Today, I'm talking about one of my favorite people in the friend, my critique partner, my fellow Buzz Girl, Heather Davis!

This girl is the epitome of perseverance. Despite falling on some incredibly hard times, she continued to believe in herself and her abilities and produced one of the most well-written and creative YA novels around. I look forward to the day all her prize-winning novels, AMBER HICKENBOTTOM (Stilleto & Golden Heart finalist), HAUNT ME (Golden Heart WINNER) and NEVER CRY WEREWOLF (Harper Collins release in 2009) will be sitting face-out in the YA section of Borders.
Heather was the very first person to read my first YA novel and she has been a fountain of knowledge, support, love and friendship since that day. She and I were each other's critique partners when we each had our first sale and I consider her to be my very own lucky charm.
I was fortunate enough to be by her side when she won the GH award for HAUNT ME in 2006 (was there ever a doubt?!) and I remember sitting there watching her get her award, thinking, this is it, this is the moment her life will change. And it did! Her awesome agent Stephen sold her WEREWOLF a mere months later and she hasn't looked back since.
On top of all this talent, she's an incredibly beautiful, kind, giving, caring person. The way she took me into her Seattle RWA chapter and her life....well, it's something I'll never forget.
Here she is at my book launch party being glamourous and supportive as always.

can go on and on for Heather for days. For example, we try to meet every few months for a Crit & Complain session and she always picks the BEST brunch and dinner spots. She has the best hangouts and ......
ATTENTION! Some late-breaking Heather Davis news!
Ladies and gentelman, Heather Davis has just finished the FINAL revisions on her 2009 release NEVER CRY WEREWOLF. This is going to be a HARDCOVER (yes, that's THE LUXE and The Meg's books!) release from Harper Collins. She is also known as the paranormal Meg Cabot in some circles.
Congrats Heather!
Back to your regularly scheduled program....
Some places you can meet Heather this year are:
- July 30-August 2 -- Building Buzz in YA workshop w/ the BuzzGirls and Literacy Autographing at RWA National Conference in San Francisco, CA, RWA National.
- October 3rd -- Breaking to YA workshop with yours truly at the Emerald City Writer's Conference (tenative--we have to see if her busy schedule allows this)
That's Heather Davis in a nutshell....if you have questions (or boys, if you want her number) you'll have to talk to me directly!
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
SHRINK TO FIT - August 2008
Awww...great post, Dona! I know how you feel being so proud of your CPs. Mine are Diana Peterfreund and Wendy Toliver and when they sold, I felt like I'd sold too. It's a wonderful feeling. So glad you and Heather experienced all of this together!!
So wonderful to hear all this good news about Heather. And woo-hoo about hard cover! You deserve all these good things coming your way!
Since we're naming names, my critique partner is the very talented Kelly Parra, who writes multi-cultural YAs for MTV. We laughingly call ourselves "twins separated at birth" since while in many ways we are very different, we are also extremely in sync...
Okay, so am I the only BuzzGirl with a non-YA critique partner? (Mine is USA Today Bestselling historical romance author Sophie Jordan--aka soon-to-be-bestselling paranormal romance author Sharie Kohler.)
Yay, major congrats to Heather on the revision acceptance (hopefully I'll have one of those soon, too) and woohoo on the pending hardcover. And so many fabu award wins! Can a RITA be far behind?
I can't wait to read NEVER CRY WEREWOLF, Heather. Congrats on the final revisions and can't wait to see the cover!
Since everybody is giving CP shoutouts, I'll include mine. Carmen Rodrigues (NOT ANYTHING, out now!) and Bethany Griffin (HANDCUFFS, out DEC 2008) I don't know where my writing would be without these two amazing authors and friends! :)
I (heart) Heather Davis! :-)
Congratulations on making the hard cover, Heather! That's fantastic!
And, Dona, great post! :-)
You are the best, Dona.
I (heart) Dona Sarkar!
When Heather and I met, we were instant friends. She's an amazing person with an amazing and fun personality. Don't you love it when you meet people you know you'll be friends with for a long time to come!
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