There are so many movies this summer that have that amazing eye candy appeal. Lots of explosions, cute guys, dark situations, comedy, old favorites, new name it, it's all out there.
So far, I've seen SEX AND THE CITY and INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULLS. I've got so many moves on me "to be seen" list, it's not even funny. I'm on deadline for my second GHOST HUNTRESS book, so I need to be selective as to which movies I spend time watching. (Also, the theatre is a great escape from the summer heat as they're all air conditioned!)
I thought SEX AND THE CITY was really well done and stayed pretty true to the series. I loved the movie when I was in the moment (cried through most of it) and loved how it showcased New York. However, I have to admit that it "ruined" some of the characters for me and I prefer to think of the ending of the series as that final moment when everyone was happy and had what she wanted. I don't want to spoil anything if you haven't seen it -- it made a freakin' fortune, so you can rest assured there will be another one.
INDIANA JONES was...well, it was what it was. It tried hard to immitate the original installations, but at times, it was just over-the-top. It was good, however, to see Harrison Ford suit up again as Indy and take to the screen. They did a good job working Shia LaBeouf into the movie and I can almost predict a new franchise of movies for him.
In addition to the movies I've already seen, I thought I'd toss up a list of blockbusters that are sure to draw in audiences and make a mint for their producers:
Iron Man
Speed Racer
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian
The Strangers
Kung Fu Panda
You Don't Mess with the Zohan
The Incredible Hulk
The Happening
Get Smart
The Love Guru
The Dark Knight
Journey to the Center of the Earth
Mamma Mia!
The X Files
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Who has time to see all of these?! LOL!! So, what have you seen? What did you think of it? What are you planning on seeing? What is it about the movie that draws you in? Let us know what you think?
Happy Saturday!
Marley = )
SORORITY 101: Zeta or Omega? (Available Now! Puffin Books)
SORORITY 101: The New Sisters (Available Now! Puffin Books)
GHOST HUNTRESS SERIES (Coming May 2009, Houghton Mifflin)
Fun, Marley! Well, I've seen SEX AND THE CITY, plan to see MAMA MIA, and GET SMART appeals to me not because I liked the tv show, but I like Anne Hathaway and Steve Carrel. For the most part, I watch movies on DVD, though, so we'll see if I actually get to them...
i went and saw wall-e yesterday! it is the cutest movie ever!!!
the happening was terrible, don't waste your time. Unless you like Marky Mark
Well, I was going to say The Happening, but I've been hearing a lot of not so great reviews. I think I'll wait. I would still love to see Shia in IJ, and Mamma Mia. Wanted looks pretty good. I just don't get Wall-E. I saw about 3/4 of Kung Fu Panda and it was adorable.
So far my favorites have been (in order of preference best to worst
Prince Caspian
Iron Man
Kung Fu Panda
Get Smart
Indiana Jones
I loooove movies! :0)
I'm a big movie junkie, so I confess I've actually seen a ton of these already! My humble opinions:
IRON MAN -- WOW! In fact, SO wow that what I long thought impossible has come to pass: I have me a crush on Robert Downey Jr. ;-)
PRINCE CASPIAN -- well done, though IMHO not as good as the first
GET SMART -- parts were very funny, other parts were just okay
HULK -- good, but it was no Iron Man :-)
THE HAPPENING -- made no sense
I'm really looking forward to Wanted! (James McAvoy -- nuff said.)
And Dark Knight. (Christian Bale -- ditto. And Heath Ledger. Plus, the first was great. Plus, I'm a comic book geek.) (Okay, let's just say I'm a geek, full stop.) ;-)
Cara (geek girl, and proud of it)
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