I mean, it's got everything: excitement, suspense, fast-paced action, surprises and, oh yeah...hot guys in tight pants fighting over the ball.
It's a sports for women, people. Guys just sit around in their lounge chairs with their beer, pretzels and foam #1 fingers watching the game and thinking, "I could do that" or "If you paid me what he makes, I'd do it, too." They don't get it. Football is for women.
But still, chicks don't dig the football...especially the older they get. They call themselves "football widows" and complain that the guys come over and stay for three, four hours. Instead of fighting it, join in! Learn the game, understand the plays...drool over the hot guys as they run down the field.
Case in point, I live in Boston, but I'm a huge Miami Dolphins fan. They played the New England Patriots today and so I watched the game. Why wouldn't I? While most women in the Boston area swoon over the pretty-boy Tom Brady, I'd much rather use my saliva to drool over the Miami Dolphin's star defensive end, Jason Taylor.

Today was no different when he had Tom Brady on the ground, on top of him, so often that they two must be dating now.
Oh yeah, and the Dolphins won! Whoohoo!! 21-0!
But to really get the jist of the gorgeousness of this man, you have to see him in street clothes...
See what I mean?

So, you see why I've been watching NFL since I was a little kid. I used to write letters to the cute players (and tell them how cute they were) and ask for their autographs. I've got quite a collection. And let me tell you...the players just get better and better and cuter and cuter.
It's not just football, though...hotties abound in every sport: basketball, college football, hockey, baseball, golf...well, I don't know about golf 'cause I don't watch it, but I'm sure someone finds those club swingers cute.
Think of how much more fun girls can have with their boyfriends, husbands or significant others if they take the time to learn and understand the game and then just sit back and enjoy watching the eye candy. Men and women might get along a lot better if they come to the common ground of watching sports together. It's a whole relationship theory that Dr. Phil and all the other "how to" people never explored.
So, do you watch sports with your significant other? If so, what sports do you watch? Who's your favorite hottie? (I'll fight you to the death for Jason Taylor!) What do you think of my theory?
Marley = )
Sorority Rush Begins - Spring 2008
Puffin Books
Marley, my husband doesn't watch sports at all, so for years, I sat alone on weekends, watching the NBA. Once Michael Jordan retired (the second time), I lost interest, though.
My beef about football (besides the fact I still don't understand the rules) is that I can't see the players' faces in those helmets! I can't see their intensity, their grit, which is part of what I love about the NBA, and especially at the free-throw line.
Which is not to say I couldn't be converted...but it would take some work.
But yeah, your Jason Taylor there is QUITE the hottie.
that guy is gorgeous.
I think you have an interesting theory here. I have to admit I am a total girly girl and sports really don't hold my attention. I have a feeling that with two boys that is going to change very quickly. My 3 year old is already obsessed with baseball. My husband likes sports, but isn't obsessed and doesn't really sit around watching them a whole lot, just the occasional baseball game. When I lived in Colorado I went to a few hockey games and I really enjoyed those. I loved it when they slammed each other into the glass and it's a pretty easy to figure out that they have to get that little black thing into that big black net. Unfortunately, we don't have hockey much around here.
Most women, myself included, except men to be interested in the stuff we like, but have a tendency not to reciprocate. Do they have sports for dummies books?
Do they have sports for dummies books?
Oh, I'm sure they do! Also, just watching and getting to know the rules is good, too. A lot of professional teams (like the Dolphins) hold "classes" (often by the coaches' wives) to educate women on the sport. Funny, at the Dolphins class, they always show the ladies pictures of Jason Taylor. LOL!!
Marley = )
I met my husband in college when he was playing division one football. We met in a bar. I don't even know what division one means still, and it's been 15 years! But, he bought me a beer and shared pizza with me that night we met. That's all it took for me!
I could only remember his position on the team because I knew it was a deodorant:
He liked me cuz I didn't care that he played football (Oh, and that I went home with him that night.)
Yup, I love sports and yes mainly because of the hotties! But I've watched enough to actually know what's going on (mostly).
The hubster and I will watch any sport together. But college football (Go 'Canes), college basketball and pro basketball keeps my interest the most.
It's gotten increasingly scary to realize I have crushes on guys who are young enough to be my younger brother.
Since Ray Lewis has a stupifyingly hot body, I will sit and watch the Ravens as long as the camera pans to him enough times.
And I'm with Tina. I love basketball more than football because I get to see the hotties up close and personal. Though I've gotta give it to you, Jason Taylor is yummy.
