, I must admit.
First...I dreamed of being a travel agent. I turned my father's shelf of tax forms into homemade travel brochures of "exotic" places like Atlanta and Panama City Beach and Birmingham. LOL! I would book my stuffed animals on trips and make tickets and such for them.
Ironically, my professional career has been as a meeting I guess that dream helped me out some, eh?
Then, I wanted to be a doctor. Most kids want that at some point, eh? But not just any doctor. I wanted to be an anesthesiologist. My grandfather had surgery and he told me all about it and I was fascinated by the fact that there was a doctor that could literally just put you asleep.
But the dream that was biggest for me...I wanted to be a cheerleader! I love sports and especially football and I have an extremely big mouth. LOL! What better person to be a cheerleader, right?
I started off as a pee wee cheerleader. This wasn't a big deal as anyone who would buy the uniform and show up for games could be one. I was in band my junior high years, so I wasn't a JV cheerleader. But, in 9th grade, I tried out for the varsity and made it! Fortunately, because of being so physical as a cheerleader, I discovered a lump in my left leg which turned out to be cancer. Had I not been a cheerleader, I might not have found it so quickly. So, that was definitely something to cheer about.
How have your childhood dreams morphed and changed and helped you? Share your story in the comment section and you'll be entered in this week's contest to win a copy of Tera's book. Also, there are more chances to win over at Tera's website web-site and she's making donations to an ocean charity, as well. Please help out!
Congrats again to Tera!
Marley = )
Ghosts don't hang up their sheets November 1st
I think childhood dreams always helpful to reach your goals, it certainly worked that way for me, and I can truly say a few are still helpfull to me
Cute pics!
When I was a kid, I read the Little House books and thought I wanted to live in the country. I hated buildings. But after I grew up I decided I like being near theaters and restaurants and, above all, bookstores! So my dream of living in the country turned into a dream of living in the city. :-)
But I still love trees...
When I was little I wanted to be a "professional babysitter", onyl to find out when I took a babysitters course and had to watch other peoples childern that I could not stand it. Then I wanted to be a doctor but once I got my first sight of gushing blood I turned away from that and looked at being a dancer but I didn't want to leave Canada so i had to but another career and decided seeing I was good at math and with computer why not try accounting which I realized that I LOVED IT! I know weird right who loves taxes? I'm just one of those weird people lol
I'm still working toward my childhood dream. I'm not giving up on it ever. I've always wanted to paint, paint, and paint. I'm actually getting one step closer. I just graduated from law school and I take the Bar exam in July. Once I'm done with that I am going to have a few months waiting for the results so I will have time to focus on putting my art business together. I'm really excited about that.
cool pics. u were a cute cheerleader. i'm sorry about ur cancer but ur apparently ok. i would like to win tera's book because when i was a little girl i wanted to be a mermaid. ; )
Very cute. I was a cheerleader for 2 years. It was a lot of fun. I always regretted quitting.
I think I went through so many phases as a kid. I would pretend to be a doctor, teacher, singer. I would make "demo" tapes on my little tape player and pretend I was on the radio lol. Sadly, I don't think I will ever be a professional singer due to me having the worst singing voice on the planet lol. :)
I pretty much always wanted to be a teacher. I still think I'd like to be, but lately I've been thinking that I'd like to be a book editor. My friends always ask me to proof papers, which I thoroughly enjoy doing, so I think that I'd like editing books.
Hmm....My dreams have changed me, because in order to achieve them, I need to put in the effort, the dedication, the risks. When you chase your dreams, they help you realize all the things your great at, and what you need to work on :)
I had two dreams as a child. One was to be a teacher. I lined up my stuffed animals for lessons and struggled to teach my three year old brother to read. I didn't quite grasp the concept of being developmentally ready at age six.
I'm still working toward my second dream--being a writer. I started a draft of a novel last summer. My goal this summer is to finish it.
...Yesterday's question made me think a lot, but I think my response works better for today's question...oh well!
I had a lot of fun as a child, I was always pretending, and making up stories with my friends or my dolls. And making up stories were always my favorite assignments in class...My problem is my lack of patience...Whenever I tried to write anything down, my fingers couldn't keep up with my brain...That's the one thing I'm still working on, putting the stories on paper. I can definitely say it has improved my typing speed :)
As I kid my dream was to play outside all the time. I then went on to college to get a degree in Wilderness Leadership and Experiential Education and then became a year round camp counselor. Basically I got paid to play outside all the time.
Most kids want to be doctors? I NEVER had that dream, heh. Probably because I was too busy dreaming of being an artist. Eventually, that dream became more specific, and I wanted to be a comics artist. That then morphed into me wanting to draw AND write for comics, and then I just simply wanted to write. To this day I'm still working at becoming a published author, but every now and then I'm tempted to revert back to my original childhood dream of being an artist.
let's see...when i was little i wanted to be a mermaid! now that dream has turned into wanting to be a marine biologist :)
As a kid I always wanted to be just about everything. For the longest I was the pink ranger/ ruthless sea pirate/ ice-fairy princess/ vampire/ detective/ ballerina... But now, now I am an author {not yet published} / "vampire" / ruthless sea pirate who happens to be affraid of the ocean. ;) But yeah,
My dream of being a dancer had to change becauseof my bad knee. I considered being a wedding planner and a marine biologist before deciding to be a writer. Being a writer just felt so... right. For a short time I did wnat to be a cheerleader. My older sister was one and my lil sis is one now. Actually, she had to get stitches today because someone fell on her face while doing a basket toss. Thank goodness I dodged that bullet because I don't want someone to fall on my face.
My childhood dreams helped me become the person I am today by showing me what it takes to achieve something. I always had goals, from drawing a flower, to passing Pre-Calculus with an A, and each goal helped me understand what it is like to strive and achieve something.
For the longest time, I wanted to be a marine biologist. I was fascinated by whales and dolphins. Then I grew up and realized: a) I can't swim and b) science is hard! :) Ahh, well. It all ended up okay in the end. Now I'm a teacher and in school to be a librarian ... I'm always looking for that opportunity to sneak a good marine life book into the hands of one of the kids. Maybe they'll take up my childhood dream and make something of it for themselves!
When I was younger, I used to dance - I even wanted to pursue it professionally at one point - and I was in glee club and did a school musical and countless talent shows, recitals, name it, we did it! I think this taught me to appreciate the arts, express my creativity, and put myself out there no matter how crippling my shyness was. Oh, yeah, I overcame the shyness - for the most part.
When I started highschool I didn't really know anyone in my new english class, but somehow started having this random conversation about childhood dreams with this girl sitting across from me. When I told her that when I was younger I wanted to be a unicorn she looked at me all boggle-eyed and said, "No way! I wanted to be a Unicorn Doctor!"
We've been good friends ever since ;)
Oh, cute -- you are such an adorable cheerleaders, Marley! I'm very glad childhood dreams morph and grow.
Congrats Tera!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a superhero. This has definitely morphed into wanting to protect my friends and family, as well as nature. I think we're all superheros in our own way.
Wow, such a cute post!
When I was a kid, I wanted to be a grown up so I could do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Yeah, that was my idea of a grown up. Now, I'm almost 20 and I wish I could go back to being a kid..
Talk about never being satisfied. Sigh.
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