My humblest apologies for being absent for so long has been taking over my life! The good news is that things are starting to calm down a bit and I can get back to two things I love MOST in the world...reading and writing.
I am working on an adult novel titled WALLS OF JAIPUR which is a Hindu-Muslim love story set in the 1950s as well as modern day. 

I am having a BLAST writing it and can't wait to show more....
I am also reading a ton again. First up, I read the sequel to my of my favorite YA novels, The Luxe. The most recent addition to the series is called RUMORS and it's a great, fun read. The twist at the end will REALLY shock you...I know it shocked me!
What great covers, huh? Does anyone know if that's Penelope or Diana on the RUMORS cover?
Either way, I CANNOT wait till ENVY the third book comes out next February!

I am also reading Emily Giffin's LOVE THE ONE YOU'RE WITH. Emily's second novel SOMETHING BLUE was one of my favorite novels of all time and I am totally engrossed in LOVE, a story young woman who is contemplating "the road not taken" after her marriage. I love Emily's stories because they're about real life after real many books focus on finding "the one" but what happens after that? Can't wait to finish this one!

I am anxiously awaiting BREAKING DAWN, the fourth (and LAST!) of the TWILIGHT series. These books have been criticized for a variety of reasons, but I don't care...I love reading them and I Edward Cullen and cannot wait for the movie! (pre-teen like squeal here)

And last but not least, I am super-excited for my August 1st release SHRINK TO FIT. If you want to be entered to win a copy of SHRINK (as soon as I get my author copies!) please leave a comment and tell me which book you're enjoying (or looking forward to!)
Dona Sarkar-Mishra
SHRINK TO FIT - August 2008 from Kimani Tru
I am not reading any books as of right now but I just finished a couple Agatha Christie books a few weeks ago. I would like to win a book because it gets boring being a pregnant woman stuck in this house!
You've been reading some great books. I have yet to read The Luxe but I really want to read it. I just finished The Midnight Twins by Jacquelyn Mitchard and it was really good. Right now I'm reading Beautiful Disaster by Kylie Adams. It's great so far. I'm looking forward to Queen of Babble Gets Hitched. Now that it's released I really want to get my hands on a copy!
I bet SHRINK TO FIT will be great! I'd love to win a copy of it.
Lately I've finished reading Savvy by Ingrid Law, Tithe by Holly Black and they were both really good. Right now I'm reading Frozen Fire by Tim Bowler and its pretty good so far. Soon I'm going to read How to be Bad and Lock & Key.
I'm of course looking forward to Breaking Dawn and I really want to read Rumors. I have a huge TBR pile that i'm working on. Your new book looks great. I look forward to reading it. Please enter me in the contest.
I just finsihed reading The Comeback Season, what a great book! and Rumors, i was totally schocked too! It totally set up the next book!
I'm really excited for Breaking Dawn!!
Hey girl this is Dayna! I can't wait to see you when you come to Michigan! Can I be entered for an author's copy of Shrink to Fit! Can you sign it too? And I can't wait to read the one about the Muslim/ Indian love story. I am so proud of you girl!
Love ya,
I loved THE LUXE, and will definitely read the sequel. Right now I'm reading FEARLESS FOURTEEN, which is, of course #14 in the Stephanie Plum series. I'm loving it.
And of course I'm very excited about SHRINK TO FIT!
Rachel: I used to be OBSESSED with Agatha Christies when I was a suspenseful!
Breanna: You have to get your hands on a copy of THE LUXE books...they are totally GOSSIP GIRLS meets Jane Austen...such guilty pleasures! I loved Queen of Babble in the Big City and the ending just had me breathless...can't wait for GETS HITCHED either!
Elainareads: I really liked TITHE by Holly well as VALIANT. I haven't seen FROZEN FIRE yet, but I will def check that out!
Storysiren: I havent heard of THE COMEBACK SEASON, but I am amazon-ing it right now to see what it's all about! Thanks for the tip!
Dayna: Love you too!!!
Tina: I LOVE Stephanie Plum too Tina! I have THIRTEEN in my house somewhere and I cannot find it! Grr...I need to finish that and they get my hands on a copy of FOURTEEN.
Thanks for playing everyone! Please check back tomorrow morning for the winner of the SHRINK TO FIT giveaway!
I know I'm preaching to the choir here and the "polls" are closed, but I just wanted to say that I was up 'til 1am this morning reading Tina's "How to Hook..."
I haven't had that much fun reading a book in along time. It helped that the setting was a very familiar place for me too.
It's so much more enjoyable reading for pleasure than reading knowing that you have to write a paper or be tested on the content.
Your adult novel sounds very intriguing, Dona! As for what I'm currently reading, it's a debut novel by Jasmin Rosemberg called "How The Other Half Hamptons."
Hm, I'm really looking forward to Untamed by P.C. and Kristen Cast. I just got into that series because a friedn really liked it, and I read all three books in in three days! It was a great series.
The cover for Shrink to Fit is awesome! I like it a lot. And the book your writing now sounds really good too!
Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I can't believe SHRINK TO FIT is going to be out so soon! Yay!
I also read Love the one you're with. I always love Emily Giffin's novels. I am wanting Rumors really bad because I loved The Luxe, but I am trying to read down my pile before I buy it! :)
I'm reading Suite Scarlett by Maureen Johnson and it is wonderful so far. I love it.
And I'm super excited for Breaking Dawn. Why can't it be August 2nd yet?
I ordered Rumors yesterday! (looking forward to)
At the moment i am reading Model, a memoir by Cheryl Diamond. A real story about the modeling world. Very good book! a must read!
I'm really looking forward to reading the most recent books by Joan Bauer, E. Lockhart and Diana Wynne Jones, and also La Petite Four, a Regency YA by Regina Scott -- all four books are sitting in a taunting, tantalizing stack, looking at me, watching me, luring me...
But at the moment I'm frantically trying to read all the Hugo-nominated SFF books (because I'm voting this year) so I have to keep saying no, no, no -- soon! I promise!
Cara (who talks to books, and also her stuffed cat)
currently i am reading a novel called The Legend of Mickey Tussler. it's about baseball and stuff like that. it's pretty interesting so far :D
can't wait for breaking Dawn either! I'm going to a launch party with all my girls, and it's going to be fantastic!
I just finished Girl Overboard by Justina Chen headley, and I loved it so much.
And I just bought Meg Cabot's Airhead yesterday, that's going to be my Sunday treat.
Oooh, all these recommendations! I love it because now I have a never-ending TBR pile!
Thanks for all the suggestions folks!
I have a mile of books in my TBR pile, but no time to read them. I have LUXE towards the top. I didn't know EG had a new book out. Reviews on Amazon are you either love it or hate it. I thought SOMETHING BORROWED was one of the best books I've ever read. Finished reading it and then started over and read it again. SOMETHING BLUE was good, but didn't grab me as much because I never warmed up to the heroine. BABY PROOF was just not for me. What do you think of the new book?
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