It's Sunday, and that means is the kick-off day for my first book Never Cry Werewolf's paperback release!
I'll be giving away five signed copies of the paperback, so please comment on each Buzz Girl's post and we'll each announce winners at the end of the week.
Contest is open to US and Canada residents, 13 and over.
Contest is open to US and Canada residents, 13 and over.
So, the theme of this Release Week is the second time around. What did you enjoy or appreciate better the second time you experienced it?

For me, this one is so easy! It's all about food.
Just last night, I had one of my favorites - beets. I can remember totally hating them when I was younger and first encountered the ruby-colored beauties. My dad was from farm country in Kansas and he'd boil up beets on the stove for pickling. The whole house would get this earthy, then vinegarey smell that made me go, ugh! I was so not into boiled beets.
Then, years later, I encountered beets of the roasted variety. Roasted beets on a yummy salad of argula and goat cheese. Swoon! They were drizzled with olive oil and balsamic, not overly sugarey and tasted like earth in a good way. This was definitely not the horrid vegetable I had once despised. I fell in love with beets at second bite and we've never parted since. And now, I know there are golden beets, too - which are also super yummy.
So how about you? Did you hate a food when you were younger that now delights you? Please post in comments to be entered to win a copy of the book!
Never Cry Werewolf - HarperTeen 9/7/10
The Clearing - HMH Graphia - Now
Wherever You Go - Harcourt Fall 2011
Like most kids, I thought that brussel sprouts were the grossest thing that I could imagine- but this past summer, I've started eating them, and guess what? THEY ARE DELICIOUS! they are just like miniature cabbages, and they don't get mushy like cabbage (unless you boil them to death).
I remember being displeased at mushrooms when I was young. I would not eat anything with mushrooms. I absolutely hated them. BUt when I grew up, I tried a dish called beef with mushroom. And goodness, that was delicious!
Actually I have pretty much the same tastes as I did as a kid. I still hate tomatoes, onions, and anything really spicy... but instead of hating things on sight I'm much more likely to try them first.
Sweet potatoes!
I used to always hate yellow squash up until recently. I don't know what is was about it, but now I love it when mixed with zucchini, or even just alone.
YAY! Never Cry Werewolf is such a cute book -- used to handsell it a bunch when I was a bookseller. Congrats, Heather!
And I have never liked fish. As a kid, or as a grown-up.
Just wanted to say congrats on the PB release. I will try to link up my review and mention the paperback release.
Happy paperback birthday week, Heather! The food I now love but hated when younger is gaucamole. Well, avacados in general. Now I actually crave it!
Happy Paperback Release Week! Whoot whoot! *throws confetti* I shall have some dark chocolate chips to celebrate for you... I have no cake but this will do.
Anyways. My second time around food might shock you, because apparently its the food that just screams "Childhood!" lol. Maccoroni & Cheese. Yep, didn't like the stuff. But one day a few years back I just got hungry and couldn't find anything and thought, heck, I'll just make it extra extra cheesy and suffer. Well extra extra cheesy is oh so yummy. LOL.
And Allison, you may try all you want but you will never convince me that brussle sprouts are delicious. Ever. I'll jab my big toe in my eye before I go near a brussle sprout.
I used to HATE mushy and gross. I adore it now!
When I was little I hated oranges. I thought they were very sour but now I do eat oranges but only the sweet ones so I always have someone try it and tell me if its sweet or not before I eat it.
ok, I won't go into all the vegetables that I don't like...
I've always been kind of so-so about mushrooms, but a couple years ago a friend added them to tacos, and all of a sudden I started eating them with almost everything I can think of.
However, I think I've made a big turn around with sour cream--I tried it once and didn't like it at all, then tried it again a couple years ago and LOVED it!
Also, when I was a kid, I didn't like jelly; I would only eat peanut butter sandwiches. It still depends on my mood, but I've definitely gotten over that.
Oddly enough, I was never opposed to vegetables growing up. I was opposed to liver though. As an adult, I love liver and onions, but I hate beets and cooked carrots. Ugh -- no idea what the appeal is. Prefer my carrots raw and my beets still planted in the garden.
Congratulations on your release!
also wanted to mention how much I LOVED NEVER CRY WEREWOLF!!!!!! :) I have it ebook, so I wouldn't mind paperback ;) And also, if there are any sequels lying around....
My family all love artichokes. Not me. I was forced to eat them when i was young and hated them. I tried them when a date ordered them at a restaurant years later and guess what I loved.... :) (at least something good came out of that relationship!)
congrats on the paperback!!
It sounds so stupid but as a kid I HATED stuffing. Suddenly about 6 months ago, I tried the chicken flavored Stove Top and LOVED it. My husband actually groans now about how often I make it... :)
Congrats on the paperback release!
I hated both spinach and asparagus when I was younger now I love them both!
I absolutely hated grapes when I was a kid...but now I love them. Totally weird ;)
I used to HATE tomatoes. (I wouldn't eat anything red thinking that it had tomatoes in it). Now I eat them all the time. Irony much? xD
I hate jackfruit when I was younger and now I can't get enough of it!
I used to think blue cheese dresssing was disgusting, and now I love it.
I used to love chocolate, and now I'm just so-so on it. Go figure!
You guys really hit the highlights of hard-to-like-as-a-kid foods. Thanks for all the sweet comments!
mushrooms. my parents really used them for punishment and now I LOVE them!
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