Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Giving Thanks!

Well...tomorrow is Turkey Day! Gobble, gobble! It's a great time to come together with friends and family and be grateful for all we have in our lives. Of course, stuffing ourselves to the gills like glutinous animals doesn't hurt either! LOL!!

My hubby and I are being very low-keyed this year because we both have to work on Friday (and I'm working on the final revision tweaks of GHOST HUNTRESS Book 2), but I am going to be putting on a spread, courtesy of The Barefoot Contessa's recipes. We're having...

Herb-roasted turkey breast
Sausage and apple dressing
Apple and celery root puree
Homemade gravy
Roasted Brussels sprouts and bacon
Cranberry sauce

Mmmm...are you drooling? I certainly am!

I'm also taking this time to list some things I'm thankful for. So often, we get so involved in the stress and strife, hustle and bustle of our daily lives that we don't really stop to realize how many wonderful things we might take for granted. Well, I'm gonna list some! = )

I'm grateful for...
  1. My hubby, my family, my friends, and my new kitties.
  2. A good job at a nice company with nice people.
  3. A fabulous literary agent who has changed my life and believes in me.
  4. An equally fabulous editor who loves my books.
  5. A new editor who is giving me a non-fiction writing career.
  6. My writing partners who I'm working on said non-fiction career with.
  7. My writer support group for all they've done for me - especially the Buzz Girls!!!
  8. My new friends in the paranormal community for welcoming with open arms.
  9. My health and wealth and well-being (not that I have wealth, but I mean like being able to pay the mortgage and the light bill and stuff like that!)
  10. My new president and all the (hopefully) wonderful things ahead for our great country.

What are you thankful for this Thanksgiving? What are your plans and how will you celebrate? Share your traditions with us!

Holiday hugs,
Marley = )

GHOST HUNTRESS: THE AWAKENING (Coming May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
GHOST HUNTRESS: THE GUIDANCE (Coming October 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (Available from Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (Available from Puffin Books)


TinaFerraro said...

Great blog, Marley. And yes, count me on as grateful for my personal and professional life, as well!

And please let us know how you like the "roasted brussel sprouts with bacon." My husband and I really like brussel sprouts, but have so far just had them basically sauteed in butter. Would love to try this...

stephhale said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Marley. Your menu sounds divine. I'm so thankful for my family and friends and that everyone is healthy. My hubby usually gets stuck working the holidays but he is off this year so I'm very thankful for that!

stephhale said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Marley. Your menu sounds divine. I'm so thankful for my family and friends and that everyone is healthy. My hubby usually gets stuck working the holidays but he is off this year so I'm very thankful for that!

Heather Davis said...

Happy Thanksgiving, Marley! Your feast sounds delicious!

I'm so grateful for you and the other buzz girls. I can't believe we've been together for two years. You all have made such a difference in my life and writing world.



Kelly said...

I'm thankful for my husband, my kids, and for being published for the first time in this month!! I learned my article would be published back in April, and finally got the magazine this month and it looks great.

Lots to celebrate and be truly thankful for.