Two of my fave sport hotties:
Carmello Anthony - my god his body has gotten ripped in the last year. So young. So hot.
Ray Lewis - ahem, the body!
I was out last night with friends and while one of them was talking to me I wasn't paying attention because the Bears game was televised right over her head. Sorry, Marilyn!
I love football. I was on the Powderpuff flag football team in high school (senior girls vs. junior girls)and I even contemplated sophomore year trying out for the boys football team.
I must say I can throw a football pretty well, even get a good spin going on. I impress the guys on my block with my throw.
When I was a freshman in high school I applied to be on the waiting list for 4 Bears season tickets. Eight years later my name came up, but they would only release tickets in the end zone so I passed on them.
I forgot what year, but the Chicago Bears players were on strike and practiced at our high school instead of at the stadium. When I had gym class outside, I ran around the field and had my poor friends snap pictures of me and the players. This was the super bowl team, too. I have a picture with Walter Peyton, Richard Dent, Mike Tomczak...I'll see if I can upload a picture or two but I'm not good at the uploading thing.
Okay, I'm out of the ordinary and a total tomboy who was boy crazy, too.
~Simone Elkeles
How to Ruin a Summer Vacation, in bookstores NOW!
Leaving Paradise, 4/07
How to Ruin my Teenage Life 6/07
Ironically enough, my hubby isn't a sports fan. He'll watch baseball, but only if a certain team (don't remember which one) is playing and it's something like the World Series or something. He's more of a kung-fu kind of guy (although he doesn't watch the matches)and loves to watch old kung fu movies (think Bruce Lee). He's very much into martial arts and trained at THE Shaolin Temple in China for a month.
I myself LOVE to watch ice skating and since he's in the room with me when I watch it (while he's playing W.O.W, of course), he'll glance at it. As far as guy watching sports for me? Gymnastics. All I have to say is: tight, family-jewel hugging spandex.
Also, I don't watch it all, but after I saw "The Marine" with WWE wrestler, John Cena, I might be temepted to watch a match if he were fighting.
I love watching sports, my favorites being basketball (Allen Iverson, Carmelo Anthony, Leandro Barbosa), tennis (Andy Roddick & Rafael Nadal), and figure skating (Evan Lysacek & Brian Joubert). Yeah, you'd be surprised but there are some major cutie ice skaters out there! With all the drama surrounding Allen Iverson right now, I'm hoping that he'll be traded to Denver so he and 'Melo can be on the same team! *swoon*
Football just doesn't cut it for me though ;)
Some friends and I were just talking about which type of athletes we find the hottest. I'd say tennis (funny how I married a tennis player!), lacrosse, and soccer. Swimming/diving and football were popular answers too. One said baseball, which garnered a bunch of moans. Sumo wrestlers, anyone?
Wendy T
P.S. Paula, I had that same thought the other day while watching my beloved Broncos get creamed. It's so weird when we get to the age that the professional athletes are younger than us!
Sorry, Marley, I still don't get it. I'd much rather watch European football or footie. The guys are way hotter, and have cute foreign accents, plus they don't have to wear all that protective gear and a helmet. Beckham, Yummy, that Swedish guy in the Calvin Klein ads, give me some of that.
Sorry, Marley, I still don't get it. I'd much rather watch European football or footie. The guys are way hotter, and have cute foreign accents, plus they don't have to wear all that protective gear and a helmet. Beckham, Yummy, that Swedish guy in the Calvin Klein ads, give me some of that.
Sorry, Marley, I still don't get it. I'd much rather watch European football or footie. The guys are way hotter, and have cute foreign accents, plus they don't have to wear all that protective gear and a helmet. Beckham, Yummy, that Swedish guy in the Calvin Klein ads, give me some of that.
Sorry, Marley, I still don't get it. I'd much rather watch European football or footie. The guys are way hotter, and have cute foreign accents, plus they don't have to wear all that protective gear and a helmet. Beckham, Yummy, that Swedish guy in the Calvin Klein ads, give me some of that.
Sorry, Marley, I still don't get it. I'd much rather watch European football or footie. The guys are way hotter, and have cute foreign accents, plus they don't have to wear all that protective gear and a helmet. Beckham, Yummy, that Swedish guy in the Calvin Klein ads, give me some of that.
Sorry, Marley, I still don't get it. I'd much rather watch European football or footie. The guys are way hotter, and have cute foreign accents, plus they don't have to wear all that protective gear and a helmet. Beckham, Yummy, that Swedish guy in the Calvin Klein ads, give me some of that.
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