Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Ones Who Were My Best Friends

Continuing the "What are we thankful for -- boys edition" portion of the month...

I have always been thankful to the boys who were my best friends. These relationships aren't romantic (except for one) but the bond I share with these men in my life have made me exactly what I am today.

My Dad - he aways told me I could do anything I wanted to. In my teens, he enrolled me in tai kwon do and insisted I take the most advanced math and science classes so I would never need anyone to take care of me. Not once did I hear from him that a challenge was too great, or I would need a guy to take care of me, or I wouldn't become a successful anything. He was always the first to tell me I would ace the test, or get my green belt, or get that dream job. He is a strict believer that a woman's place is out of the house earning and income and kicking some serious @ss.

My HS guy friends A and V - These guys were always there for me when I had to vent about classes, college apps, teachers, my parents, how fat I was, or the not-so-nice students. They were always the ones who studied with me, made me feel special and took me to Prom and Homecoming when I had no date :)

My college buds N and N - My twin brothers-I-never-had. These two made me believe that I could get a Computer Science degree and helped me every step of the day. We studied all night, programmed all day, and still managed to have a total blast! They are the reason I believed in myself enough to try for and get my current job.

My co-workers - When I'm bored, when I'm sad, when I'm upset, when I'm overworked, I always have shoulders to lean on at work. These guys never made me feel uncomfortable for being one of few girls in the workplace and can, always, always make me laugh. Because of them, I never eat lunch or drink coffee alone.

My husband - My bestest friend of all. Out of everyone in the world, he is the one I can talk to all day and night and the only person I have never gotten "too much" of. He is the one that can sense my every mood and turn it sunny. You know you have met the one for you when you can spend all morning talking to him, go to work and feel like calling him immdiately, then at the end of the day have hours of stories to share that you've been saving just for him...all this after 6+ years!

And that's it...let's hear it for the boys that are best friends!
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
HOW TO SALSA IN A SARI - January 2008


TinaFerraro said...

Yes, yes, wonderful, Dona! What would the world be without the support of our best guy friends and family?

stephhale said...

What a sweet post, Dona. You've got some keepers! :)